
Reagents for chemical analysis - Part2: Specifications- First series


رقم المستند: NL ISO 6353 2 : 2008
القطاع: Chemical Technology
TC: No
ICS: 71.040.30
This part of ISO 6353 gives specifications and indicates the test methods to be used for checking conformity with these specifications for a first series of reagents used in analytical chemistry. This document should be read in conjunction with ISO 6353/1 which describes the general test methods (GM) applicable to the requirements of the reagent specifications and gives such general information as is required for the correct use of the standard. Particular attention is drawn to ISO 6353/1, clause 4, which describes the preparation of — standard solutions (SS) at dilutions I, II and III; — reagents solutions (RS); — indicator solutions (IS). In this part of ISO 6353, asterisked clause reference numbers refer to ISO 6353/1.