
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Heat exchangers - Terminology

The scope of this European Standard is to establish heat exchanger terminology so that consistent terms are used. For the purposes of this European Standard a heat exchanger is a device, the main function of which is to transfer heat between two fluids, with physical separation by a wall. Heat exchange between a fluid and a solid material (in the case of ovens in particular) is therefore excluded.

Sanitary tapware - General technical specifications for electrodeposited Nickel Chrome coatings

The aim of this European Standard is: - to define the condition of the exposed surfaces of tapware, - to establish the characteristics (resistance to corrosion, adherence) of the surface coating, - to describe the tests for verifying these characteristics. It applies to all sanitary fittings (supply or waste fittings) which have a metallic Ni-Cr coating, whatever the nature of the substrate material.

Shower trays - Connecting dimensions

This European Standard specifies requirements for the connecting dimensions for shower trays, regardless of the material used for their manufacture. This European Standard applies to shower trays used for domestic purposes and complements the standards for shower trays made from different materials, the existing standard on waste fittings (EN 274-1) in terms of their dimensional requirements. NOTE Only dimensions are compulsory. The shape of the appliance in the figures is for illustration only; it in no way prejudices the shape of the appliance which is left to the initiative of the manufacturer.

Sanitary tapware - General specifications for flow rate regulators

This European Standard specifies the performance criteria related to the health and environmental protection of people for sanitary taps and their related accessories used for the water supply. The performance requirements are expressed in terms of mechanical endurance, flow rate, effectiveness and level of acoustic pressure. This standard includes and makes reference to the corresponding test methods and the evaluation of conformity of the product to this standard

Textiles - Mixtures of cotton (50%) and polyester (50%) fibers for military uniforms

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية الحد الأدنى للمتطلبات خصائص الأقمشة الممزوجة قطن (50 %) وبوليستر (50 % ) المصبوغة و/أو المطبعة حسب الرسمة الموضوعة من قبل الجهات المعنية والمخصصة لبدلات العمل العسكرية.

Knitted fabrics for dress suit composed of blended cotton fibres

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية خصائص الأداء للأقمشة المنسوجة للبدلات وللسراويل والستر (الجاكيتات) الرجالية والولادية من أي نوع كانت الألياف النسيجية أو المزيج المكونة لها وللأقمشة ذات الكتل الوزنية بالمتر المربع المختلفة. ولا تشير هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى أقمشة البطانات.

Aluminium and aluminium alloys Foil – Part 1: Technical conditions for inspections and delivery

This document specifies the technical conditions for inspection and delivery of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy foil. The gauge range covered is 6 m to 200 m. It does not apply to lacquered, painted, embossed or laminated products.

Aluminium and Aluminum Alloys foil - Part 2: Mechanical properties

This document specifies the mechanical properties of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy foil. The chemical composition limits of these materials are specified in EN 573-3. The designations of aluminium and aluminium alloys and the temper designations used in this standard are specified in EN 573-3 and the temper designation are defined EN 515.

Sanitary tapware - Thermostatic mixing valves (PN10) -General technical spécifications

This European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature approximately 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing. It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilets and cloakrooms) and bath rooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1. This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use). The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture. Table 1 - Conditions of use

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of length and width

Specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the length and width of full‑size products. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of thickness

Specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the thickness of full‑size products. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Produits isolants thermiques destinés aux applications du bâtiment.Détermination de l'équerrage

Specifies the equipment and procedure for determining the deviation from squareness for length, width and/or thickness of full‑size products. It is applicable to thermal insulating products. The method is normally applicable to products with straight edges. For products of other shape, e.g. profiled edges, the method can be adapted accordingly.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of flatness

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the deviation from flatness for full-size products. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of compression behaviour

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures to be used when determining the compression behaviour of test specimens. It is applicable to thermal insulating products and can be used to determine the compressive stress in compressive creep tests and for applications in which insulation products are only exposed to short-term loads. The method can be used for quality control purposes. It may also be employed to obtain reference values from which design values can be calculated using safety factors.

