
Pre-stressed Concrete


رقم المستند: NL EN 143 : 2000
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
ICS: 91.080.40
1) The present rules of calculation are applicable to all works and constructions in pre-reinforced concrete, submitted to ambiances departing some alone climatic influences little and whose concrete presents the following features: - it is constituted of normal natural granulates; - its dosage in cement is at least equal to 350 kg by meter cubes concrete put in work except different specification; - its characteristic resistance to the compression is at most equal to 60 MPa and at least equal to (Cf. · 25 MPa for elements pre-reinforced by post-tension, · 30 MPa for elements pre-reinforced by pre-tension. Notes: 1 - Dosage in cement can be reduced, for certain intended elements to buildings, in the following particular conditions,: - particular processes of construction, - utilization of terrific-covering with plastic, - auto-protected cables. In all cases, dosage in cement must not be lower than 300 kg/m3. 2 - Works that would not present new arrangements or the unaccustomed measurements can be considered therefore as entirely nor perfectly covered by the present standard. It can however be use for the concrete to high performances or the light granulates concrete, provided that the application of rules concerning these materials can be justified. (2) Remain outside of the domain of application of the present rules: - the pre-reinforced by the other processes that the stake in tension of armatures in steel, - elements provided of rigid armatures (profiled laminated) and structures mixed steel, concrete, - the submissive elements, in lasting situation to temperatures departing those that result some only climatic influences appreciably. Verifications to the fire are not aimed therefore by the present text. (3) On the other hand, some particular works by their nature, their size or their function as, for example, pipelines, works of storage, etc., can be the object of specific rules to which it is made reference then. Note: These particular works are not therefore completely covered by the application of the present rules. But they can be completed easily in case of need.