
Protection from Earthquakes: Simplified Rules


رقم المستند: NL 134 : 2000
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
ICS: 91.120.25
A.1.1 This part deals with the procedure for calculating the lateral forces and their distribution on structures induced by earthquake ground shaking and which shall be used in their seismic design. A.1.2 Requirements of this part are intended to preserve the integrity of structures in the inelastic range of response when subjected to earthquake ground shaking of moderate or high intensity. A.1.3 These provisions do not deal with the distribution of forces among the various components in the structures or the computation of stresses produced by these forces. A.1.4 Requirements of this part may be applied to buildings of any type, chimneys, towers, and elevated tanks. A.1.5 Calculation of lateral earthquake forces on structures in accordance with other well recognized international codes of practice is allowed, provided that the minimum seismic zone factor and ground motion representation specified in this document are considered in the analysis. A.1.6 Structures such as bridges, d