
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Food processing machinery - Derinding- skinning- and membrane removal machines- Safety and Hygiene requirements

1.1 This European Standard applies to design, manufacturing, installation, transportation, electrical equipment and cleaning of derinding-, skinning-, and membrane removal machines (see Figures 1 to 5). The machines described in this standard are used for derinding-, skinning- and membrane removal of meat and fish by cutting at a blade device. Derinding-, skinning-, and membrane removal machines for domestic purposes and table-top machines are not covered by this standard. This European Standard relates to: - derinding machines with tooth roll, hold down roller and blade device; - skinning- and membrane removal machines with transport- and stripper roll as well as a blade device. This standard only applies to machines which are manufactured after the date of issue of this standard. 1.2 This standard covers the following types of machines: - Open derinding machines with infeed table and a distance between the floor and the surface of the infeed table from 800 mm to 1 050 mm. Tooth form of the tooth roll: Depth < 5,0 mm Pitch < 6,5 mm (see Figures 1 and 2) Key 1 2 3 4 5 Tooth roll/ Transport roll Blade Discharge table Blade holder Infeed table 6 7 8 9 10 ON/OFF Switch, cover Foot switch Drive Locking device Table height Key 1 2 3 Round product Cutting thickness < 5 mm Infeed table 4 5 6 7 8 Tooth roll Blade holder Blade Rind Stripper comb Figure 1 - Derinding-, skinning- and membrane Figure 2 - System of an open derinding machine removal machine - Automatic derinding machine with infeed, hold down, and outfeed device and a distance between the floor and the surface of the infeed device, e.g. conveyor belt between 800 mm and 1 050 mm. Tooth form of the tooth roll: Depth < 5,0 mm Pitch < 12,0 mm Hold down roller diameter 175 mm to 240 mm. (see Figures 3 and 4)

Starch- Determination of Nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method- Titrimetric method

This International Standard specifies requirements for rubber hoses and rubber hose assemblies used for the transfer of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the liquid or gaseous phase and natural gas and designed for use at working pressures ranging from vacuum to a maximum of 25 bar (2,5 MPa) within the temperature range −30 °C to +70 °C or, for low-temperature hoses (designated -LT), within the temperature range −50 °C to +70 °C.

Laboratory glassware -- Pyknometers

This International Standard specifies requirements for a series of pyknometers for general laboratory use for the determination of the densities of liquids. Specialized pyknometers for use with particular products, or otherwise not in common use, are excluded. Sufficient details to define such pyknometers should be included in International Standards which specify or describe their use. A device suitable for adjustment of the liquid level in the neck of the Reischauer pyknometer is shown in annex A.

A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps. Performance requirements

IEC 60929:2011+A1:2015 specifies performance requirements for electronic control gear for use on a.c. at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and/or d.c. supplies, both up to 1 000 V, with operating frequencies deviating from the supply frequency, associated with fluorescent lamps as specified in IEC 60081 and IEC 60901, and other fluorescent lamps for high-frequency operation. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2006, IEC 60925 published in 1989, its Amendment 1 (1996) and its Amendment 2 (2001). This fourth edition constitutes a technical revision. The essential change with respect to the third edition is the extension to DC supplied control gear and the deletion of the requirements for digital signal control of electronic control gear. The contents of the corrigendum of September 2011 have been included in this copy. This consolidated version consists of the fourth edition (2011) and its amendment 1 (2015). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publ publication

Refrigerators, frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers for household and similar use. Measurement of emission of airborne acoustical noise

This International Standard specifies methods for measuring airborne acoustical noise emitted by electric refrigerators, frozen-food storage cabinets, food freezers and their combinations for household and similar uses, supplied from the mains or from batteries. The term “similar use” means “use under condi- tions similar to those in a household”, e.g. in cafes, restaurants, hotels and similar establishments. This International Standard does not apply to ap- pliances, equipment or machines designed exclu- sively for industrial or commercial purposes. This International Standard is concerned with ob- jective methods of engineering accuracy (engineer- ing method, grade 2 according to IS0 2204) for determining sound power levels, (-wl expressed in decibels with reference to a sound power of 1 pW, of airborne acoustical noise within the specified fre- quency range of interest, and for specified operating conditions of the appliance to be measured. The frequency ranqe of interest includes the octave bands with centre‘frequencies between 125 Hz and 8000 Hz (this interval being, for practical reasons, narrower than the frequency range of audible sound). The following sound power levels are used: - A-weighted sound power level, I,,,, and - octave band sound power levels, LMroCt. In g eneral, the methods described are specified for aPP liances ape rated with no opera tor p resent. The noise m easurements are made while the com- pressors are running. Requirements as to an indication of the noise emission values are not the subject of this Inter- national Standard. NOTES 1 The uncertainties of measurement according to this International Standard usually result, for A-weighted sound power levels, in standard deviations generally not exceeding approximately 2 dB, provided that the noise spectrum does not contain pronounced discrete frequen- cies; if it does, the magnitude of the uncertainties will be larger. The standard deviations referred to reflect the cu- mulative effects of all causes of measurement uncertain- ties, excluding variations in the noise level of the appliance from test to test. 2 The noise values obtained under the conditions de- scribed in this International Standard will not necessarily correspond with the noise experienced under the opera- tional conditions of practical use (see 6.4.1). 3 For quality control during production, etc., simplified methods may be appropriate. For noise control purposes (e.g. deve?opment of quieter appliances, insulation of equipment, etc.), other measurement methods using, for example, narrow-band frequency analysis will usually have to be applied. These methods are not covered in this International Standard. This International Standard does not include meth- ods for determining sound power levels with pre- cision accuracy (precision method, grade 1 according to IS0 2204) specified, for example, in IS0 3741, IS0 3742 and IS0 3745; they may, how- ever, be applied if the appropriate instrumentation and test environment are available. 2

