
Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 1: Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents according to IEC 60909-0


رقم المستند: NL IEC 60909 1 : 2006
القطاع: Electrical Engineering
ICS: 17.220.01 - 29.240.20
EasyPower offers a complete and accurate solution to short-circuit calculations in three-phase AC systems using the IEC-60909 standard. You can enter equipment data and parameters via user friendly interface. The results meet requirements of IEC-60909 and match the example provided in IEC TR 60909-4 section 6. The IEC standard terminology is used in the user interface and reports. EasyPower supports the following four types of short-circuit conditions as per IEC 60909: *3-phase short circuit *Line-to-line short circuit *Line-to-line short circuit with earth connection (double line-to-earth) *Line-to-earth short circuit