
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Chaper 56: Safety services

This part of IEC 60364 covers general requirements for safety services, selection and erection of electrical supply systems for safety services and the electrical source for safety services. Standby electrical supply systems are outside the scope of this document. This document does not apply to installations in hazardous areas (BE3), for which requirements are given in IEC 60079-14.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 6: Verification - Chapter 61: Initial verification

This part of IEC 60364 lays down requirements for the verification, by inspection and testing, of the compliance of the installation with the relevant requirements of other parts of IEC 60364. Criteria for testing are given and tests described. This part is concerned only with new installations; it is not concerned with the inspection and testing of existing installations. However, the criteria for inspection and the tests described may be applied, if thought appropriate, to existing installations

Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages - Section 442: protection of low-voltage installations against temporary overvoltages and faults between high-voltage and earth

The rules of this section are intended to provide for the safety of persons and equipment in a LV system in the event of a fault between the HV system and earth in the HV part of transformer stations which supply low-voltage systems

Stabilized power supplies, a.c. output.

This standard applies to stabilized power supplies designed to supply a.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. source. Power supplies for electrical measurement are excl

Safety of equipment electrically connected to a telecommunication network.

IEC 62151:2000 Applicable to equipment designed and intended to be connected directly to a Telecommunication Network, regardless of the source of power. This basic safety publication is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51. It is not intended for use by manufacturers or certification bodies. This standard has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC guide 51. This standard cancels and replaces IEC Guide 105 published in 1985. The contents of the corrigenda of March 2001 and June 2001 have been included in this copy.

Low-voltage fuses-Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons((Fuses mainly for industrial application)

Fuses for use by authorized persons are generally designed to be used in installations where the fuse-links are accessible to, and may be replaced by, authorized persons only. Fuses for use by authorized persons according to the following fuse systems also comply with the requirements of the corresponding subclauses of IEC 60269-1, unless otherwise defined in this standard. This standard is divided into fuse systems, each dealing with a specific example of standardized fuses for use by authorized persons: Fuse system A: Fuses with fuse-links with blade contacts (NH fuse system) Fuse system B: Fuses with striker fuse-links with blade contacts (NH fuse system) Fuse system C: Fuse-rails (NH fuse system) Fuse system D: Fuse-bases for busbar mounting (NH fuse system) Fuse system E: Fuses with fuse-links for bolted connections (BS bolted fuse system) Fuse system F: Fuses with fuse-links having cylindrical contact caps (NF cylindrical fuse system) Fuse system G: Fuses with fuse-links with offset blade contacts (BS clip-in fuse system) Fuse system H: Fuses with fuse-links having "gD" and "gN" characteristic (class J class L and class T time delay and non time delay fuse types) Fuse system I: gU fuse-links with wedge tightening contacts Fuse system J: Fuses with fuse-links having "gD class CC" and "gN class CC" characteristics (class CC time delay and non-time delay fuse types) Fuse system K: gK fuse-links with blade for bolted connections – High fuse-link ratings from 1 250 A up to 4 800 A (master fuse-links) NOTE The above-mentioned fuse systems are standardized systems in respect to their safety aspects. The National Committees can select from the examples of standardized fuses one or more systems for their own standards.

Low-voltage fuses-Part 4: Supplementary requirements for Fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices

These supplementary requirements apply to fuse-links for application in equipment containing semiconductor devices for circuits of nominal voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. and also, in so far as they are applicable, for circuits of higher nominal voltages. NOTE 1 Such fuse-Iinks are commonly referred to as “semiconductor fuse-links”. NOTE 2 In most cases, a part of the associated equipment serves the purpose of a fuse-base. Owing to the great variety of equipment, no general rules can be given; the suitability of the associated equipment to serve as a fusebase should be subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the user. However, if separate fuse-bases or fuse-holders are used, they should comply with the appropriate requirements of IEC 60269-1. NOTE 3 IEC 60269-6 (Low-voltage fuses – Part 6: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy systems) is dedicated to the protection of solar photovoltaic energy systems. NOTE 4 These fuse-links are intended for use on systems employing the standardized voltages and tolerances of IEC 60038. Tests carried out on fuse-links in accordance with previous editions of this standard shall remain valid until such time as complimentary equipment has evolved to the standardized voltages and tolerances of IEC 60038. The object of these supplementary requirements is to establish the characteristics of semiconductor fuse-links in such a way that they can be replaced by other fuse-links having the same characteristics, provided that their dimensions are identical. For this purpose, this standard refers in particular to a) the following characteristics of fuses: 1) their rated values; 2) their temperature rises in normal service; 3) their power dissipation; 4) their time-current characteristics; 5) their breaking capacity; 6) their cut-off current characteristics and their I2t characteristics; 7) their arc voltage characteristics; b) type tests for verification of the characteristics of fuses; c) the markings on fuses; d) availability and presentation of technical data (see Annex BB).

