
Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) -- Classification -- Part 7: Family M (Metalworking)


رقم المستند: NL ISO 6743 7 : 2016
القطاع: Petroleum and related Technologies
TC: NL TC 28
This part of IS0 6743 establishes the detailed classification of family M (Metalworking) which belongs to the class L (Lubricants, industrial oils and related products). It should be read in conjunction with IS0 6743/O. To avoid any misunderstanding and to clarify the text, the following annexes are included: - annex A : definitions of certain words or terms used in this classification; - annex B : distribution of categories of products by field of application in tabular form; - annex C : distribution of categories of products, in relation to their constitution and properties, in tabular form.