
Fire Resistance of Concrete


رقم المستند: NL 138 : 2001
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
ICS: 13.220.50
The present text defines justifications or complementary verifications to do to take in consideration the action of fire on works in reinforced or pre-reinforced concrete prepared with the normal granulates. By extension, it is applicable to works prepared with concretes, of the light or special granulates, under reserve that the evolution of the physical and mechanical characters of these concretes according to the temperature has been determined and is known. Commentary: Works (elements of construction or structures) must previously have been dimensioned and true according to rules of the art that treat their comportment according to the other solicitations. This document doesn't concern the calculation of structures therefore to the normal temperatures of their utilization. Works are, otherwise, supposed to belong to constructions for which the whole of security rules them concerning is respected (as rules of the security fire as described in the Libnor standard NL 135: 1999) whereas the present text only treated one of aspects of this general problem.