Sanitary tapware - Automatic shut-off valves PN 10

This European Standard is applicable to single and mixer taps with automatic shut-off for use with sanitary appliances installed in washrooms. It does not apply to urinal or WC flushing valves or valves which open automatically. The purpose of this standard is to specify the marking, identification, chemical/hygiene, dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic, mechanical endurance, and acoustical characteristics of automatic shut-off tapware. The tests described in all the standard are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture

Sanitary tapware - Mechanical mixers (PN10) - General technical specifications

This European Standard specifies: - The dimensional, leak tightness, mechanical and hydraulic performance, mechanical endurance and acoustic characteristics with which mechanical mixing valves shall comply; - The procedures for testing these characteristics. It is applicable: - To mechanical mixing valves, intended for use on sanitary appliances in washrooms (toilets, bathrooms, etc.) - To PN 10 mechanical mixing valves used under the following pressure and temperature conditions.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 48: Choice of protective measures as a function of external influences - Section 482: Protection against fire

Gives the choice of protection measures as a function of external influences: conditions of evacuation in an emergency, nature of processed or stored materials, combustible constructional materials and fire propagating structures

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Section 534: Devices for protection against overvoltages

This section of IEC 60364-5 contains provisions for the application of voltage limitation to obtain an insulation coordination according to IEC 6uildings of 0364-4-443 and IEC 60664-1. This section of IEC 60364-5 gives the requirements for the erection and selection of surge protective devices of installations of buildings to obtain a limitation of transient overvoltages of atmospheric origin transmitted by the supply distribution system and against switching overvoltages generated by the equipment within the installation. Selection and erection of surge protective device is also necessary for the protection against direct lightning strokes or lightning strokes in the vicinity of buildings. NOTE For these cases of application specific rules are under consideration, which will be incorporated in this section

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Section 537: Devices for isolation and switching

IEC 60364-5-53:2019 Deals with general requirements for isolation, switching and control and with the requirements for selection and erection of the devices provided to fulfil such functions. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2001, Amendment 1:2002 and Amendment 2:2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) revision of all clauses except 531 and 534; b) introduction of a new Clause 537 Monitoring; c) Clause 530 contains all normative references and all terms and definitions

Thermal insulation-Heat transfer by radiation-Physical quantities and definitions

This International Standard defines physical quantities and other terms in the field of thermal insulation relating to heat transfer by radiation.

Thermal insulation - Mass transfer - Physical quantities and definitions

This International Standard defines physical quantities and other terms in the field of mass transfer relevant to buildings, building elements and systems, building components and building materials. For physical quantities the standard also gives the corresponding symbols and units.

Road vehicles - Hydraulic braking systems - ISO reference petroleum base fluid

This International Standard specifies the composition and required characteristics of a reference fluid1) used for the testing of hydraulic braking systems and components mounted on road vehicles.

Thermal insulation - physical quantities and definitions

This document defines physical quantities used in the thermal performance of buildings and building elements, and gives the corresponding symbols and units. NOTE Because the scope of this document is restricted to thermal performance and energy use in the built environment, some of the definitions it contains differ from those given ISO 80000-5.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of the apparent density

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the apparent overall density and the apparent core density under reference conditions. It is applicable to full size thermal insulating products and test specimens. This standard can also be applied to the individual layers of multi-layered products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of dimensional stabiliy under constant laboratory conditions

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures to evaluate irreversible dimensional changes of test specimens and full size products with time under constant normal laboratory conditions. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for evaluating dimensional changes of test specimens under specified conditions of temperature, relative humidity and duration of exposure. This European Standard proposes a range of conditions from which one or more desirable test conditions can be selected. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the deformation occurring under specified conditions of compressive load, temperature and time. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of compressive creep

his European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the compressive creep of specimens under various conditions of stress. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to faces

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the tensile strength of a product perpendicular to its faces. It is applicable to thermal insulating products.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of tensile strength parallel to faces

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the tensile strength of a product parallel to its faces. It is applicable to thermal insulating products. This European Standard can be used to determine whether the product has sufficient strength to withstand stresses during transportation and application.

Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of short term water absorption by partial immersion

This European Standard specifies the equipment and procedures for determining the short-term water absorption of test specimens by partial immersion. It is applicable to thermal insulating products. NOTE It is intended to simulate the water absorption caused by a 24 h raining period during construction work.