Milk - Determination of nitrogen content Part 1: Kjeldahl method

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the nitrogen content and crude protein calculation of milk and milk products by the Kjeldahl principle, using traditional and block digestion methods. The methods are applicable to: — liquid cow's (whole, partially skimmed or skimmed milk), goat's and sheep's whole milk; — hard, semi-hard and processed cheese; — dried milk and dried milk products (including milk-based infant formulae, milk protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate, casein and caseinate). The methods are not applicable to samples containing ammonium caseinate. NOTE Inaccurate crude protein results will be obtained if non-milk sources of nitrogen are present in the products specified in this International Standard.

Quality management systems -- Fundamentals and vocabulary

This International Standard describes the fundamental concepts and principles of quality management which are universally applicable to the following: — organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system; — customers seeking confidence in an organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services conforming to their requirements; — organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain that product and service requirements will be met; — organizations and interested parties seeking to improve communication through a common understanding of the vocabulary used in quality management; — organizations performing conformity assessments against the requirements of ISO 9001; — providers of training, assessment or advice in quality management; — developers of related standards. This International Standard specifies the terms and definitions that apply to all quality management and quality management system standards developed by ISO/TC 176.

Terminal units for medical gas pipeline systems - Part1 Terminal units for use with compressed medical gases and vacuum

This document is intended especially to ensure the gas-specific assembly, mechanical resistance, flow, leakage and pressure drop of terminal units and to prevent their interchange between different gases and services and applies to terminal units: a) intended for use in medical gas pipeline systems in accordance with ISO 7396-1; b) used as pressure outlets on pressure regulators in accordance with ISO 10524-1; c) used as pressure outlets on pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves (VIPR) in accordance with ISO 10524-3. This document applies to terminal units for use with the following gases for administration to patients or for medical uses (A): — oxygen (A); — nitrous oxide (A); — medical air (A); — carbon dioxide (A); — oxygen/nitrous oxide mixture (A); — helium/oxygen mixtures (A); — oxygen 93 (A); — gases and gas mixtures classified as medical device (A); — gases delivered to medical devices or intended for medical purposes (A); — gases and gas mixtures for medicinal use not specified above (A). This document applies to terminal units for use with the following gases (B): — air for driving surgical tools (B); — nitrogen for driving surgical tools (B). This document applies to terminal units for use with vacuum systems (C). NOTE The requirements of this document can be used as guidelines for terminal units for other gases. These other gases will be considered for inclusion in this document when they come into general use. This document specifies requirements for terminal units for supply and disposal of nitrogen and air for driving surgical tools. This document specifies requirements for probes intended to be connected to the gas-specific connection point. This document does not specify the dimensions of probes or of the gas-specific connection points. NOTE Regional or national standards specifying dimensions of probes and gas-specific connection points are given in the Bibliography. Other connection systems in national use may be acceptable under this document. Dimensioning for such connections will be specified by their respective national standards. This document does not specify the requirements for terminal units for anaesthetic gas scavenging systems (AGSS), which are specified in ISO 9170-2.

Terminal units for medical gaz pipeline systems - Part2 Terminal units for anaesthetic gaz scavenging systems

1.1 This part of ISO 9170 specifies the requirements and dimensions for terminal units intended for use in anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems in accordance with ISO 7396-2. 1.2 This part of ISO 9170 specifies two types of terminal unit according to whether the power device is upstream or downstream of the terminal unit. 1.3 This part of ISO 9170 also specifies requirements and dimensions for the mating counterpart (probe) of the type-specific connection point which is part of the terminal unit. 1.4 This part of ISO 9170 does not specify the ranges of nominal operating pressure for terminal units, which are defined in ISO 7396-2. 1.5 This part of ISO 9170 does not specify requirements for terminal units for use with compressed medical gases and vacuum, which are covered in ISO 9170-1.

Dried milk and dried milk products —Determination of insolubility index

This International Standard specifies a method of determining the insolubility index, as a means of assessing the solubility, of dried whole milk, dried partly skimmed milk and dried skimmed milk, whether non-instant or instant. NOTE These milks are defined in Reference [7] as “whole milk powder”, “partly skimmed milk powder” and “skimmed milk powder”, respectively. The method is also applicable to dried whey, dried buttermilk and dried milk-based baby food, as well as to any of the dried products listed in which milk fat has been replaced by another fat, or which has been rollerdried instead of spray-dried.

Laboratory glassware -- Graduated pipettes

Heat cost allocators in accordance with this standard are instruments for the registration of the heat output of radiators in consumer units. Consumer units are dwellings, office buildings, business premises, industrial plants in which the heat is supplied by a common central heating systems or by a common district heating connection. A complete grouping of consumer units is called an account unit.

Starch -- Determination of ash

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the ash yielded by starches. The method is applicable to native starches and to modified starches yielding not more than 2 % of ash. it does not apply to hydrolysis products nor to oxidized starches, nor to other products containing more than 0,2 % of chloride expressed as sodium chloride. In the other cases, use the method specified in ISO 5809.1)

Water for analytical laboratory use-Specification and test methods

This International Standard specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for three grades of water for laboratory use for the analysis of inorganic chemicals. It is not applicable to water for organic trace analysis, to water for the analysis of surface active agents, or to water for biological or medical analysis. NOTE — For some purposes (for example for certain analytical methods or for tests in which the water is required to be sterile or pyrogen-free or of specified surface tension), additional specific tests and further purification or other treatment may be necessary.

