
Title Document Number
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Safety code mechanical refrigeration.

this code establishes safeguardes for life ,limb , health , and property and prescribes safety standars.

Method of testing for rating room air conditioners and packaged terminal air conditioners.

This standard a. establishes uniform methods of testing to obtain rating data, b. specifies test equipment for performing such tests, c. specifies data required and calculations to be used, and d. lists and defines the terms used in testing.

Protection of structures against lightning. Installation of lightning Protective system

la presnete norme fournit des informations relatives a la conception, la realisation , la verification et l entretien ces systemws ce protection contre la foudre (SPF) qui utilisent des tiges simples. Des fils tendus et des conducteurs maillescomme dispositifs de capture pour le protection des structures contre la foudre comme defini au paragraph 1.1.2 ainsi que pour la protetion des personnes des installations et des objets qu elles contiennet.

Protection of structures and of open areas against lightning using early streamer emission air terminals

NFC 17 102 is the International Standard that governs the use of Early Streamer Emission systems (ESEs). These are an alternative to the Faraday Cage system, which many consider the conventional type of lightning protection system, and which are governed by IS EN 62305:2011. The ESE is a lightning rod with an electronic streamer emission device that uses the atmospheric gradient to store energy. This subsequently emits high frequency pulses to the atmosphere which creates a priority channel for the lightning discharge, known as the upwards leader. The ESE head captures the lightning strike and safely dissipates the current through the down conductors and into earth.

Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for sanitary uses production, fitted with atmospheric burners

This European Standard defines the specifications and test methods concerning the construction, safety, rational use of energy and fitness for purpose, and also the classification and marking of gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for sanitary uses, hereafter called “water heaters”. This European Standard applies to water heaters: - of types AAS, B11, B11BS, B12, B12BS, B13, B13BS, B14, B22, B23, B32, B33, B44, B52, B53, C11, C12, C13, C21, C22, C23, C32, C33, C42, C43, C52, C53, C62, C63, C72, C73, C82and C83 according to CEN/TR 1749; - fitted with atmospheric burners; - equipped with atmospheric burners assisted by a fan for the supply of combustion air or evacuation of combustion products or fully premix burners; - using one or more combustible gases corresponding to the three gas families and at the pressures stated in accordance to EN 437; - of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW; - with an ignition burner or with direct ignition of the main burner. In this European Standard, the heat inputs are expressed in relation to the net calorific value (Hi). This European Standard does not contain all the requirements necessary for: - boiling water appliances; - appliances intended to be connected to a mechanical means of evacuating the combustion products; - appliances which fulfil a dual role of space heating and heating water for sanitary use; - appliances making use of the heat of condensation of the water contained in the combustion products; - water heaters of types B21, B31, B41, B42, B43 and B51. This European Standard only covers water heaters where the fan, if any, is an integral part of the appliance. This European Standard: - does not apply to appliances not intended to be connected to a flue when they are not fitted with an atmosphere sensing device; - takes account of the information given in Technical Report CEN/CR 1472:1994 with respect to marking. Type B appliances should be with a combustion products discharge safety device to comply with essential requirement 3.4.3 of the Gas Appliances Directive 2009/142/EC. In this European Standard, the appliance is identified as type B11BS. Appliances intended to be installed outdoors or in a room separate from inhabited rooms and provided with appropriate ventilation are not required to have this combustion products discharge safety device but, in this case, appropriate warnings on the packaging, and in the instructions should clearly define the limited authorized use for this type of appliance. In this European Standard, the appliance is identified as type B11. The main symbols used in this European Standard are summarized in Annex F.

Method of testing for rating heat operated unitary air conditioning equipment for cooling.

This standard applies to heat-operated unitary air conditioners and heat pumps consisting of one or more assemblies, including engine-driven systems. Where such equipment is provided in more than one assembly, the separate assemblies are designed to be used together. Equipment within the scope of this standard may be classified as follows: a. Component arrangements: 1. factory-assembled equipment employing heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle or cycles (e.g., a packaged unit) 2. equipment employing a heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle with indoor and outdoor sections in separate assemblies (e.g., a split system) 3. equipment employing a heat-operated or mechanical refrigeration cycle as a liquid chiller with cooling coil in separate assembly (e.g., chiller) 4. equipment employing refrigeration cycles and heating functions (e.g., chiller/heater). b. Method of providing air circulation through indoor section: 1. with circulating fan incorporated with

Standard method for temperature measurement

The temperature measurement methods described herein are intended for use in testing heating, refrigerating, and airconditioning equipment and components.

Standard method for laboratory airflow measurement

This standard provides recommended practices for airflow measurements as well as measurement procedures for use in the preparation of other ASHRAE standards. Therefore, it meets the ASHRAE standard classification of method of measurement or test. The standard was initiated by the ASHRAE Standards Committee to provide ASHRAE members with several alternatives for laboratory airflow measurements. The standard was developed by a diversified panel of five voting and four nonvoting members using the ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-85, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 51-1985, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating, as a reference document.

