
Water quality -- Examination and determination of colour


رقم المستند: NL ISO 7887 : 2009
القطاع: Food Technology
TC: No
ICS: 13.060.50
This International Standard specifies three methods for the examination of colour. Section 2 specifies a method for the examination of apparent colour by visually observing a water Sample in a bottle. This gives only preliminary in- formation, for example for use in field work. Only the apparent colour tan be reported. Section 3 specifies a method for the determi- nation of the true colour of a water Sample using Optical apparatus and is applicable to raw and potable water and to industrial water of low colour. For interferences, see 3.3. Section 4 specifies a method for the determi- nation of the colour by visual comparison with hexachloroplatinate Standard solutions and may be applied to raw and drinking water. For inter- ferences, see 4.2. Under certain circumstances, strongly coloured water samples need to be diluted before examination or determination. When stating the result, it is absolutely necessary to refer to the applied method.