Laboratory glassware -- Interchangeable conical ground joints

The requirements deal with four series of conial ground joints. The conicity, the great diameter and the length of the ground joint including the tolerances are specified and tabled. In addition the surface finish and the peak-to-valley height are specified. In annex A a system of gauging for the diameters and lengths of these joints are given, in annex B a method of testing the leakage including the apparatus is describes.

Laboratory glassware -- Principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware

Reference temperatur, volumetric accuracy, methods of verification and construction are considered. The annexes deal with the limits of volumetric error in relation to capacity and to the diameter at the meniscus. The interrelation between standard deviation, limit of volumetric error, and line thickness is described.

Laboratory glassware -- Burettes

This International Standard provides metrological and construction requirements for an internationally acceptable series of burettes, suitable for general laboratory purposes. The details specified are in accordance with the principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware given in ISO 384. For piston burettes, see ISO 8655-3.

Liquid-in-glass laboratory thermometers -- Principles of design, construction and use

Temperature scales, conditions of immersion, glass, liquid and gas filling, construction, marking and accuracy are specified. Annexes A and B give general recommendation for the calibration and verfification and for the use.

Hydrometers -- Principles of construction and adjustment

Glass hydrometers of constant mass which do not incorporate a thermometer are considered. Basis of scale, reference temperature, surface tension and reference levels for adjustment and reading are specified. In annex A the standard categories of surface tension are tabled, and annex B deals with the adoption of density as preferred basis of scale.

Medical gas pipeline systems - Part1: Pipelines for compressed medical gases and vacuum

This part of ISO 7396 specifies requirements for design, installation, function, performance, documentation, testing and commissioning of pipeline systems for compressed medical gases, gases for driving surgical tools and vacuum in healthcare facilities to ensure continuous delivery of the correct gas and the provision of vacuum from the pipeline system. It includes requirements for supply systems, pipeline distribution systems, control systems, monitoring and alarm systems and non-interchangeability between components of different gas systems. This part of ISO 7396 is applicable to: a) pipeline systems for the following medical gases: ⎯ oxygen; ⎯ nitrous oxide; ⎯ medical air; ⎯ carbon dioxide; ⎯ oxygen/nitrous oxide mixtures (see Note 1); b) pipeline systems for the following gases: ⎯ (*) oxygen-enriched air; ⎯ air for driving surgical tools; ⎯ nitrogen for driving surgical tools; c) pipeline systems for vacuum. This part of ISO 7396 also applies to: ⎯ extensions of existing pipeline distribution systems; ⎯ modifications of existing pipeline distribution systems; ⎯ modifications or replacement of supply systems or sources of supply. NOTE 1 Regional or national regulations can prohibit the distribution of oxygen/nitrous oxide mixtures in medical gas pipeline systems. (*) NOTE 2 EN 14931 [23] defines additional or alternative requirements for the specific application, in particular for flows and pressures of compressed air required to pressurize the hyperbaric chambers and to drive other connected services and of oxygen and other treatment gases administered to patients.

Medical gas pipeline systems - Part2: Anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems

This part of ISO 7396 specifies requirements for the design, installation, function, performance, documentation, testing and commissioning of anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems to ensure patient safety and to minimize exposure of the operator and other persons to anaesthetic gases and vapours. It includes requirements for the power device, pipeline system, performance, non-interchangeability between key components and avoidance of cross connections between anaesthetic gas scavenging (AGS) disposal systems and medical gas and vacuum pipeline systems. NOTE In this part of ISO 7396, the term “pipeline” refers exclusively to pipelines that are part of a dedicated anaesthetic gas scavenging system (AGSS). This part of ISO 7396 is applicable only to those disposal systems intended to be connected via AGSS terminal units conforming to ISO 9170-2 and to AGSS receiving systems conforming to ISO 8835-3. This part of ISO 7396 also applies to: ⎯ extensions of existing AGSS disposal systems; ⎯ modifications of existing AGSS disposal systems; ⎯ modifications or replacement of power devices.

Laboratory glassware -- Disposable micropipettes

This International Standard specifies requirements for disposable glass micropipettes adjusted to contain, suitable for general laboratory purposes. The details specified are in conformity with ISO 8417.

Laboratory glassware - Disposable Pasteur pipettes

This International Standard specifies requirements for the most commonly used sizes of glass disposable Pasteur pipettes. The pipettes are uncalibrated and are intended for the transfer and replicate dispensing of drops of solutions, and suspensions of biological materials.

Laboratory glassware - Disposable serological pipettes

This International Standard specifies requirements for disposable glass serological pipettes adjusted to deliver — including blow-out pipettes — suitable for general laboratory purposes. The details specified are in conformity with ISO 8417.

Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be designated 'STERILE' - Part 1: Requirements for terminally sterilized medical devices

1.1 This European Standard specifies requirements and the relevant tests for large steam sterilizers primarily used in health care for the sterilization of medical devices and their accessories contained in one or more sterilization modules. The test loads described in this European Standard are selected to represent the majority of loads (i.e. wrapped goods consisting of metal, rubber and porous materials) for the evaluation of general purpose steam sterilizer for medical devices. However, specific loads (e.g. heavy metal objects or long and/or narrow lumen) will require the use of other test loads. Large steam sterilizers can also be used during the commercial production of medical devices. 1.2 This European Standard is not applicable to steam sterilizers designed to process a size of load less than one sterilization module or having a chamber volume less than 60 l. 1.3 This European Standard does not describe a quality assurance system for the control of all stages of the manufacture of the sterilizer. NOTE Attention is drawn to the standards for quality management systems e.g. EN ISO 13485. 1.4 Planning and design of products applying to this European Standard should consider the environmental impact from the product during its life cycle. Environmental aspects are addressed in Annex A.

Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be designated 'STERILE' - Part 2: Requirements for aseptically processed medical devices

This European Standard specifies the requirements for an aseptically processed medical device to be designated 'STERILE'. NOTE For the purpose of the EU Directive(s) for medical devices (see Bibliography), designating that a medical device is 'STERILE' is permissible when a validated manufacturing and sterilization process has been applied. Requirements for validation and routine control of aseptic processes are specified in EN ISO 13408 1. Specific requirements for the aseptic processing of solid medical devices and combination products are specified in ISO 13408 7.


تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في المرغرين

Fresh Poultry

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الدجاج الطازج وأجزاءه المعدة للإستهلاك البشري

Asphalt: Specifications of Hot Bituminous Concrete for Roads

La présente norme a pour objet de définir les bétons bitumineux fabriqués à chaud en usine, d’en fixer les caractéristiques de composition et de spécifier les essais aptes à vérifier ces dernières. Pour les conditions de fabrication, de livraison sous trémie, de transport et de mise en œuvre, on se référera à la norme NL 199 : 1999. La présente norme s’applique aux bétons bitumineux destinés à la réalisation: - des couches de roulement: d’épaisseur 2 à 6cm, réalisées avec des granulats 0/10 (ou 0/12) ou d’épaisseur 6 à 8cm, réalisées avec des granulats 0/14. - des couches de liaison: d’épaisseur 4 à 6cm réalisées avec des granulats 0/10 (ou 0/12) ou d’épaisseur 6 à 8cm réalisées avec des granulats 0/14 (ou 0/20). - des couches d’assises de chaussées (graves bitume) d’épaisseur 8 à 12cm réalisées avec des granulats de dimension 0/14 (ou 0/20) et d’épaisseur 10 à 15cm réalisées avec des granulats de dimension 0/20mm (ou 0/25). 2000 French 25000.00 0 588 613 C NL 199 : 2000 NL TC FP 93.080.20 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Manufacturing and Execution of Hot and Cold Asphalt Mixes La présente norme définit les constituants, la fabrication et la mise en œuvre des enrobés bitumineux à chaud et à froid et recyclage d’enrobés anciens. La présente norme s’applique pour toutes les couches de chaussée: couches de roulement, couches de liaison, couches d’assise (base et fondation), revêtements d’accotements, de trottoirs et les parties annexes des chaussées et pour les chaussées routières et aéronautiques. Elle pourra être complétée par d’autres normes précisant les dispositions applicables à certaines techniques. Elle ne s’applique pas aux enrobés destinés à assurer l’étanchéité des ouvrages hydrauliques. 2000 French 50000.00 0 589 614 C NL EN 200 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.70 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Sanitary tapware - General technical specifications for single taps and mixer taps(nominal size 1/2) PN10 -Minimum flow pressure of 0.05MPa (0.5bar) The dimensional, water tightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic, mechanical strength, mechanical endurance and acoustic charactheristics with the single taps and mixer tape shall comply. The test methods to verify these characteristics. 2003 English; French 35000.00 0 590 615 C NL 202 : 1999 NL TC IRI 29.060.20 60.60 Petroleum and related Technologies Industrial Liquid Lubricants- ISO Viscosity: Classification Establishes a system of viscosity classification for industrial liquid lubricants and related fluids including mineral oils used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, electrical oils and for other applications. The usual method for kinematic-viscosity determination is that specified in ISO 3104. There may be some pure chemicals and naturally occurring products, used as lubricants, which will not fall within the classification. 1999 Arabic 15000.00 0 591 616 C NL EN 203 1 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 1: General safety rules This document specifies the general requirements and the constructional and operating characteristics relating to safety1), marking, and the associated test methods for gas heated commercial catering and bakery appliances. The specific requirements are given in Part 2. Only appliances of types A1, A2, A3, B1 and B2, as defined in Clause 4, are considered in this document. This document applies to all professional cooking and bakery appliances using gas for preparing food and drink. This document covers type tests only, and only the net calorific value (Hi) and net Wobbe number (Wi) are used. Annex C, informative, lists the main types of equipment entering into the field of application of this document. NOTE This document does not really deal with rational use of energy. This aspect is mentioned in 6.10 only for the coherency with associated Part 2 (clauses numbering) and to remind that in case of not any Part 2 exist for a specific product, rational use of energy has however to be considered. 