
Safety Specifications for Incandescent Lamps – Part 2: Tungsten Halogen Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes


رقم المستند: NL 96 2 : 1999
القطاع: Electrical Engineering
ICS: 29.140.20
This part of IEC 432 specifies the safety and the related interchangeability requirements of tungsten halogen lamps for general lighting service. It covers those tungsten halogen lamps that are used as direct replacements for conventional tungsten filament lamps as well as new tungsten halogen lamps which have no correspondence in IEC 432-1, but fr wich the safety and interchangeability requirements are treated by this standard in conjunction with IEC 432-1 . these tungsten halogen lamps have following charasteristics: -rated wattage up to and including 250 W; -rated volatage of 50 V to 250 v inclusive; -outer envelopes with various finishes and bulb shapes as designated in IEC 887; - caps B15d , B22d, E12 ,E14 ,E17 ,E26 , E26 d , E26/50*39 , E27 , or E27/51*39 ; -B15d capped lamps, without outer envelope NOTES 1 there is no implication that a tungsten halogen lamp used as a substitute for an incandescent tungsten filament lamp would use the same bulbs shape as the original incandescent lamp. 2 there are two wariations of E26 caps which are not fully compatible, E26/24 caps are used north America and E26/25 caps used in Japan. This standard is intended to be read in conjuction with those sections of IEC 432-1 to which reference is made.requirements are treated by this standard in conjunction with IEC 432-1. these tungsten halogen lamps have following charasteristics : -rated wattage up to and including 250 W; -rated volatage of 50 V to 250 v inclusive ; -outer envelopes with various finishes and bulb shapes as designated in IEC 887; - caps B15d , B22d, E12 ,E14 ,E17 ,E26 , E26 d , E26/50*39 , E27 , or E27/51*39 ; -B15d capped lamps , without outer envelope NOTES 1 there is no implication that a tungsten halogen lamp used as a substitute for an incandescent tungsten filament lamp would use the same bulbs shape as the original in