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 1: General Requirements

This part of IEC 60245 applies to rigid and flexible cables with insulation, and sheath if any, based on vulcanized rubber of rated voltages Uo/U up to and including 450/750 V used in power installations of nominal voltage not exceeding 450/750 V a.c. NOTE For some types of flexible cables the term ‘cord’ is used. The particular types of cables are specified in IEC 60245-3, IEC 60245-4, etc. The code designations of these types of cables are given in Annex A. The test methods specified in Parts 1 to 8 are given in IEC 60245-2, IEC 60332-1 and in the relevant parts of IEC 60811.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 3: Heat Resistant Silicone Insulating Cables

La présente partie de la CEI 245 précise les spécifications particulières applicables aux conducteurs isolés au caoutchouc de silicone, de tension assignée 300/500 V. Il convient que chaque conducteur réponde aux prescriptions appropriées données dans la CEI 245-1 et aux prescriptions particulières de la présente partie.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 4: Cords and Flexible Cables

This part of IEC 60245 details the particular specifications for rubber insulated and braided cords and for rubber insulated and rubber or polychloroprene or other equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed cords and flexible cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V. All cables should comply with the appropriate requirements given in IEC 60245-1 and the individual types of cables should each comply with the particular requirements of this part.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 5: Lift Cables

La présente partie de la CEI 245 précise les spécifications particulières applicables aux câbles isolés au caoutchouc, pour ascenseurs, de tension assignée au plus égale à 300/500 V. Il convient que chaque câble réponde aux prescriptions appropriées données dans la CEI 245-1 et aux prescriptions particulières de la présente partie.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 6: Arc Welding Electric Cables

La présente partie de la CEI 245 précise les spécifications particulières applicables aux câbles souples, isolés au caoutchouc, pour électrodes de soudage à l'arc. Chaque conducteur répondra aux prescriptions appropriées données dans la CEI 245-1 et aux prescriptions particulières de la présente partie.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 7: Heat Resistant Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Rubber Insulated Cables

La présente partie de la CEI 245 précise les spécifications particulières applicables pour les câbles isolés au caoutchouc éthylène/acétate de vinyle de tension assignée au plus égale à 450/750 V. Chaque câble satisfera aux prescriptions appropriées données dans la CEI 245-1 et aux prescriptions particulières de la présente partie.

Rubber insulated cables - Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 8: Cords for Applications Requiring High Flexibility

This part of IEC 60245 details the particular specifications for rubber insulated and textile braid covered cords of rated voltage 300/300 V, for use in applications where high flexibility is required, for example iron cords. All cables should comply with the appropriate requirements given in IEC 60245-1 and the individual types of cables should each comply with the particular requirements of this part.

Alarm systems - Part 1: General requirements – Section One: General

This standard specifies the general requirmentsfor the design,installation,commissing,operation,maintenance test and records of manual and automatic alarm systems employed for the protection of persons, property and the environment. The specific requirment for the particular types of alarm systems are specified in sparate standards,which shall be used in conjunction with this standard. this standard does not cover remote centres.

Alarm systems - Part 10: Alarm systems for road vehicles - Section 1: Passenger cars

this section of IEC 839-10 specifies requirements and test methods for vehicle security alarm systems (VSAS) intended for installation within vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and having not more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat. the object of the standard is to ensure high standard of safety, performance and reliability of the VSAS and the reduction of false alarms the standard covers VSAS designed to detect and signal the unauthorized opening of any of the vehicle doors, boot/luggage compartment, bonnet/engine and in addition to immobilize the vehicle when set the standard covers VSAS intended both for installation as original equipment and for installation after delivery of the vehicle

Conduits for electrical purposes-Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installation and and threads for conduits and fittings

This International Standard specifies outside diameters for conduits used in electrical installations or in communication systems and the dimensional requirements for threads. It also specifies the dimensional requirements for threads used in associated fittings. It is not applicable to extra heavy-duty electrical rigid steel conduits specified in IEC 60981

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for Electrical installations-Part 2-3: Particular requirements for Slotted Cable Trunking Systems Intened for Installation in Cabinets