2008 English 50000.00 0 592 617 C NL EN 203 2 1 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas Heated catering equipment - Part 2-1: Specific requirements - Open burners Gas and wok burners This European Standard specifies requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety, rational use of energy and marking, of atmospheric commercial gas heated open burners, covered burners, non-enclosed covered burners. It also states test methods to check those characteristics. This European Standard only covers type testing 2008 English 25000.00 0 593 618 C NL EN 203 2 2 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-2: Specific requirements - Ovens This European Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety and rational use of energy, of commercial gas heated natural convection ovens, forced air ovens, multi-function ovens and steaming ovens, atmospheric or pressurised. Commercial bakery ovens, with a sole plate or a trolley and pizza ovens are also covered by this standard. This European Standard does not cover appliances which are specifically designed for use in industrial process on industrial premises. 2008 English 25000.00 0 594 619 C NL EN 203 2 3 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-3: Specific requirements - Boiling pans This European Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety, rational use of energy and marking, of commercial gas heated boiling pans. This European Standard only covers type testing. 2008 English 25000.00 0 595 620 C NL EN 203 2 4 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-4: Specific requirements - Fryers This European Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety, rational use of energy and marking, of commercial gas heated fryers. This European Standard only covers type testing. 2008 English 25000.00 0 596 621 C NL EN 203 2 6 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-6: Specific requirements - Hot water heaters for beverage This European Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety, rational use of energy and marking, of Commercial Gas Heated Water Boiling and Heating Appliances for Beverage Making. This European Standard only covers type testing 2008 English 25000.00 0 597 622 C NL EN 203 2 8 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-8: Specific requirements - Brat pans and paëlla cookers This European Standard specifies the requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to safety and rational use of energy of brat pans and paella cookers so called after “brat pan”. It also states the test methods suitable to check those characteristics. This European Standard only cover type testing. 2008 English 25000.00 0 598 623 C NL EN 203 2 9 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment –Part2-9:Specific requirements- Solid tops, warming plates and griddles This European Standard specifies the requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety and rational use of energy for solid tops, warming plates and griddles, the burners of which are enclosed and the flue gases of which are evacuated by a specific way. This European Standard only covers type testing. 2008 English 25000.00 0 599 624 C NL EN 203 2 11 : 2008 No 97.040.20 60.60 Domestic and Commercial Equipment. Entertainment. Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-11: Specific requirements - Pasta cookers This European Standard specifies the test methods and requirements for the construction and operating characteristics relating to the safety, rational use of energy and marking of commercial gas heated pasta cookers. 2008 English 25000.00 0 600 625 C NL 203 : 1999 NL TC IRI 75.160.20 60.60 Petroleum and related Technologies Petroleum Products - Fuels (Class F) Classification - Part 0 : General يحدد هذا الجزء التصنيف العام للمحروقات ذات المصدر النقطي . تتألف هذه الفئه من خمس عائلات من المنتجات حسب نوع المحروقات . التصنيف المفصل لكل عائله او صنف من المنتجات يأخذ بالحسبان العناصر المتممه المختصه بالأستعملات و النوع و الخصائص , التي سيتم بناء عليها تحديد المنتجات المتعلقه بكل صنف و ذلك ضمن الاجزاء الخاصه بهذه المواصفه تبعا للضروره ملاحظه : -لا تدخل المحروقات النفطيه و مركباتها في اطار هذا التصنيف في حال استعمالها لغايات اخرى قبل التحضير . وتفسر المركبات بالمنتوجات التي بالمنتوجات التي تأخذ اساسها حصرا من معالجة النفط الخام . -حددت الفئه للمحروقات كجزء من نظام التصنيف للمنتجات النفطيه وفق Iso 8681 1999 Arabic 15000.00 0 601 626 C NL 204 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.060 60.60 Food Technology Oat grains تھدف ھذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطل بات والشروط الواجب توافرھا في حبوب الشوفان المعدة للاستھلاك البشري. Avena nuda لا تطبق ھذه المواصفة على حبوب الشوفان التابعة للصنف )الغلاف الخالية من .