
Safety Specifications for Incandescent Lamps – Part 1: Tungsten Filament Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes


Document Number: NL 96 1 : 1999
Sector: Electrical Engineering
ICS: 29.140.20
This standard specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements of tungsten filament incandescent lamps for general lighting service having: - Rated wattage up to and including 200 W; - Rated voltage of 50 v to 250 v inclusive; - Bulbs of the A,B,C,M,P,PS,PAR or R shapes*, or other bub shape where the lumps are intended to serve the same purpose as lapms with the foregoing bulb shapes; - Bulbs with all kinds finishes; - - caps B15d , B22d , E12 , E14 , E17 , E17 , E26 ** , E26d , E26/50*39 , E27/51*39. This standard specifies the method a manufacturer should use to show that his product conforms to this standard on the basis of whole production appraisal in association with his test records on finished products . this methd can also be applied for certifiatin purposes. Details of a batch test procedure which can be used to make limited assessment of batches are also given. Requirements for batch testing are inclided in order to enable the assessment of batches presumed to contain unsafe lamps , as some safety requirements cannot be checked by batch testing and as there may be no previous knowledge of the manufacturer’s quality , batch testing cannot be used for certification purpose nor in any way for an approval of the batch . where a batch is found to be acceptable. a testing agency may onlu conclude that there is no reason to reject the batch on safety grounds. This standard is concerned with safety criteria only and does not take into account the performance of tungsten filament lamps with respect to luminous flux , life or power consumption characteristics . readers should refer to IEC 64 for such characteristics with respect to types normally used for general lighting service. See IEC 887 for description of the letter symbols. Associated traditional names are: -pear shape =A.PS -mushroom =M -candle =B.C( in north America) -round bulb =P -globular =G -reflector =R Parabolic reflector =PAR There are two variation of E26 caps which are not fully compatible . in this standard separate references are made to E26/24 caps used in north and E26/25 caps used in japan.