La presente norme europeenne specifie les regle et assais pour les systmes de goulottes de cablage destines au longement de conducteurs isoles, cables, cables souples et si necessaire a leur separation, a l’interieur d’armoires dans des installations electriques et/ou de systemes de communication de tension jusqu’a 1000 V en courant alternative et/ou 1500 V en courant continu. Cette norme ne s’applique pas aux systemes de conduits, systemes de Chemins de cable, systemes d’echelles a cable, ou aux parties transortant le courant dans le systeme. Cette norme doit etre utilisee conjointement avec la EN 50085-1:1997. Systemes de goulottes et systemes de conduits profiles pour installations electriques – Partie 1 : regles generates a laquelle il est fait reference en tant que partie 1 dans ce document. Lorsqu’il est fait reference a la EN 50085-1:1997 dans cela ne s’applique pas aux systemes de conduits profilés

Cable trunking and cable ducting systems for Electrical installations-Part 1: General requirements

This European standard specifies requirements and test for cable trucking systems and cable ducting systems intended for the accommodation, and where necessary for the segregation, of insulated conductors, cables, cards and possibly other electrical equipment in electrical and/or communication systems installations up to 1000V a.c and/or 1500V d.c. This standard does not apply to conduit systems, cable tray systems, cable ladder systems, power track systems or equipment covered by other standards. This part 1 shall be used in conjunction with the relevant part 2 for particular requirements NOTE This part 1 is not intended to be used by itself

Conduit systems for electrical installations-Part 2 : Particular requirements-Section 2.1: Rigid conduit systems

L’article de la partie 1 est applicable avec l’exception suivante: Adition: La presente norme specifie les regles pour les systems de conduits rigides. Le systemes de conduits utilizes dans un autre ensemble doivent aussi etre essayes selon la norme appropriee de cet esemble.

Conduit systems for electrical installations-Part 2 : Particular requirements-Section 2.2: Pliable conduit systems

L’article de la partie 1 est applicable avec l’exception suivante: Addition: La presente norme specifie les regles pour les systemes de conduits cintrales, y compris les systemes de conduits transveraslement etastiques. Les systemes de conduits utilizes dans un autre ensemble doivent aussi etre eesayes selon la norme appropriee de cet ensemble .

Conduit systems for electrical installations-Part 2 : Particular requirements-Section 2.3: Flexible conduit systems

L’article de la partie 1est applicable avec l’exception suivante: Addition: La presente norme specifie les regles pour les systemes de conduits souples. Les systemes de conduits utilizes dans un autre ensemble doivent aussi etre essayes selon la norme appropriee de cet ensemble.

Conduit systems for electrical installations-Part 2 : Particular requirements-Section 2.4: Conduit systems buried underground

Specifies requirements and test methods for conduits and conduit fittings suitable for the protection of underground cables. Applies to metallic, plastic and composite systems. To be read in conjunction with BS EN 50086-1:1994

Conduit systems for electrical installations-Part 1 : General requirements

This standard specifies requirements and type tests for Conduit Systems, including Conduits and Conduit Fittings, for the Protection and Management of conductors and/or cables in electrical installations or in communication systems up to 1000 V a.c. and/or 1500 V d.c. This standard applies to metallic, non-metallic and composite conduit systems including threaded and non-threaded entries which terminate the system. This standard does not apply to enclosures and connecting boxes which come within the scope of IEC 670. This part shall be used in conjunction with the relevant Part two for particular requirements.

Primary Batteries (Zinc and Lithium Based) - Part 3: Watch Batteries

This part of IEC 60086 specifies dimensions, designation, methods of tests and requirements for primary batteries for watches. In several cases, a menu of test methods is given. When presenting battery electrical characteristics and/or performance data, the manufacturer specifies which test method was used.

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification-Coding principles for indication devices and actuators

La présente Norme internationale établit des règles générales en vue d'attribuer une signification particulière à certaines indications visuelles, acoustiques et tactiles de façon à – accroître la sécurité des personnes, des biens et/ou de l'environnement en réalisant de façon sûre la surveillance et la commande des équipements ou des procédés; – faciliter la surveillance, la commande et la maintenance adéquates des équipements ou des procédés; – faciliter la reconnaissance rapide des conditions de commande et de la position des organes de commande. La présente norme est d'application générale: – allant de cas simples tels que les voyants de signalisation, boutons-poussoirs, indicateurs mécaniques, diodes électroluminescentes (DEL) ou consoles de visualisation jusqu'aux salles de commande étendues pouvant comprendre une grande variété d'appareils et destinés à la conduite d'une machine ou d'un procédé; NOTE Il convient que les principes de codage soient appliqués sans modification aux consoles de visualisation. – quand la sécurité des personnes, des biens et/ou de l'environnement est en jeu, et aussi quand les codes mentionnés plus haut sont utilisés afin de faciliter la surveillance et la commande adéquates d'un équipement; – quand un codage particulier est spécifié par un comité d'études pour une fonction particulière.

