
Performance standards in building -- Checklist for briefing -- Contents of brief for building design


Document Number: NL ISO 9699 : 2011
Sector: Construction Materials and Building
TC: NL TC 59
ICS: 01.040.01
1 .I This International Standard describes the content of a brief for building design. 1.2 It can be used from the time when the client first considers the possible need for a building project. It should be of value when the client and others are attempting, in consultation with any necessary con- sultants, to document their needs, aims, resources - and the context of the project, and any other prob- lems arising, in the form of a “brief”. This International Standard applies to all kinds and sizes of design project. It can also apply whatever the chosen function or purpose of the brief, for example instructing, promoting discussion, recording, as a basis for evaluation or in a formal competition to select consultants. It can be used by all those taking part in the preparation of the brief, for example clients, con- sultants, users and any others who are authoritative, informed or likely to be affected. However, it has particular relevance for the client who, as initiator and purchaser of the works, will retain the responsibility for the project and its general management, including the choice of a designer, the preparation of the brief and the evaluation of any response to it.