
Heating boilers - Part 3: Gas-fired central heating boilers- Assembly comprising a boiler body and a forced draught burner


Document Number: NL EN 303 3 : 2005
Sector: Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use
ICS: 91.140.10
this European standard specifiers the requirements and test method for the construction , the safety and the rational energy usage of an assembly made up of a boiler body complying with EN 303-1(1) and a forced draught gas burner complying with EN 676 usuing combustible gases , herafter reffered to a “boiler”. This European standard applies to a boiler. - With a nominal output not exceeding 1000 kw . This European standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for : - Assembles designed as units; - Condensing boilers and low temperature boilers - Boilers intended to be installed in the open - Bollers pemanenty fitted with more than one flue outlet; - Boilers fitted with a draught diverter ; - Boilers intended t be connected to a common flue having mechanical extraction. This European standard does not apply to living space dedicated boilers of the boiler body has already been tested with a liquid fuel burner in accordance with en EN_303-2 and EN 304 only the tests described in annex G need to beperformed . in the case of a range of boilers, see annex F. This European standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for low temperature boilers. Nevertheless, the testing methods defined by this European standard for the determination of useful efficiencies can be used for the determination of useful efficiencies can be used for low temperature boilers after being adapted in accordance with annex H . This European standard only covers type testing. 2005 English; French 35000.00 0 162 168 C NL EN 303 4 : 2005 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heating boilers - Part 4: Heating boilers with forced draught burners - Special requirements for boilers with forced draught oil burners with outputs up TO 70 KW and a maximum operating pressure OF 3 BAR - terminology, special requirements,testing and mar This scope is applicable to heating boilers with forced draught oil burners up to nominal heat output of 70 Kw , they are operated , either with negative pressure (antural draught boiler ) or with positive pressure ( pressurized boiler ) in the cpmbustion chamber in accordance with the boiler manufacturer s instruction. This standard specifies the necessary terminology the requirements on the materials and testing of them and marking requirements for heating boilers. The boilers are capable of operating with either conventional flues or low level discharge flues as specified by the boiler manufacturer . The boilers are provided as matched units with factory fitted burnes for burning kessene or gas oil , when using a low level flue gas discharge only kerosene may be used ( see annex b) . The requirements of this standard apply to heating boilers which are tested on an authorized test in accordance with EN 304 and annex b of this standard . Boilers on accordance with this standard are designed for the heating of central heating installation in which the heat carrier is water and the temperature of which is restricted to 95 c at normal operating conditions. For boilers with a built-in or attached water heater ( storage or continuous flow heater ) this standard only applies to the parts of water heater which are necessarily subject the the operating conditions of the heating boiler (heating part). This standard does not apply to gas boilers with atmospheric burners, boilers for solid fuels, oil or gas fired condensation boilers, boilers with oil vaporization burners and low temperature boilers. For these boilers there are further requirements. NOTE low temperature boilers are those operating with a ( water ) variable temperature up to 40 C or less,ore those which cannot be set at a temperature higher than 55 C. 2005 English; French 35000.00 0 163 169 C NL EN 303 5 : 2005 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heating boilers - Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, hand and automatically fired, nominal output of up to 300 KW -Terminology, requirements, testing and marking This European Standard applies to heating boilers including safety devices up to a nominal heat output of 500 kW which are designed for the burning of solid fuels only and are operated according to the instructions of the boiler manufacturer. This European Standard deals with significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to heating boilers used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). The boilers may operate under natural draught or forced draught. The stoking may work manually or automatically. NOTE This European Standard deals with boilers which are both within and outside of the scope of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. This European Standard contains requirements and test methods for safety, combustion quality, operating characteristics, marking and maintenance of heating boilers. It also covers all external equipment that influences the safety systems (e.g. back burning safety device, integral fuel hopper). This European Standard covers only boilers that include burners as a unit. The standard applies to the combination of a boiler body with a solid fuel burner according to EN 15270 as a unit only when the whole unit is tested in accordance with this European Standard. Heating boilers in accordance with this European Standard are designed for central heating installations