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas

This part of IEC 60079 is concerned with the identification and classification of areas where explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are present, in order to permit the proper assessment of ignition sources in such areas. In this standard, explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are treated separately. In Clause 4, area classification for explosive dusts clouds is described, with dust layers acting as one of the possible sources of release. In Clause 7, other general considerations for dust layers are described. The examples in this standard are based on a system of effective housekeeping being implemented in the plant to prevent dust layers from accumulating. Where effective housekeeping is not present, the area classification includes the possible formation of explosive dust clouds from dust layers. The principles of this standard can also be followed when combustible fibres or flyings might cause a hazard. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive dust atmospheres or combustible dust layers under normal atmospheric conditions (see Note 1). NOTE 1 Atmospheric conditions include variations in pressure and temperature above and below reference levels of 101,3 kPa (1 013 mbar) and 20 °C (293 K), provided that the variations have a negligible effect on the explosive properties of the combustible materials. It does not apply to – underground mining areas, – dusts of explosives that do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to such as pyrophoric substances, propellants, pyrotechnics, munitions, peroxides, oxidizers, waterreactive elements or compounds, or other similar materials, catastrophic failures which are beyond the concept of abnormality dealt with in this standar, any risk arising from an emission of toxic gas from the dust. This standard does not apply to where a hazard might arise due to the presence of flammable gas or vapour, but the principles may be used in the assessment of a hybrid mixture (see also IEC 60079-10-1). NOTE 2 Additional guidance on hybrid mixtures is provided in Annex C. This standard does not take into account the effects of consequential damage following a fire or an explosion.

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas(other than mines)

This part of the IEC 60079 series contains the specific requirements for the design, selection, erection and initial inspection of electrical installations in, or associated with, explosive atmospheres. Where the equipment is required to meet other environmental conditions, for example, protection against ingress of water and resistance to corrosion, additional protection requirements may be necessary. The requirements of this standard apply only to the use of equipment under standard atmospheric conditions as defined in IEC 60079-0. For other conditions, additional precautions may be necessary, and the equipment should be certified for these other conditions. For example, most flammable materials and many materials which are normally regarded as non-flammable might burn vigorously under conditions of oxygen enrichment. NOTE 1 The standard atmospheric conditions defined in IEC 60079-0 relate to the explosion characteristics of the atmosphere and not the operating range of the equipment i.e. • Temperature: –20 °C to 60 °C; • Pressure: 80 kPa (0,8 bar) to 110 kPa (1,1 bar); and • air with normal oxygen content, typically 21 % v/v. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for installations in non-hazardous areas. NOTE 2 For voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. requirements of this standard are based on installation requirements in the IEC 60364 series, but other relevant national requirements can apply. This standard applies to all electrical equipment including fixed, portable, transportable and personal, and installations, permanent or temporary. This standard does not apply to – electrical installations in mines susceptible to firedamp; NOTE 3 This standard can apply to electrical installations in mines where explosive gas atmospheres other than firedamp can be formed and to electrical installations in the surface installation of mines. – inherently explosive situations and dust from explosives or pyrophoric substances (for example explosives manufacturing and processing); – rooms used for medical purposes; – electrical installations in areas where the hazard is due to flammable mist. NOTE 4 Additional guidance on the requirements for hazards due to hybrid mixtures of dust or flyings and flammable gas or vapour is provided in Annex M. No account is taken in this Standard of the toxic risks that are associated with flammable gases, liquids and dusts in concentrations that are usually very much less than the lower explosive limit. In locations where personnel may be exposed to potentially toxic concentrations of flammable material, appropriate precautions should be taken. Such precautions are outside the scope of this Standard

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 17: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas(other than mines)

This part of the IEC 60079 series applies to users and covers factors directly related to the inspection and maintenance of electrical installations within hazardous areas only, where the hazard may be caused by flammable gases, vapours, mists, dusts, fibres or flyings. It does not include: • other fundamental installation and inspection requirements for electrical installations; • the verification of electrical equipment; • the repair and reclamation of explosion protected equipment (see IEC 60079-19). This standard supplements the requirements of IEC 60364-6. In the case of dusts, fibres or flyings the level of housekeeping may influence the inspection and maintenance requirements. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive gas or dust mixtures with air or combustible dust layers under normal atmospheric conditions. It does not apply to: • underground mining areas, • dusts of explosives that do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, • pyrophoric substances.

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 19: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive atmospheres (other than mines or explosives)

This part of IEC 60079 – gives instructions, principally of a technical nature, on the repair, overhaul, reclamation and modification of equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres; – is not applicable to maintenance, other than when repair and overhaul cannot be disassociated from maintenance, neither does it give advice on cable entry systems which may require a renewal when the equipment is re-installed; – is not applicable to type of protection “m”, “o” and “q”; – assumes that good engineering practices are adopted throughout. NOTE Much of the content of this standard is concerned with the repair and overhaul of electrical machines. This is not because they are the most important items of explosion-protected equipment, but rather because they are often major items of repairable capital equipment in which, whatever type of protection is involved, sufficient commonality of construction exists as to make possible more detailed instructions for their repair, overhaul, reclamation or modification.

Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres-Part 20: Data for flammable gases and vapours, relating to the use of electrical apparatus

This technical report gives guidance on the selection of appropriate electrical apparatus, protected by flame-proof enclosure or designed to be intrinsically safe, according to the gas or vapour in which it is intended to be used.

Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Part 1: General requirements

This International Standard deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public, such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the scope of this standard. NOTE 1 Examples of such appliances are catering equipment, cleaning appliances for industrial and commercial use, and appliances for hairdressers. As far as is practicable, this standard deals with the common hazards presented by appliances that are encountered by all persons in and around the home. However, in general, it does not take into account – persons (including children) whose • physical, sensory or mental capabilities; or • lack of experience and knowledge prevents them from using the appliance safely without supervision or instruction; – children playing with the appliance. NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the fact that – for appliances intended to be used in vehicles or on board ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary; – in many countries additional requirements are specified by the national health authorities, the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour, the national water supply authorities and similar authorities. NOTE 3 This standard does not apply to – appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes; – appliances intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapour or gas); – audio, video and similar electronic apparatus (IEC 60065); – appliances for medical purposes (IEC 60601); – hand-held motor-operated electric tools (IEC 60745); – personal computers and similar equipment (IEC 60950); – transportable motor-operated electric tools (IEC 61029). 2009 English 50000.00 0 1389 1496 C NL IEC 60364 2 21 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part 2: Definitions-Chapter 21: Guide to general terms The guide is applicable to electrical installations of buildings. It contains explanatory notes on terms used in IEC 364, listed in sections 01 to 08 of IEC 50(826). The notes are intended to facilitate the application of terms 2003 EN/FR 25000.00 0 1390 1497 C NL IEC 60364 4 41 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering -Electrical installations of buildings-Part 4: protection for safety - Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock Part 4-41 of IEC 60364 specifies essential requirements regarding protection against electric shock, including basic protection (protection against direct contact) and fault protection (protection against indirect contact) of persons and livestock. It deals also with the application and co-ordination of these requirements in relation to external influences. Requirements are also given for the application of additional protection in certain cases. 2003 EN/FR 50000.00 0 1391 1498 C NL IEC 60364 4 42 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 42: Protection against thermal effects Persons, fixed equipment, and fixed materials adjacent to electrical equipment shall be protected against harmful effects of heat developed by electrical equipment, or thermal radiation, particularly the following effects: • combustion or degradation of materials; • risk of burns; • impairment of the safe function of installed equipment. NOTE: Protection against overcurrent is dealt with in IEC 60364-4-43. 2003 EN/FR 25000.00 0 1392 1499 C NL IEC 60364 4 43 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 43: Protection against overcurrent This part of IEC 60364 provides requirements for the protection of live conductors from the effects of overcurrents. This standard describes how live conductors are protected by one or more devices for the automatic disconnection of the supply in the event of overload (Clause 433) and short-circuit (Clause 434) except in cases where the overcurrent is limited in accordance with Clause 436 or where the conditions described in 433.3 (omission of devices for protection against overload) or 434.3 (omission of devices for protection against short-circuit) are met. Coordination of overload protection and short-circuit protection is also covered (Clause 435). NOTE 1 Live conductors protected against overload in accordance with Clause 433 are considered to be protected also against faults likely to cause overcurrents of a magnitude similar to overload currents. NOTE 2 The requirements of this standard do not take account of external influences. NOTE 3 Protection of conductors according to this standard does not necessarily protect the equipment connected to the conductors. NOTE 4 Flexible cables connecting equipment by plugs and socket-outlet to fixed installations are not part of the scope of this standard and for this reason are not necessarily protected against overcurrent. NOTE 5 Disconnection does not mean isolation in this standard. 2003 EN/FR 35000.00 0 1393 1500 C NL IEC 60364 4 45 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 45: Protection against undervoltages Concerns the precautions to be taken where a drop in voltage, or a loss and subsequent restoration of voltage could imply dangerous situations for persons or property or where a part of the installation or current-using equipment may be damaged by a drop in voltage. 2003 EN/FR 25000.00 0 1394 1501 C NL IEC 60364 4 46 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 46: Isolation and switching Deals with non-automatic local and remote isolation and switching measures which prevent or remove dangers associated with electrical installations or electrically powered equipment and machines 2003 EN/FR 25000.00 0 1395 1502 C NL IEC 60364 5 51 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Chap.51: Common rules This part of IEC 60364 deals with the selection of equipment and its erection. It provides common rules for compliance with measures of protection for safety, requirements for proper functioning for intended use of the installation, and requirements appropriate to the external influences forese 2003 EN/FR 35000.00 0 1396 1503 C NL IEC 60364 4 443 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.50 60.60 Electrical Engineering Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages - Section 443: Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching This section of IEC 364-4 deals with protection of electrical installations against transient overvoltages of atmospheric origin transmitted by the supply distribution system and against switching overvoltages generated by the equipment within the installation. Consideration shall be given to the overvoltages which can appear at the origin of an installation, to the expected ceraunic level and to the location and characteristics of overvoltage protective device, so that the probability of incidents due to overvoltage stresses is reduced to an acceptable level for the safety of persons and property, as well as for the continuity of service desired. The value of transient overvoltages depend on the nature of the supply distribution system (underground or overhead) and the possible existence of a low-voltage protective device upstream of the origin of the installation and the level of the supply system. This section provides guidance where protection against overvoltages in covered by inherent control or assured by protective control. If the protection according to this section is not provided, insulation coordination is not assured and the risk due to overvoltages shall be evaluated. NOTEs 1) Where, in this section the term “transient overvoltage” is used, it is intended to mean statistical lightning overvoltage as defined: The statistical level of overvoltges in defined as the overvoltage applied to equipment as result of an event of one specific type in the system (line energization, reclosing, fault occurrence, lightning discharge, etc), the peak value of which has a probability of being exceed which is equal to a specified reference probabiliry. 2) As regard transient atmospheric overvoltages, no distinction is made between earthed and unearthed systems. 3) Switching overvoltages generated outside the installation and transmitted by the supply network are under consideration. 4) The rules of this section do not apply to telecommunication systems. "

