
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Joints in building -- General check-list of joint functions

This lnternational Standard gives a general check-list of functions of jointsi) in building for use in their design.

Building construction -- Stairs -- Vocabulary

This International Standard gives a first list of terms and their definitions relating to stairs used in buildings. NOTE - In addition to the terms given in two of the official ISO languages (English and French), this International Standard gives the equivalent terms in German; these terms have been included at the request of ISO Technical Committee 59, and are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germnay (DIN). However, only the terms given in the official languages may be considered as ISO terms.

Building construction -- Modular co-ordination -- Stairs and stair openings -- Co-ordinating dimensions

This International Standard gives general principles for co- ordinating dimensions of stairs and stair openings in building construction. lt applies to buildings of all types.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- Modular floor plane for vertical dimensions

This International Standard defines three positions of the modular floor plane (see figure 1) as reference plane for vertical modular dimensions in building design and gives rules for the Position of the floor in relation to this plane. lt applies to the construction of buildings of all types designed in accordance with the principles and rules of modular coor- dination as laid down in ISO 2848.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- Storey heights and room heights

This International Standard specifies sizes sf modular storey heights and modular room heights for all types of building in ac- cordante with the principles and rules of modular Coordination as laid down in ISO 2848 and ISO 6511.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- Series of preferred multimodular sizes for horizontal dimensions

This International Standard specifies series of preferred multimodular sizes for horizontal dimensions in building and gives guidance for their use. lt applies to buildings of all types designed in accordance with the principles and rules of modular Coordination as laid down in ISO 2848.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- Sub-modular increments

This International Standard establishes the values of sub- modular increments for use in modular Coordination of buildings. lt applies to the construction of buildings of all types in accor- dance with the principles and rules of modular Coordination as laid down in ISO 2848.

Building construction -- Tolerances -- Expression of dimensional accuracy -- Principles and terminology

This International Standard describes the basic principles for the expression of dimensional deviation in building, and defines the basic terms and definitions relating to the evaluation, specification and verification of accuracy. It is applicable to the manufacture of building components (standard or purpose made), the setting out process, erection and assembly, and the building as a whole. Annex A gives equivalent terms in French and German. Annex B lists International Standards related to dimensions and dimensional accuracy in building

Joints in building -- Laboratory method of test for air permeability of joints

This International Standard specifies the test method to be used in laboratories for assessing the air permeability of non- opening joints in the exterior Walls of buildings, whether the joints have been subjected to Prior ageing or not.

Building construction -- Jointing products -- Sealants -- Vocabulary

This international Standard defines technical terms for sealants for building purposes and applies to joints filled with hardening, plastic or elastic materials which are not preformed.

Measuring methods for building -- General principles and procedures for the verification of dimensional compliance

This International Standard indicates the principles to be ap- plied for carrying out dimensional compliance control measurements in building construction. lt deals with com- pliance measurements for setting out component manufacture and assembly, and the building as a whole.

Performance standards in building -- Presentation of performance levels of facades made of same-source components

This International Standard deals with facades made of prefabricated components. These are products which, when assembled according to the supplier’s specifications, are in- tended to constitute a facade meeting the required perfor- mance levels as a complete entity. This International Standard gives the types of Performance relevant to facades, together with their scales of values, in the form in which some or all of them should be listed in the sup- plier’s catalogue in Order to allow selection of a facade achiev- ing the Overall Performance required of it for the purpose of the building project in question, irrespective of type. The facade may fulfil Performance characteristics other than those specified, such as : behaviour in earthquakes, solar energy collection, etc. This International Standard does not specify performante values; this is the task of the building designer.

Joints in building -- Principles for jointing of building components -- Accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction

This international standard establishes a classification system for joints in building based on the ability of joints to accommodate dimensional deviations during construction. Examples of types of joints are given in an annex, as an aid to the understanding of the principles involved.

Typical horizontal joints between an external wall of prefabricated ordinary concrete components and a concrete floor -- Properties. characteristics and classification criteria

This International Standard specifies the properties and characteristics of typical horizontal joints between two prefabricated ordinary concrete external wall components and a concrete floor. l) However, the characteristics of joints which are involved in the structural behaviour of buildings are not specified in this lnter- national Standard.