where the heat carrier is water and the maximum allowable temperature is 110 °C, and which can operate at a maximum allowable operating pressure of 6 bars. For heating boilers with a built-in or attached water heater (storage or continuous flow heater), this European Standard only applies to those parts of the water heater which are necessarily subject to the operating conditions of the heating boiler (heating part). This European Standard does not apply to: - heating boilers and other heating appliances which are also designed for the direct heating of the place of installation; - cooking appliances; - the design and construction of external fuel storage and transportation devices prior to the safety devices of the boiler; - room sealed applications; - condensing boilers. This European Standard specifies the necessary terminology for solid fuel heating boilers, the control and safety related requirements, the design requirements, the technical heating requirements (taking into account the environmental requirements) and testing, as well as the marking requirements. This European Standard is not applicable to heating boilers which are tested before the date of its publication as an EN (European Standard). 2005 English; French 35000.00 0 164 170 C NL EN 303 6 : 2005 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heating boilers- Part 6: heating boilers with forced draught burners - Specific requirements for the domestic hot water operation of combination boilers with atomizing oil burners of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 KW. This document is composed of two parts. The first part supplements EN 303-1, EN 303-2, EN 303-4 and EN 304, hereafter called boiler standards. It specifies the supplementary requirements and tests for the construction, safety, rational use of energy, fitness for purpose, classification and marking related to the domestic hot water operation of oil-fired water heaters and combination boilers. The domestic hot water is produced on either the instantaneous or storage principle. The domestic hot water production is integrated or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit. The second part covers the energy performance of domestic hot water production of the appliances covered by the first part. This second part sets out a method for assessing the energy performance of the appliances. It defines a number of daily tapping cycles for each domestic hot water use such as kitchen, shower, bath and a combination of these, together with corresponding test procedures, enabling the energy performances of combination boilers and water heaters to be compared and matched to the needs of the user. The heat output of the appliances covered by this standard does not exceed 400 kW. In the case of combination boilers, with or without storage tank, domestic hot water production is integrated or coupled, the whole being marketed as a single unit. This standard only covers type testing. 2005 English; French 25000.00 0 165 171 C 94 051 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and testing - Détermination of Atterberg's limits Sols : reconnaissance et essais - Détermination de la teneur en eau pondérale des matériaux - Méthode par étuvage. Le présent document s'applique à la détermination de la teneur en eau pondérale effectuée à partir d'un échantillon intact, remanié ou reconstitué, de tous les sols et de tous les matériaux cités de la NF P 11-300. La teneur en eau est un paramètre d'état qui permet d'approcher certaines caractéristiques mécaniques et d'apprécier la consistance d'un sol fin. 2000 French 25000.00 0 166 172 C NL 304 : 2004 NL TC IRI 67.220.10 60.60 Food Technology Canned Crab Meat تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على السلطعون المعلّب. وهي غير معنية بالمنتجات المعلبة التي تقل فيها كمية السلطعون عن 50% (كتلة/كتلة) من المحتويات 2004 Arabic 25000.00 0 167 173 C NL EN 304 : 2005 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heating boilers -Test code for heating boilers for atomizing oil burners The test code applies to the tests of the thermal performance of oil- fired heating boilers ( hereafter called ‘boilers’) and combined boilers and water heaters . the requirements are laid down in EN 303 : part 1 and EN 303 : part 2 . This standard includes the requirements and recommendations for carrying out and evaluating the procedure for testing boilers and also the detail of the technical condition under which the test shall be carried out . 2005 English; French 35000.00 0 168 174 C NL 305 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and testing - Détermination of the organic matter content by weight La presente norme a pour l objet la determination de la teneur massique en matieres organique d un sol , par method chimique . elle s applique a tout echantillon de sol naturel intact ou remanie , a l exclusion des granulats . 2000 French 15000.00 0 169 175 C NL EN 305 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers – Definitions of Performance of Heat Exchangers and the General Test Procedure for Establishing Performance of all Heat Exchangers la presente norme europeenne definit les termes generaux et les calculs utilises pour la determiniation de la performance des echangeurs thermiques et inclut le mode operatoire general d essai ainsi que le theories qui y sont rattachees . la presente norme europeenne s applique ax echangeurs thermique classes conformement au mode general de l echange thermique specifie par le tye de surface d echange thermique . tel que define dans 4.1 et 4.2 de l EN 247 :1996 la presente norme europeenne s applique lorsqu’elle est cite dans les differentes norms d application , Les norms europeenne particuieres a une application sont diffentet sont references qui prevalent sur le present document . 