Electrical installations of buildings- Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages - Section 444: Protection against electrmagnetic interferences (EMI) in installations of buildings

This section of IEC 364-4 provides information for architected of buildings and for designers and installers of electrical installations of buildings on some installation concepts which can limit electromagnetic interference (EMI). Basic considerations are given here to mitigate these disturbances. Further requirements are given in other chapters or sections of IEC 364, e.g IEC 364-5-548 or in other IEC Stadards, e.g IEC 1000-2, future IEC 1000-5, IEC 1024-1 and IEC 1312-1. These considerations are in line with above-mentioned standards (see figure 5)

Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 47: Aplication of protective measures for safety - Section 473: Measures of protection against overcurrent

Specifies where overload and short-circuit protective devices have to be placed in the run of the conductor. States particular requirements for protection of phase and neutral conductors according to TN, TT and IT systems. Note: -Requirements do not take account of external influences. For application of protective measures in relation to conditions of external influences, see IEC 60364-4-482

Electrical installations of buildings-Part4: protection for safety - Chapter 48:Choice of protective measures as a function of external influences - Section 481: Selection of measures for protection against electric shock in relation to external influence

Gives the choice of protection measures as a function of external influences: conditions of evacuation in an emergency, nature of processed or stored materials, combustible constructional materials and fire propagating structures

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Section 548: Earthing arrangements and equipotential bonding for information technology installations

La presente section traite des mises a la terre et des liaisons equipotentielles des materiels de traitment de l’information ey analogues necessitant des interconnexions pour l’echange de donnees. Cette section peut aussi etre utilisee por d’autre materials electoniques suscepribles d’etre perturbes. NOTES 1) Les materiels de traitment de l’information comportment toutes sortes de materials electriques et electroniques de bureau ainsi que de telecommunications (pour de plus amples informations sur le terme-materiels de traitment de l’information , voir le domaine d’application de la I 60950) Des exemples de materiels et d’installation et d’installations pour lesquels cette section peut etre applicable sont: des materiels de telecommunications et de transmission de donnes ou des ordinateurs ou des installation utilisant la transmission des signaus avec retour a la terre dans l’installation interieure ou exterieure d’un batiment Des reseaux d’alimentation de puissance en courant continu desservant les materiels de traitment de l’information a l’interieur d’un batiments Des materials ou des installations d’autocommutateurs Des reseaux locaux Des systemes d’alarme d’incendie et d’intrucsion Des installations de service pour batiments, par exemple systemes de controle numeriques Des systemes d’usinage assistes par ordinateur et d’autres services d’aide par ordinteur Tout au long de cette section, le terme foctional se refere a l’utilisation de la mise a la liaison equiptentielle pour des raisons de transmission de signaux et de CEM Cette section ne traite pas de l’influence possible de la foudre (voir CEI 61024-1). La CEI 60364-4-443 et la future CEI 60364-4-444 traitent de la protection contre les surtensions d’origine atmodpherique ou dues a des manoeuvres, et de la protection contre les perturbations electromagnetiques dans le installations des batiments. En cas de problemes de compatibilite electromagnetique associes a une installation electrique existante dans des batiments, voir l’annexe A Cette section ne couvre pas les prescriptions pour la connexion des materiels a courant de fuite eleve, lesquelles sont traitees aux arcticle 707.1 a 707.4 da la CEI 60364-7-707

