
Water quality - Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages - Part 1: Enumeration of F-specific RNA bacteriophages


رقم المستند: NL ISO 10705 1 : 2012
القطاع: Food Technology
TC: NL TC 147
ICS: 07.100.20
This part of IS0 10705 specifies a method for the detection and enumeration of F-specific ribonucleic acid (RNA) bacteriophages by incubating the sample with an appropriate host strain. The method can be applied to all kinds of water, sediments and sludges, where necessary after dilution. In the case of low numbers, a preconcentration step may be necessary for which a separate part of IS0 10705 will be devel- oped. The method can also be applied to shellfish extracts. Depending on the relative abundance of F- specific RNA bacteriophages to background organisms, additional confirmatory tests may be necessary and are also specified in this part of IS0 10705. The presence of F-specific RNA bacteriophages in a water sample generally indicates pollution by wastewater contaminated by human or animal faeces. Their survival in the environment, removal by widely used water treatment processes and concentration or retention by shellfish resembles that of foodborne and waterborne human enteric viruses, for example the enteroviruses, hepatitis A virus and rotaviruses.