Sanitary tapware - Low pressure mechanical mixing valves - General technical spécifications

This European standard specifies requirements for low hydraulic resistance mechanical mixing valves suitable for use in low pressure water supply systems as described in informative Annex C. This European standard specifies: the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic performance, mechanical endurance characteristics with which low pressure mechanical mixing valves shall comply; the procedure for testing these characteristics.

Sanitary tapware - Low pressure thermostatic mixing valves - General technical specifications

TThis European Standard specifies general construction, performance and material requirements for PN 10 thermostatic mixing valves (TMV) and includes test methods for the verification of mixed water temperature performance at the point of use below 45 °C. This does not exclude the selection of higher temperatures where available. When these devices are used to provide anti-scald protection for children, elderly and disabled persons the mixed water temperature needs to be set at a suitable bathing temperature (body temperature - 38 °C) as children are at risk to scalding at lower temperatures than adults. This does not obviate the need for supervision of young children during bathing. It applies to valves intended for use on sanitary appliances in kitchens, washrooms (incl. all rooms with sanitary tapware, e.g. toilet and cloakrooms) and bathrooms operating under the conditions specified in Table 1. This standard allows TMVs to supply a single outlet or a small number of outlets in a "domestic" application (e.g. one valve, controlling a shower, bath, basin and/or, bidet), excluding valves specifically designed for supplying a large number of outlets (i.e. for institutional use). The tests described are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out during manufacture. Table 1 - Conditions of use

Heat exchangers - Forced circulation air-cooling and air-heating coils - Test procedures for establishing the performance

Heat exchangers - Forced circulation air-cooling and air-heating coils - Test procedures for establishing the performance

Thermal insulation - Materials, products and systems -Vocabukary

This International Standard establishes a vocabulary of terms used in the field of thermal insulation covering materials, products, components and applications. Some of the terms may have a different meaning when used in other industries or applications. NOTE In addition to terms used in English and French, two of the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian), this document gives the equivalent terms in German; these are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany (DIN), and are given for information only. Only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.

Thermal insulation - Heat transfer conditions and properties of materials - Vocabulary

This International Standard defines terms used in the field of thermal insulation to describe heat transfer conditions and properties of materials

Man-machine interface(MMI)- Actuating principles

This International Standard establishes general actuating principles for manually operated actuators forming part of the man-machine interface associated with electrical equipment, in order to: – increase the safety (e.g. of persons, property, environment) through the safe operation of the equipment; – facilitate the proper and timely operation of the actuators. These principles apply, not only for the operation of electrical equipment, machines, or complete plant under normal conditions, but also under fault or emergency conditions. This standard is for general application, from simple cases such as single actuators (e.g. push-buttons) to multiple actuators, forming part of a large assembly of electrical and nonelectrical equipment, or part of a central process control station. This standard establishes correlations between the function of an actuator and its direction of actuating or location in relation to other actuators. In the absence of particular rules, this standard may also be applied to actuators operated by a part of the human body other than the hand (e.g. to foot-operated devices).

Stabilized power supplies, d.c. output - Part 1: Terms and definitions.

This recommendation applies to stabilized power supplies designed to supply d.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. source for applications such as, but not necessarily limited to, the following: Computers Telecommunications Laboratories Industrial equipment Calibrated stabilized power supplies for electrical measurement purposes are excluded from scope of this recommendation

Safety requirements for electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes.

This standard applies to the following electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes, having a stored energy not exceeding 2 000 J, together with associated apparatus and not intended to be subjected to dripping or splashing: — apparatus of the single-flash type which can have more than one flash head operating at the same time; apparatus for the illumination of sequential photographic exposures; battery chargers and supply units to be used in connection with electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes. These auxiliary units may form a part of the mains plug; accessories, such as light regulators and slave units, specified in the instruction leaflet. This standard does not apply to stroboscopes. As long as no appropriate requirements exist for apparatus having a stored energy exceeding 2 000 J, this standard may be used, in so far as it is applicable. Additional requirements may be necessary, e.g. for explosion and thermal radiation. With regard to the supply, the following categories are covered: — mains-operated apparatus; — battery-operated apparatus; — apparatus having a combination of mains and battery supply. This standard is intended to cover apparatus which can be used both in moderate and tropical climates. For the modelling lamps combined with electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes, additional requirements may be taken from I E C Publication 598-2-9: Luminaires, Section Nine — Photo and Film Luminaires (Non-professional), as far as applicable.