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 5-Selection and erection of electrical equipment-Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets

This section of IEC 60364-5 applies to low-voltage and extra-low installations which incorporate generating sets intended to supply, either continuously or occasionally, all or part of the installation. Requirements are included for installation with the following supply arrangements: Supply to an installation which is not connected to the public supply Supply to an installation as an alternative to the public supply Appropriate combinations of the above. This section does not apply to self-contained items of extra-low voltage electrical equipment which incorporate both the source of energy and the energy-using load and for which a specific product standard exists that include the requirements for electrical safety. NOTE Particular requirements for supplies for safety services are given in IEC 60364-5-56 Requirements of the public supply undertaking should be ascertained before a generating set is installed in an installation which is connected to the public supply Generating sets with the following power sources are considered Combination engines Turbines Electric motors Photovoltaic cells Electrochemical accumulators Other suitable sources Generating sets with the following electrical characteristics are considered: main-excited and separately excited synchronous generators; mains-excited and self-excited asynchronous generators; main-commutated static inverters with or without by-pass facilities L’utilisation des groups generateurs pour les usages suivants est prise en consideration Alimentation d’installation permanents Alimentation d’installations temporaires Alimentation de materiels mobiles non relies a une installation fixe permanente

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 701: Locations containing a bath tub or shower basin

Les exigences particulières de la présente partie de la CEI 60364 sont applicables à des installations électriques dans des emplacements contenant une baignoire ou une douche à poste fixe et aux volumes les entourant. Cette norme ne s’applique pas aux douches en cas d’urgence, par exemple dans des installations industrielles ou dans des laboratoires. NOTE 1 Pour des emplacements contenant des baignoires ou des douches de traitement médical, des exigences particulières peuvent être nécessaires. NOTE 2 Pour des baignoires ou des douches préfabriquées, voir aussi la CEI 60335-2-105. NOTE 3 En Allemagne, le terme “emplacements” peut être interprété comme “pièces” d’un bâtimen

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 702: Swimming pools and other basins

The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to electrical installations of: – basins of swimming pools and paddling pools and their surrounding zones; – areas in natural waters, lakes in gravel pits and coastal and similar areas, specially intended to be occupied by persons for swimming, paddling and similar purposes, and their surrounding zones. Such areas in natural waters, lakes in gravel pits and coastal and similar areas, are considered as swimming pools; – basins of fountains and their surrounding zones. NOTE In these areas, in normal use, the effect of an electric shock is increased by a reduction in body resistance and contact of the body with earth potential. For swimming pools for medical use, special requirements may apply. This standard does not cover the use of mobile equipment, e.g. pool cleaning equipment

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 703: Locations containing sauna heaters

The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to: – sauna cabins erected on site, e.g. in a location or in a room; – the room where the sauna heater is, or the sauna heating appliances are installed. In this case the whole room is considered as the sauna. They do not apply to prefabricated sauna cabins complying with a relevant equipment standard. Where facilities like cold water basins or showers, etc. are installed, the requirements of Part 7-701 also apply.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 704: Construction and demolition site installations

The requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to installations for construction and demolition sites for use during the period of the construction or demolition work which are intended to be taken out of service upon completion of the works. Examples include the following: • construction work of new buildings; • repair, alteration, extension or demolition of existing buildings or parts of existing buildings; • engineering works; • earthworks; • work of similar nature. The requirements apply to fixed or moveable installations. The requirements do not apply to installations in administrative locations of construction sites (e.g. offices, cloakrooms, meeting rooms, canteens, restaurants, dormitories, toilets)

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 705: Electrical installations of agicultural and horticultural premises

The requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to fixed electrical installations inside and outdoors of agricultural and horticultural premises. Some of the requirements are also applicable to other locations that are in common buildings belonging to the agricultural and horticultural premises. Rooms, locations and areas for household applications and similar are not covered by this standard. If some of the special requirements of Part 705 are also applicable for residences and other locations in such common buildings this is stated in the normative text.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 706: Restrictive conducting locations

