
Guide to the thermal insulation and summer comfort of buildings in Lebanon


رقم المستند: NL 68 : 1999
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
ICS: 91.100.60
Although people are capable of acclimatising to many different environments, there are certain conditions under which a feeling of well-being is experienced. This is called the comfort zone, in which the human body is in thermal equilibrium whatever the atmospheric conditions. It is not possible to define the exact limits of this zone, since numerous factors have an influence on the sensations. These factors include clothing, gender, constitution, health, nutrition, age, season, type of work, lighting, noise, odours, contact with the environment, etc. Psychological parameters also have a role to play. In spite of these various external influences, it is nevertheless possible, under certain conditions, to define average values which characterise the comfort zone. Setting aside activity and clothing, four main factors determine the quality of the environment:- the temperature of the air, the mean temperature of surfaces, the humidity level and movements of ambient air.