Typical vertical joints between two prefabricated ordinary concrete external wall components -- Properties, characteristics and classification criteria

This International Standard specifies the properties and characteristics of typical vertical joints between two prefabricated concrete external wall components irrespective of whether these joints coincide with joints between the external wall and an internal wall or column.1) However, the characteristics of joints which are involved in the structural behaviour of buildings are not specified in this Inter- national Standard

Grooved vertical joints with connecting bars and concrete infill between large reinforced concrete panels -- Laboratory mechanical tests -- Effect of tangential loading

This International Standard specifies a laboratory mechanical method of test for the determination of the relationship be- tween tangential loading and relative displacement for certain types of vettical joints between large reinforced concrete Panels subjected to tangential loading.

Horizontal joints between load-bearing walls and concrete floors -- Laboratory mechanical tests -- Effect of vertical loading and of moments transmitted by the floors

This International Standard specifies methods of test for the determination of the mechanical properties of horizontal joints between load-bearing Walls and concrete floors subjected to vertical loading and moments transmitted by the floors.

Vertical building elements -- Impact resistance tests -- Impact bodies and general test procedures

This International Standard defines - the conventional impact bodies used in Order to reproduce the effect of actual impacts on vertical building elements, - the general test procedures, the test procedures specific to each type of building element tested being given in the Standards specific to these building elements. lt applies to all vertical (or nearly vertical) building elements, excluding doorsets for which a method is specified in ISO 8270.‘) The impacts used for verifying a property of the material, often specific to the Character of this material, are defined in the stan- dards dealing with these materials. The impacts used in Order to create shock effects in particular types of Walls are not dealt with in this International Standard. The specifications particular to each type of building element (impact energy, location and number of impacts, etc.) as well as the criteria for the assessment of the results are given in the test and Performance Standards dealing with these building elements.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- System of preferred numbers defining multimodular sizes

This technical report establishes a system of preference for numbers for use as the numerical factor in multimodular sizes especially for horizontal dimensions in building, and guidance for its use.

Building construction -- Modular coordination -- Application of horizontal multimodules

This technical report contains the rules for applying multimodules for horizontal dimensions in construction which are established in IS0 1040. It is applicable to construction of buildings of all types which are designed in conformity with the principles and rules of modular coordination established in IS0 2848.

Performance standards in building -- Performance test for precast concrete floors -- Behaviour under non-concentrated load

This International Standard defines test procedures for determining the mechanical Performance of pre- cast concrete floors made of a Single piece, or made up of precast joists (reinforced concrete or precast concrete) completed with filler blocks and concrete poured in situ. The Parameters measured are: - the maximum load, by progressive loading, which does not result in collapse, - the instantaneous and deferred deformations un- der imposed load, and - the maximum load which the floor or its constitu- ent precast elements tan support without collapse during its construction. This International Standard applies to the testing of floors desipned to support loads of less than 5 000 Ngrn- and having spans of less than 12 m.

Performance standards in building -- Performance test for precast concrete floors -- Behaviour under concentrated load

This International Standard defines test procedures for determining the Performance of floors and floor elements under concentrated loads. The tests are: transverse dynamic bond test on finished floor, Penetration resistance test of the finished floor, and indentationlbending test on filler blocks (this test is designed to verify safety at the assembly Stage). This International Standard applies to all kinds of pre- cast concrete floors, to components, or thin sub- components (< 2 m approx.).

Tolerances for building -- Part 1: Basic principles for evaluation and specification

This International Standard describes the nature of dimensional variability in building and the purposes for which it has to be quantified, and defines the factors to be taken into account in the evaluation, specification and verification of tolerantes for the manufacture of building components and for site work. lt applies to components and buildings generally, including those designed in accordance with the principles of modular Co-Ordination.

Tolerances for building -- Part 2: Statistical basis for predicting fit between components having a normal distribution of sizes

This International Standard describes the fundamental characteristics of dimensional variability in building and of the particular case of combination of random unrelated variables; it sets out the need to relate dimensional variability to the limits imposed on joint widths by the need for satisfactory functioning.

Tolerances for building -- Part 3: Procedures for selecting target size and predicting fit

This part of ISO 3443 provides a basis for relating joint clearances and target sizes and for the prediction of fit within the context of dimensional coordination, including ‘modular Coordination.

Tolerances for building -- Part 4: Method for predicting deviations of assemblies and for allocation of tolerances

This part of ISO 3443 indicates some general principles and one method for predicting deviations in composite Systems and specifying tolerantes for the constituent elements in Order to meet functional requirements and tolerante specifications for the assembly.