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, Marking and identification-Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an alphanumeric system

This document applies to the identification and marking of terminals of electrical equipment such as resistors, fuses, relays, contactors, transformers, rotating machines and, wherever applicable, to combinations of such equipment (e.g. assemblies), and also applies to the identification of terminations of certain designated conductors. It also provides general rules for the use of certain colours or alphanumeric notations to identify conductors with the aim of avoiding ambiguity and ensuring safe operation. These conductor colours or alphanumeric notations are intended to be applied in cables or cores, busbars, electrical equipment and installations. This basic safety publication is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51. It is not intended for use by manufacturers or certification bodies. One of the responsibilities of a technical committee is, wherever applicable, to make use of basic safety publications in the preparation of its publications. The requirements of this basic safety publication will not apply unless specifically referred to or included in the relevant publication

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 2: Transportation

This part of IEC 60721 classifies the groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which a product is subjected while being transported and handled. The most commonly used methods of transportation and handling have been taken into account, including the following: – road transport: cars, trucks; – rail transport: trains, trams; – water transport, inland and maritime: ships; – air transport: aircraft, jet, propeller, helicopter; – handling equipment: cranes, transport lifts, cableways, persons; – conveyors; – hand trollies. The environmental conditions specified in this document are those that the product can be exposed to while transported and handled. If the product is packaged, the environmental conditions apply to the package containing the product. If the product is unpackaged, the environmental conditions apply to the product. Conditions for storage are given in IEC 60721-3-1.

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 3: Stationary use at weather protected locations

This section of IEC 60721-3 classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subjected when mounted for stationary use at weatherprotected locations under use conditions, including periods of erection work, down time, maintenance and repair. Weatherprotected locations, where products may be mounted for stationary use permanently or temporarily, include land-based and offshore enclosed and sheltered locations. Use in and on vehicles is excepted. Environmental conditions directly related to explosion hazards, fire extinction and ionizing radiation are excluded. Only environmental conditions as such are considered. No special description of the effects of these conditions on the products is given. Environmental conditions directly related to explosion hazards, fire extinction and ionizing radiation are excluded. Any other unforeseen incidents are also excluded. The possibility of their occurrence should be taken into account in special cases. Microclimate within a product is not included. Conditions of stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations, portable and non-stationary use, use in vehicles and ships, conditions of storage and transportation, and microclimates inside products are given in other sections of IEC 60721-3. A limited number of classes of environmental conditions is given, covering a broad field of application. The user of this standard should select the lowest classification necessary for covering the conditions of the intended us

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 4: Stationary use at non-weather protected locations

This section of IEC 721-3 classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subjected when mounted for stationary use at locations which are non-weatherprotected, including periods of erection work, downtime, maintenance and repair. Locations which are non-weatherprotected, where products may be mounted for stationary use permanently or temporarily, include land-based and offshore locations. Use in and on vehicles is excepted. The environmental conditions specified in this standard are limited to those which may directly affect the performance of products. Only environmental conditions as such are considered. No special description of the effects of these conditions on the products is given. Environmental conditions directly related to fire or explosion hazards and conditions related to ionizing radiation are excluded. Any other unforeseen incidents are also excluded. The possibility of their occurrence should be taken into account in special cases. Microclimate within a product is not included. Conditions of stationary use at weatherprotected locations, portable and non-stationary use, use in vehicles and ships, and conditions of storage and transportation are given in other sections of IEC 721-3. A limited number of classes of environmental conditions is given, covering a broad field of application. The user of this standard should select the lowest classification necessary for covering the conditions of the intended use. Some guidance for this is given in annex A.

