
Water quality -- Determination of calcium and magnesium -- Atomic absorption spectrometric method


Document Number: NL ISO 7980 : 2009
Sector: Food Technology
TC: No
ICS: 13.060.50
This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- mination of dissolved Calcium and magnesium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. lt is intended for the analysis of raw and drinking waters and tan be used for waters having a Calcium content of up to 50 mg/l and a magnesium content of up to 5 mg/l. For samples containing higher concentrations of Calcium or magnesium a smaller volume of the Sample must be taken for the analysis. When using the air/acetylene flame and the dilution factor 1 in 10, as described in 6.1, the Optimum range is 3 to 50 mg/1 for Calcium and 0,9 to 5 mg/l for magnesium.