Building construction -- Tolerances for building -- Part 5: Series of values to be used for specification of tolerances

This part of ISO 3443 specifies a series of values from which tolerantes shall be Chosen for dimensional specification sf building components and constructions. The basis for the determination of the tolerantes to be specified is dealt with in other Standards, especially ISO 3443 Parts 1 to 4 and ISO 4464.

Tolerances for building -- Part 6: General principles for approval criteria, control of conformity with dimensional tolerance specifications and statistical control -- Method 1

This part of ISO 3443 gives the general principles according to which tolerantes should be specified and the approval criteria of geometrical characteristics which result from any Operation made in building ‘construction. lt applies to all types of forms, dimensions and positions within the building industry where tolerantes are specified.

Tolerances for building -- Part 7: General principles for approval criteria, control of conformity with dimensional tolerance specifications and statistical control -- Method 2 (Statistical control method)

This part of ISO 3443 specifies an operational procedure which tan be used to determine acceptance of dimensional accuracy of components, and operations in the building industry to be used when the Parties involved agree to refer to this part of ISO 3443. The procedure relates to the recognition of specified requirements, the criteria for acceptance and consequences of rejection, recommendations on the agreements and methods of measurement, and the planning and execution of inspection by statistical methods.

Tolerances for building -- Part 8: Dimensional inspection and control of construction work

This part of ISO 3443 gives the procedures to be understood and a list of items to be agreed upon by all Parties in a building project. lt applies to dimensional quality control procedures and requirements, to be used for construction work. Annex A contains a list of recommendations to be used where applicable.

Performance standards in building -- Contents and presentation

This International Standard specifies the basic contents to be included in Performance Standards for building components and assemblies, and indicates a Standard Order for their inclu- sion. lt is intended primarily for use by Standards committees prepar- ing Performance Standards for building components and assemblies. lt should also be useful for the preparation of other types of document, such as : a) Statements of required Performance in building regula- tions and other statutory documents; b) Statements of required or achieved Performance in guidance documents for building designers; c) Statements of required or achieved Performance in con- tract documents for purchasing components; d) Statements of required or achieved Performance in briefs and contract documents for the construction of buildings as a whole; e) Statements of achieved Performance in descriptive documents about manufacturers’ products. NOTE - A document covering preparation of Performance Standards in building has been submitted for testing to the sub-committees and ISO technical committees concerned.

Performance standards in building -- Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered

This International Standard lays down general principles for the preparation of performance standards in building. It complements IS0 6246 by listing factors to be considered for performance standards.

Building construction -- Expression of users' requirements -- Part 1: Thermal requirements

This patt of ISO 6242 defines how the thermal re- quirements of building users tan be identifred, ex- pressed and quantified. It describes users ’ objectives and the Parameters used to express them. For each parameter-, it specifies units of measurement, preferred increments for values and means of evaluation. lt also lists the environmental and human factors affecting the choice of a value (criterion) for each Parameter. It is intended for use a) in preparing briefs for building projects; b) in formulating building laws and regulations; c) in drafting Standards and other normative docu- ments; and d) more generally when specifying the required Performance of buildings in terms of users ’ re- quirements. Some of the Parameters given in this patt of ISO 6242 apply only to certain types of building. Compliance with this part of ISO 6242 does not therefore depend on implementing the whole of its contents in every case.

Building construction -- Expression of users' requirements -- Part 2: Air purity requirements

This part of ISO 6242 defines how the air purity re- quirements of building users tan be identifled, ex- pressed and quantified. lt describes users ’ objectives and the Parameters used to express them. For each Parameter, it specifies units of measurement, preferred increments for values and means of evaluation. lt also lists the environmental and human factors affecting the choice of a value (criterion) for each Parameter. It is intended for use a) in preparing briefs for building projects; b) in formulating building laws and regulations; c) in drafting Standards and other normative docu- ments; and d) more generally when specifying the required Performance of buildings in terms of users ’ re- quirements. Some of the Parameters given in this part of ISO 6242 apply only to certain types of building. Compliance with this part of ISO 6242 does not therefore depend an implementing the whole of its contents in every case.

Building construction -- Expression of users' requirements -- Part 3: Acoustical requirements

This patt of ISO 6242 defines how the acoustical re- quirements of building users tan be identified, ex- pressed and quantified. It describes users ’ objectives and the Parameters used to express them. For each parameter-, it specifies units of measurement, preferred increments for values and means of evaluation. lt also lists the environmental and human factors affecting the choice of a value (criterion) for each Parameter. lt is intended for use a) in preparing briefs for building projects; b) in formulating building laws and regulations; c) in drafting Standards and other normative docu- ments; and d) more generally when specifying the required Performance of buildings in terms of users ’ re- quirements. Some of the Parameters given in this patt of ISO 6242 apply only to certain types of building. Compliance with this part of ISO 6242 does not therefore depend on implementing the whole of its contents in every case.