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 5: Ground vehicles installations

This standard classifies the environmental conditions to which a product not forming part of the vehicle is subjected when installed in a ground vehicle. Such products are for example radios, communication systems, fare meters, flow meters for liquids transported by the vehicle, for example milk, petroleum products, etc. Vehicles where products may be permanently or temporarily installed include − road vehicles: passenger cars, commercial vehicles, special vehicles, towing vehicles, trailers, mopeds, motor cycles, etc.; − rail vehicles: trains, trams, cranes, etc.; − overland vehicles: four wheel drive cars, tractors, snow scooters, etc.; − handling and storage vehicles: fork-lift trucks (manual and robot), luggage transporters, etc.; − self-propelled machinery: diggers, harvesters, etc. Although this standard is not designed for products forming part of the vehicles, the environmental condition classification may also be used for some exchangeable parts, installed in a similar way and in the same locations of the vehicle as products which do not form part of the vehicle. Only severe conditions which may be harmful to products are included. Conditions of storage and transportation are given in IEC 721-3-1 and IEC 721-3-2. The object of this standard is to classify the environmental parameters and their severities to which a product will be exposed under its conditions of use when installed in ground vehicles. A limited number of classes of environmental conditions are given, covering a broad field of application. The user of this standard should select the lowest class necessary covering each of the conditions of the intended use. Some guidance for this is given in annex A

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 7: Portable and non-stationary use

This standard classifies groups of environmental parameters and their severities to which products are subjected during portable and non-stationary use, including periods of transfer, down time, maintenance and repair. The environmental conditions covered by these groups include: – the environmental conditions at locations where the product may be placed or used temporarily; – the change of environmental parameters due to change of location; – the environmental conditions related to transfer of the product between different locations. The environmental conditions classified do not take into account the use profile of the product, i.e. whether the product is used only during a temporary stationary state, during the state of transfer or arbitrarily. The conditions of portable and non-stationary use to which products may be exposed include land-based and offshore, weatherprotected and non-weatherprotected locations. The conditions further include transfer which is a part of the portable and non-stationary use. The environmental conditions specified in this standard are limited to those which may directly affect the performance of products. Only environmental conditions as such are considered. No special description of the effects of these conditions on the product is given. Environmental conditions directly related to fire or explosion hazards and conditions related to ionizing radiation are excluded. Any other unforeseen incidents are also excluded. The possibility of their occurence should be taken into account in special cases. Microclimate within a product is not included. Conditions of stationary use, use in vehicles, and ships, and conditions of storage and transportation are given in other sections of IEC 60721-3. A limited number of classes of environmental conditions is given, covering a broad field of application. The user of this standard should select the lowest classification necessary for covering the conditions of the intended use.

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Section 9: Microclimates inside products

This section of IEC 721-3 defines classes of microclimatic conditions, to which components (basic parts, assemblies, built-in units) may be subjected inside products, which are used under the climatic conditions as classified in sections IEC 721-3-3 and IEC 721-3-4. Characteristic parameters for the microclimates are high air temperature and high relative air humidity. Further parameters of the climatic classes e.g. low temperature may affect the components additionally, but have not been considered here. A limited number of microclimatic classes is specified taking into consideration typical limiting high air temperatures of components. The user of this standard should select the lowest class necessary for covering the intended use

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 1:Environmental parameters and their severities

This part of IEC 60721 lists environmental parameters and a limited number of their severities within the range of conditions met by electrotechnical products when being transported, stored, installed and used,

Classification of environmental conditions-Part 3: Classification of environmental parameters and their severities-Introduction

IEC Publication 721-3:Classification of Environmental Conditions, Part 3: Classification of Groups of Environmental Parameters and Their Severities, establishes classes of environmental parameters and their severities, covering the extreme (short-term) conditions which may be met by a product when being transported, installed, stored and used. Separate groups of classes are given for different product applications (e.g weather-protected stationary, mounted in ground vehicles, transportation). The classes also take into account the degree of restriction of the use of the product from very restricted conditions (e.g in temperature-controlled rooms) to unrestricted conditions. The classification covers natural as well man-made conditions

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Chap.53: Switchgear and controlgear

Le present chapitre traite du choix du materiel et de sa mise en oeuvre. Il doit permettre de satisfaire aux mesures de protection pour assurer la securite, aux prescriptions por assurer un fonctionnement satisfaisant de l’installation pour l’utillisation prevue, et aux prescriptions appropriees aux conditions d’influences extermes previsibles. Les materials doivent etre choisis et installes de facon a satisfaire aux regles enoncees dans le present chapitre et, pour autant qu’elles leur soient applicables, a celles de autres chapitres de cette norme

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Chap.54: Earthing arrangements and protective conductors

This part of IEC 60364 addresses the earthing arrangements and protective conductors including protective bonding conductors in order to satisfy the safety of the electrical installation.