
Water quality — Determination of selected organic plant-treatment agents — Automated multiple development (AMD) technique


Document Number: NL ISO TS 11370 : 2010
Sector: Food Technology
TC: NL TC 147
ICS: 13.060.50
The method described in this Technical Specification is applicable to the determination of selected plant-treatment agents and some of their main degradation products (metabolites) in drinking water, with a validated reporting limit of about (see examples in Table 1). The method may be extended to include additional substances and ground water, provided the method is validated for each individual case. The selection of the plant-treatment agents and main degradation products in Table 1 and Table A.2 has been made according to the knowledge at the time of the interlaboratory trial (1992). Data for some other substances are given in annex A. Table 1 — Plant-treatment agents determinable by this method Name Molecular formula CAS No.a Molar mass g/mol Peak in Figure No. 1234567 Alachlorb C14H2OClNO2 015972-60-8 269.8 6 6 Atrazine C8H14ClN5 001912-24-9 215,7 2 4 Chlorfenvinphosb C12H14Cl3O4P 000470-90-6 359,6 5 3 Chlortoluronb C10H13ClN2O 015545-48-9 212,7 1 3 Cyanazineb C9H13ClN6 021725-46-2 240,7 1 4 2,4-D C8H6Cl2O3 000094-75-7 221,0 4 1 MCPAb C9H 9ClO3 000094-74-6 200,6 2 2 Metazachlor C14H16ClN3O 067129-08-2 277,8 3 5 Metobromuron C9H11BrN2O2 003060-89-7 259,1 5 6 Metolachlorb C15H22ClNO2 051218-45-2 283,8 4 7 Metoxuron C10H13ClN2O2 019937-59-8 228,7 1 1 Monuronb C9H11ClN2O 000150-68-5 198,7 2 2 Parathionb C10H14NO5PS 000056-38-2 291,3 7 7 Pendimethalin C13H19N3O4 040487-42-1 281,3 6 6 Propazineb C9H16ClN5 000139-40-2 229,7 3 5 Sebuthylazineb C9H16ClN5 007286-69-3 229,7 2 3 Simazine C7H12ClN5 000122-34-9 201,7 1 2 2,4,5-Tb C8H5Cl3O3 000093-76-5 255,5 4 1 Terbutylazineb C9H16ClN5 005915-41-3 229,7 3 4 Trifluralinb C13H16F3N3O4 001582-09-8 335,3 8 8 Vinclozolineb C12H9Cl2NO3 050471-44-8 286,1 5 5 a CAS No.: Chemical abstracts system. b Not included in the precision data (Table A.2).