( 2005 NULL 25000.00 0 602 627 C NL 205 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.220.20 60.60 Food Technology Colorants Allowed in Agro-Food Products تھدف ھذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد الشروط الواجب توافرھا في المواد الملو المعدة للاستعمال في المواد الغذائية، وھي تتضمن تعيينھا ومجالات استعمالھا والمستويات القصوى لوجودھا 2000 Arabic 25000.00 1 603 628 C NL 207 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.080.20 60.60 Food Technology Canned Processed Peas تھدف ھذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرھا في البازلاء المعلبة و حبوب البازيلا المجففه.. 2000 Arabic 25000.00 1 604 629 C NL 208 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.190 60.60 Food Technology Chocolate تھدف ھذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد الشروط الواجب توافرھا في المنتجات المتجا نسة المصنعة من لب بذور الكاكاو وعجينة الكاكاو وكسبة الكاكاو المشكلة بالكبس وزبدة الكاكاو و/ او السكريات والمحليات و/ او مسحوق الكاكاو، ويمكن اضافة منتجات الحليب والمكونات الاختيارية والمواد لنوع ال المطلوبة ً ذات الطعم والرائحة المذكورة في ھذه المواصفة القياسية، وفقا شوكولا . لا تشمل ھذه المواصفة مشروبات الشوكولا الساخنة والباردة او المسحوق الذي يستعمل في تجھيزھا. 2000 Arabic 25000.00 1 605 631 C NL 210 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.200.10 60.60 Food Technology Whole and Ground Chilies and Capsicums تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في الفلفل الأحمر الحار الكامل والمطحون .ا ولا تطبق ھذه المواصفة على مسحوق الفليفلة او الفلفل الأحمر الحار لناتج عن خليط لعدة أصناف من البھارات 2000 Arabic 15000.00 1 606 632 C NL 211 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.200.10 60.60 Food Technology Black and Blond Whole Caraway تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية الخصائص والمتطلبات الواجب توافرھا في الكراوية الكاملة السوداء والشقراء . Carum ) ولا تتضمن ھذه المواصفة الكراوية ذات النوع Bulbocastanum.( 2000 Arabic 15000.00 1 607 634 C NL 213 : 2001 NL TC IRI 67.120.20 60.60 Food Technology Frozen Chicken ﺘﺤﺩﺩ ﻫﺫﻩ ﺍﻝﻤﻭﺍﺼﻔﺔ ﺍﻝﻘﻴﺎﺴﻴﺔ ﺍﻝﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻝﺨﺼﺎﺌﺹ ﺍﻝﻭﺍﺠﺏ ﺘﻭﺍﻓﺭﻫﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻝﺩﺠﺎﺝ ﺍﻝﻤﺠﻤﺩ ﺍﻝﻤﻌﺩ ﻝﻼﺴﺘﻬﻼﻙ ﺍﻝﺒﺸﺭﻱ 2001 Arabic 15000.00 0 608 635 C NL 214 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.120.20 60.60 Food Technology Non-Carbonated Sweetened Juices and Drinks - General Conditions تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في عصير الفاكھة الطبيعي والشرابات المحلاة غير الغازية وغير الكحولية - ا الطبيعية او لمنكھة- المعدة للشرب مباشرة والمعبأة في عبوات مناسبة . يستثنى من ھذه المواصفة الشرابات المكثفة والمحلاة، مثل شراب الورد والجلاب والتمر الھندي والتوت والليموناضة . ويتبع كل نوع عصير أو شراب المواصفة الخاصة به في حال وجودھا. 2000 Arabic 25000.00 0 609 636 C NL 215 : 2000 NL TC IRI 67.220.10 60.60 Food Technology Curry Powder تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في مسحوق الكري المعبأ والمعد للبيع وال الأطعمة مستعمل كمادة منكھة في تحضير بعض أصناف . 2000 Arabic 15000.00 1 610 637 C NL 216 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.060 60.60 Food Technology Durum wheat semolina and durum wheat flour تھدف ھ سميد ذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرھا في وطحين قمح الديورم ( Triticum durum Desf.) للاستھلاك ّ بما فيه سميد قمح الديورم الكامل، المعد البشري والمعبأ للاستھلاك المباشر أو المستعمل في صناعة منتجات غذائية. لا تطبق ھذه المواصفة الق على ياسية : - التالية Triticum aestivum : المنتجات المحضرة من أنواع القمح L أو Triticum compactum Host. Triticum أو أي خليط منھما مع قمح الديورم ، durum Desf. - للتغذ لأي استعمال صناعي غير غذائي، أو الحيوانية ّ سميد أو طحين قمح الديورم المعد ية . 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 611 638 C NL 218 : 2008 No 71.100.40 60.60 Chemical Technology Household Synthetic Detergent in Granular Form ﺘﺨﺘﺹ ﻫﺫﻩ ﺍﻝﻤﻭﺍﺼﻔﺔ ﺍﻝﻘﻴﺎﺴﻴﺔ ﺍﻝﻠﺒﻨﺎﻨﻴﺔ ﺒﺘﺤﺩﻴﺩ ﺍﻝﻤﺘﻁﻠﺒﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻝﺨـﺼﺎﺌﺹ ﺍﻝﻭﺍﺠـﺏ ﺘﻭﺍﻓﺭﻫـﺎ ﻓـﻲ ﺍﻝﻤﻨﻅﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻝﺘﺭﻜﻴﺒﻴﺔ ﺍﻝﻤﺼﻨﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺸﻜل ﺤﺒﻴﺒﺎﺕ، ﺍﻝﻤﻌﺭﻭﻓﺔ ﺒﺎﺴـﻡ ﻤـﺴﺎﺤﻴﻕ ﺍﻝﻐـﺴﻴل، ﻭﺍﻝﻤﻌـﺩﺓ ﻝﻺﺴﺘﻌﻤﺎل ﺍﻝﻤﻨﺯﻝﻲ ﺍﻝﻌﺎﻡ . 2008 Arabic 25000.00 1 612 639 C NL 219 : 2008 No 71.100.40 60.60 Chemical Technology Liquid Hand Dishwashing Synthetic Detergent ﺘﺤﺩﺩ ﻫﺫﻩ ﺍﻝﻤﻭﺍﺼﻔﺔ ﺍﻝﻘﻴﺎﺴﻴﺔ ﺍﻻﺸﺘﺭﺍﻁﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﻝﺨﺼﺎﺌﺹ ﺍﻝﻔﻴﺯﻴﻘﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻝﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺌﻴﺔ ﺍﻝﻭﺍﺠﺏ ﺘﻭﺍﻓﺭﻫـ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻝﻤﻨﻅﻔﺎﺕ ﺍﻝﺴﺎﺌﻠﺔ ﻝﻤﻌﺩﺓ ﻝﻐﺴل ﺍﻝﺼﺤﻭﻥ ﻭﺍﻷﻭﺍﻨﻲ ﺍﻝﻤﻨﺯﻝﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻝﺯﺠﺎﺠﻴﺎﺕ ﻭﻤﺎ ﺸ ﺍ ﺎﺒﻪ ﻴﺩﻭﻴﹰﺎ ."