2003 French 35000.00 0 170 176 C NL 306 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and testing - Granulometric analysis - Sieving method Le present document d analyse granulometrique par tamisage au moyen de tamis a mailles carrees de dimension inferieure ou egale a 100 mm s applique aux sols , aux materiaux rocheuc apres extraction et aux sous- produits industriels utilisee dansle domaine du batiment et du genie civil , dans le mesure ou les solliciations provoquees par le processus d essai ne modifient pas leur structure . Pour les particules de taille inferieure a 80 , l analyse granulometrique est faite par le method par sedimentation ( norme NF P 94-057). Ce present document s applique a la description des sols en vue deleur classification , a la determination des classes granuulometrique et a la verificationde conditions granulometriques imposes , l essai contribute a apprecier les qualities drainantes et la sensibilite a l eau des materiaux ainsi que leur aptitude au compactage. 2000 French 25000.00 0 171 177 C NL EN 306 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers – Methods of Measuring the Parameters Necessary for Establishing the Performance La presente norme europeene decrit les methods et la precisions et la precision de mesurage de la temperature de la pression , de la quality et du debit-masse des divers fluids et elle specifie comment determiner la perte d energie mecanique d un echangeur thermique . Les mesurages sont strictement limites a l etablissement de la performance des des echangeur thermique repertories dans la norme europeene EN 247 et utilisant les fluids enumeres dans cette EN 247 . Cette norme europeenne s applique lorsqu elle est cite en refenrence dans les differentes norms d application . les norms europeennes particulieres a une application sont des references qui prevalent sur le present document . 2003 French 35000.00 0 172 178 C NL 307 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and testing - Granulometric analysis - Hydrometer method la presente norme s applique aux elements d un sol naturel passant a travers le tamis a maille carree de 80 d ouverture . les particules de taille inferieur a 1 ne peuvent cependat pas etre differen-citees par cet essai. L analyse granulometrique par sedimentation est un essai geotechnique qui complete l analyse granulometrqie par tamisage d un sol ( norme NF P 94-056 ) et qui peut etre necessaire a sa descripstion et a sa classification 2000 French 25000.00 0 173 179 C NL EN 307 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers - Guidelines to prepare installation,operating and maintenance instructions required to maintain the performance of each type of heat exchanger la european standard gives guidance on the preparation of manufacturers instruction fr the installation , operation and maintenance of heat exchanges meeting the recommendations is this standard does not remove the installers responsibility to provide all necessary specific information to ensure the safe and efficient working of their equipement . 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 174 180 C NL 308 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and testing - Density of a dehydrated rock sample - hydrostatic weighing method la presente norme s applique a la determination de la masse volumique seche d un element de roche . la masse volumique est determine par la method de pesee hydrostatique. Elle constitue un parameter utilise notamment pour classer les craies et certaines roches calcaires ( classe de materiaux rocheuc R1 et R2 DE LA NORME nf P 11-300 ) ET eventuellement pour determiner la compacitr et la poropsite d une roche . 2000 French 15000.00 0 175 181 C NL EN 308 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers – Test Procedures for Establishing the Performance of Air to Air and Flue Gases Heat Recovery Devices la presente norme europeenne decrit les methods d essai a utilizer pour les essais en laboratoire des recuperateurs de chaleur air-air , ou pour les ecchangeur utilisant des produits de combustion des installations de chauffage dans les batiments ( a l exclusion des applications de process ) , en vue de determiner leur caracteristiques de fonctionnement , les prescription d essai et les modes operatoires pour l execution de ces essais et a fin de soecifier les conditions initiales requises pour que les essais permettant de verifier les caracteristiques de performance indiquees par le constructeur . pour les besoins de la presente norme europeenne toute reference a l air extrait peut s etendre aussi aux produits de combustion sus-indiques. La presente norme europeenne peut etre utiliseee comme base your les essais de recuperateurs de chaleur destines aux systemes de traitement d air qui . selon l’EN 247 , comprennent l echangeur themique monte dans un caisson comporant les brides de rac 2003 French 25000.00 0 176 182 C NL 309 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.020 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Soils: investigation and tests - Fragmentability coéfficient of rocky material Sols : reconnaissance et essais - Coefficient de fragmentabilité des matériaux rocheux La présente norme définit le principe et les modalités de la détermination du coefficient de fragmentabilité" des matériaux rocheux.