
Water quality -- Determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in water by HPLC with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction


Document Number: NL ISO 17993 : 2010
Sector: Food Technology
TC: NL TC 147
ICS: 13.060.50
This International Standard specifies a method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction for the determination of 15 selected PAH (see Table 1) in drinking and ground water in mass concentrations greater than 0,005 µg/l (for each single compound) and surface waters in mass concentrations above 0,01 µg/l. This method is, with some modification, also suitable for the analysis of wastewater. This method may be applicable to other PAH, provided the method is validated for each case.