Bitumen shingles with mineral and/or synthetic reinforcements - Product specification and test methods

This European Standard specifies the properties, performance and methods of test of the finished bitumen shingles prior to them being laid on the roof. It also includes rules for marking, labelling and provides a clause for evaluation of conformity. This European Standard does not include design requirements, installation techniques and roof system performance. This European Standard applies to bitumen shingles where the watertightness of the system is ensured by overlapping, by different adhesive systems or a combination of these, according to manufacturer’s installation instructions, intended to be laid as covering for pitched roofs and/or wall cladding. This European Standard applies only to bitumen shingles with a mineral reinforcement, synthetic reinforcement or a mixture of the two. In case of multilayer shingles each layer need to have the same type of reinforcement and same type of coating (ref. to Clause 8).

Methods of measuring the energy consumption of electric mains operated household refrigerators, frozen food storage cabinets, food freezers and their combinations, together with associated characteristics.

This European Standard specifies the methods for measuring the energy consumption of electric mains operated household refrigerating appliances, together with associated characteristics. This European Standard is not concerned with safety

Medical gloves for single use - Part3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation

This part of EN 455 specifies requirements for the evaluation of biological safety for medical gloves for single use. It gives requirements for labelling and the disclosure of information relevant to the test methods used.

Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding - Product specifications

This European Standard specifies requirements for concrete roofing tiles and fittings for pitched roof coverings and wall cladding and lining. Concrete roofing tiles and fittings may incorporate surface coatings and glued concrete components. NOTE 1 Information on surface characteristics is given in Annex A. NOTE 2 Information on the performance of roof and wall assemblies is given in Annex B.

Fibre-cement slates and fittings - Product specification and test methods

This document specifies the technical requirements and establishes methods of control an test as well as acceptance conditions for fibre-cement slates and their fibre-cement fittings for one or more of the following use: - Roofing - Internal wall finishes. - External wall and ceiling finishes. It applies to fibre-cement slates with a height dimension h (see Clause 4) not exceeding 850 mm for overlapping assembly for the purpose of this standard, fibre-cement slates have been classified according to their bending moment. This document overs fibre-cement slates reinforced with fibres of different types as specified in 5.1.1. This standard does not include calculations with regard to works, design requirements , installation techniques, wind uplift or rain proofing of the installed products.

Fibre-cement profiled sheets and fittings - Product specification and test methods

This European Standard specifies the technical requirements and establishes methods of control and test as well as acceptance conditions for fibre-cement profiled sheets and their fibre-cement fittings for one or more of the following uses: - roofing; - internal wall finishes; - external wall and ceiling finishes. For the purpose of this European Standard, fibre-cement profiled sheets are classified according to their height of corrugation and their mechanical characteristics. This European Standard covers fibre-cement profiled sheets reinforced with fibres of different type as specified in 5.1.1, with and without factory applied coating. This European Standard does not include calculations with regard to works, design requirements, installation techniques, wind uplift or rain proofing of the installed sheets. NOTE Some of these requirements can be applied, after agreement, to curved sheets for specific applications.

Prefabricated accessories for roofing - Installations for roof access - Walkways, treads and steps

This document applies to roof safety (building products) situated on the surface of pitched roofs and permanently fixed to the load-bearing roof construction. They are intended for the attachment of slaters’ ladders, for supporting working platforms and as anchorage points to which personal protective equipment against falls or for restraint are attached. It specifies essential dimensions, materials to be used, requirements with respect to the load-bearing capacity, of the roof safety hooks fastened to the roof construction including their fastening system and the extent of testing. This document does not apply to installations which are used exclusively as anchorage points to which personal protective equipment against falls or for restraint are attached (see EN 795).

Prefabricated accessories for roofing - Roof safety hooks

This document applies to to roof safety (buildng products) situated on the surface of pitched roofs and permenantly dixed to the load-bearing roof construction. They are intended for the attachment of slaters' ladders, for supporting working platforms and as anchorage points to which personal protective equipment agains; falls or for restraint are attached. It specifices essential dimensions , materials to be used, requirements with respect to the load-bearing capacity, of the roof safety hooks fastened to the roof construction including their fastening system and the extent of testing. This document does not apply to installations which are used exclusively as anchorage points to which personal protective equipment against falls or for restraint are attached (see EN 795)

Corrugated bitumen sheets - Product specification and test methods

This European Standard specifies the technical properties and establishes the test and inspection methods for finished corrugated bitumen sheets on leaving the factory. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of products with the requirements of this standard.

Clay Roofing Tiles for Discontinuous Laying - Determination of Physical Characterisitics - Part 1: Impermeability test

This European Standard describes two test methods for testing the impermeability to water of clay roof tiles and fittings which can be considered as equivalent. NOTE The methods are not applicable to all fittings, because of their different shapes.

Clay Roofing Tiles for Discontinuous Laying - Determination of Physical Characterisitics - Part 2: Test for Frost Resistance

This European Standard specifies the test method for the determination of frost resistance of clay roofing tiles and fittings. The test method is applicable in all CEN member countries in accordance with the required performance level of each member state.

Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations

This document gives guidelines for the process of complaints handling related to products and services within an organization, including planning, design, development, operation, maintenance and improvement. The complaints-handling process described is suitable for use as one of the processes of an overall quality management system. NOTE Throughout this document, the terms “product” and “service” refer to the outputs of an organization that are intended for, or required by, a customer. This document is intended for use by any organization regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. It is also intended for use by organizations in all sectors. Annex B provides guidance specifically for small businesses. This document addresses the following aspects of complaints handling: a) enhancing customer satisfaction by creating a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints), resolving any complaints received, and enhancing the organization’s ability to improve its products and services, including customer service; b) top management involvement and commitment through adequate acquisition and deployment of resources, including personnel training; c) recognizing and addressing the needs and expectations of complainants; d) providing complainants with an open, effective and easy-to-use complaints process; e) analysing and evaluating complaints in order to improve the quality of products and services, including customer service; f) auditing of the complaints-handling process; g) reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the complaints-handling process. This document does not apply to disputes referred for resolution outside the organization or for employment-related disputes

Quality management systems -- Guidelines for quality plans

This document gives guidelines for establishing, reviewing, accepting, applying and revising quality plans. This document is applicable to quality plans for any intended output, whether a process, product, service, project or contract, and any type or size of organization. It is applicable whether or not the organization has a management system in conformity with ISO 9001. This document provides guidance and does not specify requirements. It is focused primarily on the provision of outputs and is not a guide to the planning of quality management system development. NOTE To avoid undue repetition of “process, product, service, project or contract”, this document uses the term “specific case”.

