
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas


Document Number: NL IEC 60079 10 : 2003
Sector: Electrical Engineering
ICS: 29.260.20
This part of IEC 60079 is concerned with the identification and classification of areas where explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are present, in order to permit the proper assessment of ignition sources in such areas. In this standard, explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are treated separately. In Clause 4, area classification for explosive dusts clouds is described, with dust layers acting as one of the possible sources of release. In Clause 7, other general considerations for dust layers are described. The examples in this standard are based on a system of effective housekeeping being implemented in the plant to prevent dust layers from accumulating. Where effective housekeeping is not present, the area classification includes the possible formation of explosive dust clouds from dust layers. The principles of this standard can also be followed when combustible fibres or flyings might cause a hazard. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive dust atmospheres or combustible dust layers under normal atmospheric conditions (see Note 1). NOTE 1 Atmospheric conditions include variations in pressure and temperature above and below reference levels of 101,3 kPa (1 013 mbar) and 20 °C (293 K), provided that the variations have a negligible effect on the explosive properties of the combustible materials. It does not apply to – underground mining areas, – dusts of explosives that do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to such as pyrophoric substances, propellants, pyrotechnics, munitions, peroxides, oxidizers, waterreactive elements or compounds, or other similar materials, catastrophic failures which are beyond the concept of abnormality dealt with in this standar, any risk arising from an emission of toxic gas from the dust. This standard does not apply to where a hazard might arise due to the presence of flammable gas or vapour, but the principles may be used in the assessment of a hybrid mixture (see also IEC 60079-10-1). NOTE 2 Additional guidance on hybrid mixtures is provided in Annex C. This standard does not take into account the effects of consequential damage following a fire or an explosion.