Climatic data for building design -- Proposed system of symbols

This International Standard defines a range of climatological data required for building design, gives guidance on methods of measurement and proposes symbols to designate them. It does not deal with suffixes or concepts combining several types of data, or values derived from basic data such as degree-days or characteristic wind speed. The definitions and symbols given in this International Standard aim to harmonize the expression of climatological data which may be drawn on when drafting regulatory and standard documents and when definitions and symbols are required for building design and construction.

Performance standards in building -- Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance

This International Standard establishes some rules for the contents and presentation of standards for evaluation of performance in buildings. It is intended for application by international and national standards committees when preparing standards for evaluation of the performance of whole buildings, of parts of buildings (components, assemblies and subsystems) and of spaces within and around buildings.

Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Data documentation format

This Technical Specification provides the requirements and a structure for a data documentation format, to be used for transparent and unambiguous documentation and exchange of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data, thus permitting consistent documentation of data, reporting of data collection, data calculation and data quality, by specifying and structuring relevant information. The data documentation format specifies requirements on division of data documentation into data fields, each with an explanatory description. The description of each data field is further specified by the structure of the data documentation format. This Technical Specification is applicable to the specification and structuring of questionnaire forms and information systems. However, it can also be applied to other aspects of the management of environmental data. This Technical Specification does not include requirements on completeness of data documentation. The data documentation format is independent of any software or database platform for implementation. This Technical Specification does not require any specific sequential, graphic or procedural solutions for the presentation or treatment of data, nor does it describe specific modelling methodologies for LCI and LCA data

Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Principles and framework

This International Standard describes the principles and framework for life cycle assessment (LCA) including a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA, b) the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, c) the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase, d) the life cycle interpretation phase, e) reporting and critical review of the LCA, f) limitations of the LCA, g) relationship between the LCA phases, and h) conditions for use of value choices and optional elements. This International Standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies. It does not describe the LCA technique in detail, nor does it specify methodologies for the individual phases of the LCA. The intended application of LCA or LCI results is considered during the goal and scope definition, but the application itself is outside the scope of this International Standard. This International Standard is not intended for contractual or regulatory purposes or registration and certification.

Environmental management -- Life cycle assessment -- Requirements and guidelines

This International Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA, b) the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, c) the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase, d) the life cycle interpretation phase, e) reporting and critical review of the LCA, f) limitations of the LCA, g) relationship between the LCA phases, and h) conditions for use of value choices and optional elements. This International Standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies. The intended application of LCA or LCI results is considered during the goal and scope definition, but the application itself is outside the scope of this International Standard. This International Standard is not intended for contractual or regulatory purposes or registration and certification.

Performance standards in building -- Checklist for briefing -- Contents of brief for building design

1 .I This International Standard describes the content of a brief for building design. 1.2 It can be used from the time when the client first considers the possible need for a building project. It should be of value when the client and others are attempting, in consultation with any necessary con- sultants, to document their needs, aims, resources - and the context of the project, and any other prob- lems arising, in the form of a “brief”. This International Standard applies to all kinds and sizes of design project. It can also apply whatever the chosen function or purpose of the brief, for example instructing, promoting discussion, recording, as a basis for evaluation or in a formal competition to select consultants. It can be used by all those taking part in the preparation of the brief, for example clients, con- sultants, users and any others who are authoritative, informed or likely to be affected. However, it has particular relevance for the client who, as initiator and purchaser of the works, will retain the responsibility for the project and its general management, including the choice of a designer, the preparation of the brief and the evaluation of any response to it.

Performance standards in building -- Definition and calculation of area and space indicators

This International Standard deals with the definition and calculation of surface area and volume indi- cators. In defining area measurement, this International Standard uses the intra-muros and extra-muros concept. The wall centre method of measurement used in many park of the world, or for particular types of buildings, is not considered in this Interna- tional Standard. The surface area and volume indicators defined in this International Standard are intended for practical use, as a basis for meastiring various aspects of the Performance of buildings or as a planning aid. In other words, they should enable judgement to be made on functional, technical and economic as- pects. This International Standard is intended to be used when establishing: --_ specifications for the geotnetric perforrnance of a building and its spaces (e.g. in design, pur- chasing procedures, etc., or in building regu- lations where appropriate); - technical documentation relating to the perform- ante of whol

Building and civil engineering -- Vocabulary -- Part 1: General terms

This part of ISO 6707 defines general terms to establish a vocabulary applicable to building and civil engineering. It comprises a) fundamental concepts, which may be the starting point for other, more specific, definitions, and b) more specific concepts, used in several areas of construction and frequently used in standards, regulations and contracts.