Quality management systems -- Guidelines for quality management in projects

This document gives guidelines for the application of quality management in projects. It is applicable to organizations working on projects of varying complexity, small or large, of short or long duration, being an individual project to being part of a programme or portfolio of projects, in different environments, and irrespective of the kind of product/service or process involved, with the intention of satisfying project interested parties by introducing quality management in projects. This can necessitate some tailoring of the guidance to suit a particular project. This document is not a guide to project management itself. Guidance on quality in project management processes is presented in this document. Guidance on project management and related processes is covered in ISO 21500. This document addresses the concepts of both “quality management in projects” and “quality management systems in projects”. These are distinguished by being addressed separately by the following topics and clauses: ― quality management in projects includes: quality management systems in projects (Clause 4); management responsibility in projects (Clause 5); resource management in projects (Clause 6); product/service realization in projects (Clause 7); and measurement, analysis and improvement in projects (Clause 8); ― quality management systems in projects includes: project characteristics (4.1); quality management principles in projects (4.2); project quality management processes (4.3); and a quality plan for the project (4.4).

Quality management systems -- Guidelines for configuration management

This document provides guidance on the use of configuration management within an organization. It is applicable to the support of products and services from concept to disposal.

Measurement management systems -- Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment

This International Standard specifies generic requirements and provides guidance for the management of measurement processes and metrological confirmation of measuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliance with metrological requirements. It specifies the quality management requirements of a measurement management system that can be used by an organization performing measurements as part of the overall management system, and to ensure metrological requirements are met. This International Standard is not intended to be used as a requisite for demonstrating conformance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or any other standard. Interested parties can agree to use this International Standard as an input for satisfying measurement management system requirements in certification activities. This International Standard is not intended as a substitute for, or as an addition to, the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. NOTE Other standards and guides exist for particular elements affecting measurement results, for example, details of measurement methods, competence of personnel, and interlaboratory comparisons.

Guidelines for quality management system documentation

This Technical Report provides guidelines for the development and maintenance of the documentation necessary to ensure an effective quality management system, tailored to the specific needs of the organization. The use of these guidelines will aid in establishing a documented system as required by the applicable quality management system standard. This Technical Report may be used to document management systems other than that of the ISO 9000 family, for example environmental management systems and safety management systems. NOTE When a procedure is documented, the term “written procedure ” or “documented procedure” is frequently used.

Quality management -- Guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits

This International Standard provides guidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits from the application of the ISO 9000 quality management principles. NOTE These are herein referred to as “management principles”. This International Standard is directed to top management of an organization and complements ISO 9004 for performance improvements. It provides examples of achievable benefits and identifies management methods and tools that are available to assist with the achievement of those benefits. This International Standard consists of guidelines and recommendations, and is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use.

Quality management -- Guidelines for training

These guidelines cover the development, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of strategies and systems for training that affect the quality of the products supplied by an organization. This International Standard applies to all types of organizations. It is not intended for use in contracts, regulations, or for certification. It does not add to, change, or otherwise modify requirements for the ISO 9000 series. This International Standard is not intended to be used by training providers delivering services to other organizations. NOTE The main source of reference for training providers should be ISO 9004-2:1991, Quality management and quality system elements — Part 2: Guidelines for services, until superseded by ISO 9004:2000. Training providers may use this International Standard when addressing the training needs of their own personnel.

Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000

This Technical Report provides guidance on the selection of appropriate statistical techniques that may be useful to an organization in developing, implementing, maintaining and improving a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001. This is done by examining those requirements of ISO 9001 that involve the use of quantitative data, and then identifying and describing the statistical techniques that can be useful when applied to such data. The list of statistical techniques cited in this Technical Report is neither complete nor exhaustive, and does not preclude the use of any other techniques (statistical or otherwise) that are deemed to be beneficial to the organization. Furthermore, this Technical Report does not attempt to prescribe which statistical technique(s) are to be used; nor does it attempt to advise on how the technique(s) are to be implemented. This Technical Report is not intended for contractual, regulatory or certification/registration purposes. It is not intended to be used as a mandatory checklist for compliance with ISO 9001:2000 requirements. The justification for using statistical techniques is that their application would help to improve the effectiveness of the quality management system. NOTE 1 The terms “statistical techniques” and “statistical methods” are often used interchangeably. NOTE 2 References in this Technical Report to “product” are applicable to the generic product categories of service, software, hardware and processed materials, or a combination thereof, in accordance with the definition of “product” in ISO 9000:2000.

Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services

This International Standard provides guidance for the selection of quality management system consultants and the use of their services. It is intended to assist organizations when selecting a quality management system consultant. It gives guidance on the process for evaluating the competence of a quality management system consultant and provides confidence that the organization's needs and expectations for the consultant's services will be met. NOTE 1 This International Standard is not intended to be used for certification purposes. NOTE 2 This International Standard addresses the realization of a quality management system but, at the same time, could be used with appropriate adaptation for the realization of any other management systems.

Starch and derived products- Heavy metals content- Part 1: Determination of arsenic content by atomic absorption spectrometry

This part of ISO 11212 specifies a method for the determination of the arsenic content of starch, including derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with hybride generation. The hybride generators currently available use very different techniques; it is thus impossible to propose a comprehensive method likely to ensure the attainment of satisfactory results on all types of apparatus. Each analyst should therefore optimize the conditions of use of his/her own apparatus on the basis of general or particular instructions