
Natural gas -- Determination of sulfur compounds -- Part 3: Determination of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan sulfur and carbonyl sulfide sulfur by potentiometry


Document Number: NL ISO 6326 3 : 2015
Sector: Petroleum and related Technologies
TC: NL TC 28
This part of ISO 6326 specifies a potentiometric method for the determination of hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan Sulfur, and car- bonyl sulfide Sulfur in natura1 gas in the concentration range equal to or above 1 mg/m3. The gas must be free of dust, mist, Oxygen, hydrogen cyanide and carbon disulfide. The hydrogen suIfide/mercaptan Sulfur ratio and also the mercaptan sulfur/hydrogen sulfide ratio should not exceed 50 : 1. The method is not recommended for gases containing more than approximately 1,5 % ( Vl V carbon dioxide. NOTE - In all Parts of ISO 6326, 1 m3 of gas is expressed at normal conditions (0 “C; 101,325 kPaL