
Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 9: General principles for the use of products and systems


رقم المستند: NL EN 1504 9 : 2016
القطاع: Construction Materials and Building
TC: NL TC 71
ICS: 01.040.91 - 91.080.40
This European Standard specifies the characteristics of geosynthetic barriers, including polymeric geosynthetic barriers, clay geosynthetic barriers and bituminous geosynthetic barriers, when used as fluid barriers and separation layer in the construction of solid waste storage and disposal sites, and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics. The intended use of these products is to control the leakage of fluids through the construction. This European Standard is not applicable to geotextiles or geotextile-related products as defined in EN ISO 10318-1. This European Standard provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of the product to this European Standard including factory production control procedures. This European Standard defines characteristics to be considered with regard to the presentation of performance. NOTE Where potable water is or can be in direct contact with the product, other relevant standards, requirements and/or regulations can be considered for the design. This European Standard specifies the relevant characteristics of metallic and non-metallic geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in the construction of pavements and asphalt overlays and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics. The intended use of these geotextiles and geotextile-related products is to fulfil one or more of the following functions: reinforcement, stress relief and barrier. The use of geotextiles and geotextile-related products is to be considered as a part of an interlayer and asphalt overlay system. This standard is not applicable to geosynthetic barriers, as defined in EN ISO 10318. This standard provides for evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard and for factory production control procedures. This standard defines requirements to be met by manufacturers and distributors with regard to the presentation of product properties. NOTE 1 Particular application cases or national specifications may contain additional requirements regarding product application or installation and specifying preferably standardized test methods, if they are technically relevant and not conflicting with European Standards. "This European Standard specifies the relevant characteristics of geosynthetic barriers (polymeric, clay and bituminous geosynthetic barriers), used as fluid barriers in infrastructure works, e.g. roads, railroads, runways of airports, and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics. Tunnels and underground structures are addressed in EN 13491. The intended use of these products is to control the pathway of liquids through the construction and to limit any contamination, e.g. by de-icing products, of groundwater or water sources. This European Standard is applicable to geosynthetic barriers, but not to geotextiles or geotextile-related products, as defined in EN ISO 10318. This European Standard provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard. This European Standard defines requirements to be met by manufacturers and their authorised representatives with regard to the presentation of product properties. This European Standard does not cover applications where the geosynthetic barrier will be in contact with water that has been treated for human consumption. In these cases other relevant standards, requirements and/or regulations should be observed." This Part of EN 1504 specifies requirements for the identification and the performance (including durability aspects) of products and systems for active and barrier coatings for protection of existing uncoated steel reinforcement and embedded steel in concrete structures under repair. This standard does not cover products for corrosion protection of pre-stressing steels and stainless steels." This Part of EN 1504 specifies procedures for sampling, quality control, assessment and verification of the constancy of performance (AVCP) including marking and labelling of products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete according to EN 1504 2 to EN 1504-7. " This Part of EN 1504 sets out basic considerations for specification of protection and repair of reinforced and unreinforced concrete structures (including, for example, pavements, runways, floor slabs and pre-stressed structures) using products and systems specified in other Parts of the EN 1504 series or any other relevant European Standard or European Technical Approval. This European Standard covers atmospherically exposed, buried and submerged structures. This European Standard includes: a) the need for inspection, testing and assessment before and after repair; b) protection from causes of defects and their repair in concrete structures. Causes of such defects may include: 1) mechanical actions, e.g. impact, overloading, movement caused by settlement, blast, vibration and seismic actions; 2) chemical and biological actions from environments, e.g. sulphate attack, alkali aggregate reaction; 3) physical actions, e.g. freeze-thaw, thermal cracking, moisture movement, salt crystallisation and erosion; 4) fire damage; 5) reinforcement corrosion resulting from: i) physical loss of the protective concrete cover; ii) chemical loss of alkalinity in the protective concrete cover as a result of reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide (carbonation); iii) chloride (or other chemical) contamination of the concrete; iv) stray electrical currents conducted or induced in the reinforcement from neighbouring electrical installations. c) repair of defects caused by inadequate design, specification or construction or use of unsuitable construction materials; d) providing the required structural capacity by: 1) replacement or addition of embedded or external reinforcement; 2) filling of cracks and voids within or between elements to ensure structural continuity; 3) replacement or addition of concrete or whole elements; e) waterproofing as an integral part of protection and repair.