The particular requirements of this part apply to fixed equipment in conducting locations where movement of persons is restricted by the location, and to supplies for portable equipment for use in such locations. A conducting location with restricted movement is comprised mainly of metallic or other conductive surrounding parts, within which it is likely that a person will come in contact through a substantial portion of his body with the metallic or other conductive surrounding parts and where the possibility of interrupting this contact is limited. The particular requirements of this part do not apply to location which allows a person freedom of bodily movement to work, enter, and leave the location without physical constraint. NOTE For installation and use of arc welding equipment, see IEC 62081 TS

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 707: Earthing requirements for the installation of data processing equipment

The particular requirements of this section apply to be the connection of data processing equipment to the electrical power installation of buildings, where the data processing equipment: Has earth leakage current exceeding the limit specified in IEC Publication 435: safety of data processing equipment for equipment connected via a plug and socket complying with IEC Publication 83: Pugs abd Socket-outlets for Domestic and similar General Use .Standards or similar Complies with those requirements of IEC Publication 435 which cover leakage current The requirements of this section apply to the installation up to the point of connection of the equipment These requirements may also be applied where installation, other than data processing, such as those for industrial control and telecommunication equipment carry high leakage current due to radio-frequency interference suppression filtering requirements

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 708: Caravan parks and parks

The particular requirements contained in this part of IEC 60364 apply only to circuits intended to supply leisure accommodation vehicles, tents or residential park homes in caravan parks, camping parks and similar locations. NOTE For the purposes of this document caravan park includes camping parks and similar locations. The particular requirements do not apply to the internal electrical installations of leisure accommodation vehicles, mobile or transportable units or residential park home

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 709: Marinas and pleasure craft

The particular requirements specified in this part of IEC 60364 apply only to circuits intended to supply pleasure craft or houseboats in marinas and similar locations. NOTE 1 In this part “marina” means “marina and similar locations”. The particular requirements do not apply to the supply of house boats if they are directly supplied from the public network. The particular requirements do not apply to the internal electrical installations of pleasure craft or house boats. NOTE 2 For electrical installations of pleasure craft, see IEC 60092-507. NOTE 3 The electrical installations of house boats should comply with the general requirements of IEC 60364, together with the relevant particular requirements of IEC 60364-7. For the remainder of the electrical installation of marinas and similar locations the general requirements of IEC 60364 together with the relevant particular requirements of IEC 60364-7 apply.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 713: Furniture

The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to the wiring system of furniture (and similar fitments) which is connected to the electrical installation. Examples are beds, cupboards, desks and shop display cases, in which electrical equipment such as luminaires, installation couplers according to IEC 61535, socket-outlets, switching devices and wiring systems are installed. The requirements of this part apply to all kinds of furniture, regardless of the connection to the electrical installation of the building, as long as the furniture together with its electrical installation is not the subject of another IEC publication. The requirements of this part apply to electrical equipment of furniture connected to a supply with a nominal voltage UO not exceeding 230 V and a total load current not exceeding 32 A. These requirements do not apply to electrical appliances and equipment specifically designed for installation in furniture and which are the subject of other IEC standards, for example radios, TV receivers, refrigerators and laboratory tables, installed in the furniture and ready for connection to the electrical installations of buildings via plugs and socket-outlets. For special locations, other specific requirements may apply, for example see IEC 60364-7-701.

Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations-Section 714: External lighting installations

The particular requirements of this part of IEC 60364 apply to the selection and erection of luminaires and lighting installations forming part of an outdoor fixed installation. The origin of the external lighting installation is the supply delivery point of electrical energy by the supply authority or the origin of the circuit supplying the external lighting installation exclusively. The requirements apply to, for example, lighting installations for roads, parks, gardens, places open to the public, sporting areas, illumination of monuments, floodlighting, telephone kiosks, bus shelters, advertising panels, town plans and road signs. The requirements do not apply to: – public street-lighting installations which are part of the public power grid; – temporary festoon lighting; – road traffic signal systems; – luminaires which are fixed to the outside of a building and are supplied directly from the internal wiring of that building. For lighting installations for swimming pools and fountains, see IEC 60364-7-702.

Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power generating systems-General and Guide.

This International Standard constitutes a guide and gives an overview of terrestrial PV power generating systems and the functional elements of such systems, as shown in figure 1. Systems and the functional elements of such systems, as described in this guide, should serve as an introduction to future IEC PV system standards under consideration . This standard contains: - an overview of major sub-systems; - a functional description of major components and inte rfaces (figure 1); - a table with possible configurations which can be derived from the layout in figure 2.

Marking of Electrical Equipment with Ratings Related to Electrical Supply-Safety Requirements

This International Standard establishes minimum requirements and general rules on marking electrical equipment with ratings and other characteristics to enable the proper and safe selection and installation of electrical equipment related to any supply of electricity.