
Water quality -- Determination of nitrogen -- Part 1: Method using oxidative digestion with peroxodisulfate


رقم المستند: NL ISO 11905 1 : 2010
القطاع: Food Technology
TC: NL TC 147
ICS: 13.060.50
This part of IS0 11905 specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen present in water, in the form of free ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and organic nitrogen compounds capable of conversion to nitrate under the oxidative conditions described. Dissolved nitrogen gas is not determined by this method. This method is applicable to the analysis of natural fresh water, sea water, drinking water, surface water and treated sewage effluent. It is also applicable to the analysis of sewage and trade wastes in which the amount of organic matter in the test portion can be kept below 40 mg/l, expressed as carbon (C), when measured by Total Organic Carbon (TOC), or I20 mg/l, expressed as oxygen (O,), when measured by Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) according to the respective International Standards. 2