Building and civil engineering -- Vocabulary -- Part 2: Contract terms

This patt of ISO 6707 defines terms applicable to building and civil engineering works. Alphabetical indexes in English and in French are included to facilitate use of this vocabulary.

Guide for addressing environmental issues in product standards

This Guide provides guidance on addressing environmental issues in product standards. It is primarily intended for product standards writers. Its purpose is ⎯ to outline the relationship between the provisions in product standards and the environmental aspects and impacts of the product, ⎯ to assist in drafting or revising provisions in product standards in order to reduce potential adverse environmental impacts at different stages of the entire product life-cycle, NOTE 1 See Annex B for examples. ⎯ to emphasize that taking into account environmental issues in product standards is a complex process and requires balancing competing priorities, ⎯ to recommend the use of life-cycle thinking when defining environmental provisions for a product for which a standard is being drafted, and ⎯ to promote the future development of relevant sector guides for addressing environmental issues in product standards by standards writers, consistent with the principles and approaches of this Guide.

Environmental labels and declarations -- Type I environmental labelling -- Principles and procedures

This International Standard establishes the principles and procedures for developing Type I environmental labelling programmes, including the selection of product categories, product environmental criteria and product function characteristics; and for assessing and demonstrating compliance. This International Standard also establishes the certification procedures for awarding the label.

Environmental labels and declarations -- Type III environmental declarations -- Principles and procedures

This International Standard establishes the principles and specifies the procedures for developing Type III environmental declaration programmes and Type III environmental declarations. It specifically establishes the use of the ISO 14040 series of standards in the development of Type III environmental declaration programmes and Type III environmental declarations. This International Standard establishes principles for the use of environmental information, in addition to those given in ISO 14020. Type III environmental declarations as described in this International Standard are primarily intended for use in business-to-business communication, but their use in business-to-consumer communication under certain conditions is not precluded. This International Standard does not override, or in any way change, legally required environmental information, claims or labelling, or any other applicable legal requirements. This International Standard does not include sector-specific provisions, which may be dealt with in other ISO documents. It is intended that sector-specific provisions in other ISO documents related to Type III environmental declarations be based on and use the principles and procedures of this International Standard.

Sustainability in building construction -- General principles 

This International Standard identifies and establishes general principles for sustainability in building construction. It is based on the concept of sustainable development as it applies to the life cycle of buildings and other construction works, from their inception to the end of life. This International Standard is applicable to buildings and other construction works individually and collectively, as well as to the materials, products, services and processes related to the life cycle of buildings and other construction works. This International Standard does not provide levels (benchmarks) that can serve as the basis for sustainability claims. This International Standard is not intended to provide the basis for assessment of organizations or other stakeholders. NOTE 1 The principles established in this International Standard are intended to be applied broadly in the context of buildings and other construction works. Specific applications are the subject of other related international standards. NOTE 2 Buildings and other construction works are designed to meet numerous requirements, expressed and established in national and international standards or regulations. None of these requirements is replaced or changed by this International Standard. NOTE 3 Social responsibility aspects relative to organizations will be addressed in ISO 26000 1).

Sustainability in building construction -- Environmental declaration of building products

This International Standard provides the principles and requirements for type III environmental declarations (EPD) of building products. This International Standard contains specifications and requirements for the EPD of building products. Where this International Standard contains more specific requirements, it complements ISO 14025 for the EPD of building products. This International Standard provides a framework for and the basic requirements for product category rules (PCR) as defined in ISO 14025 for type III environmental declarations of building products. Type III environmental declarations for building products, as described in this International Standard, are primarily intended for use in business-to-business communication, but their use in business-to-consumer communication under certain conditions is not precluded. This International Standard does not define requirements for developing type III environmental declaration programmes. Requirements for type III environmental profile.

Environmental management -- Vocabulary

This International Standard contains definitions of fundamental concepts related to environmental management, published in the ISO 14000 series of International Standards