Standard method for pressure measurement

The pressure measurement methods described herein are intended for use in testing heating, refrigerating, and air-conditioning equipment and components.

Standard method for measurement of proportion of lubricant in liquid refrigerant

This is a reaffirmation of ASHRAE Standard 41.4-1996. This standard was prepared under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). It may be used, in whole or in part, by an association or government agency with due credit to ASHRAE. Adherence is strictly on a voluntary basis and merely in the interests of obtaining uniform standards throughout the industry.

Standard method for measurement of moist air properties

This is a reaffirmation of ASHRAE Standard 41.6-1994. This standard falls under the Standards Committee classification of Standard Method of Measurement. This standard was prepared under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). It may be used, in whole or in part, by an association or government agency with due credit to ASHRAE. Adherence is strictly on a voluntary basis and is merely in the interest of obtaining uniform standards throughout the industry.

Standard method for measurement of flow of gas

1.1 This test method describes the measurement of the volumetric and mass flow rate of a gas stream within a duct, stack, pipe, mine tunnel, or flue using a tracer gas dilution technique. For editorial convenience all references in the text will be to a duct, but it should be understood that this could refer equally well to a stack, pipe, mine tunnel, or flue. This test method is limited to those applications where the gas stream and the tracer gas can be treated as ideal gases at the conditions of the measurement. In this test method, the gas stream will be referred as air, though it could be any another gas that exhibits ideal gas law behavior. 1.2 This test method is not restricted to any particular tracer gas although experimental experience has shown that certain gases are used more readily than others as suitable tracer gases. It is preferable that the tracer gas not be a natural component of the gas stream. 1.3 Use of this test method requires a knowledge of the principles of gas analysis and instrumentation. Correct use of the formulas presented here requires consistent use of units. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific precautionary statements, see Section 7ز statements, see Section 7.

Standard method for measurement of flow liquid in pipes using orifice flow meters

This standard applies to laboratory and field liquid flow measurement for testing heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating systems and components. This standard is restricted to applications where the entire flow stream of liquid enters and exits the liquid flowmeter in a liquid-only state during data recording with the following exception: a. This standard does not apply to liquid-phase refrigerant mass flow measurements where the liquid flow includes circulating lubricant. Those measurements are within the scope of ASHRAE Standard 41.10.

Calorimeter method for mass flow measurement of volatile refrigerants

This standard applies to measuring mass flow rates for refrigerants and refrigerant/lubricant mixtures using calorimeters in laboratories. This standard applies where the entire flow stream of the refrigerant or the refrigerant/lubricant mixture enters the calorimeter as a subcooled liquid and leaves as a superheated vapor (evaporator type). This standard applies where the entire flow stream of the refrigerant or the refrigerant/lubricant mixture enters the calorimeter as a superheated vapor and leaves as a subcooled liquid (condenser type).

Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy

2.1 The environmental factors addressed in this standard are temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed; the personal factors are those of activity and clothing. 2.2 It is intended that all of the criteria in this standard be applied together since comfort in the indoor environment is complex and responds to the interaction of all of the factors that are addressed. 2.3 This standard specifies thermal environmental conditions acceptable for healthy adults at atmospheric pressure equivalent to altitudes up to 3000 m (10,000 ft) in indoor spaces designed for human occupancy for periods not less than 15 minutes. 2.4 This standard does not address such nonthermal environmental factors as air quality, acoustics, and illumination or other physical, chemical, or biological space contaminants that may affect comfort or health.

Method of testing for rating the performance of air and inlets.

This standard includes the specifications for test instruments, facilities, installations, and procedures and methods of calculation for determining aerodynamic performance and sound generation of air outlets and air inlets.

Method of testing for rating unitary air-conditioning and heat pump equipment.

The purpose of this standard is to provide test methods for determining the cooling capacity of unitary air-conditioning equipment and the cooling or heating capacities, or both, of unitary heat pump equipment.

Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Absorption refrigerators

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات التصنيعية لتصميم الحيز الرأسي ولمقاومة الضغط الداخلي ولمقاومة الصدمة الحرارية ولمقاومة الجهد الآني والتلدين وخلوها من العيوب الظاهرية للعبوات (قناني) ذات المقطع الدائري والذي لديهم سعة اسمية لا تزيد عن 1,25 ليتر للمشروبات الغازية ومن ضمنها الماء المكربن حيث يكون ضغط الكربنه لا يزيد عن 4,7 بار عند درجة حرارية 20º س. كما أن هذه المواصفة القياسية تحدد المتطلبات التصنيعية للقناني الزجاجية القابلة لإعادة التعبئة والتي تتمتع بسعة اسمية لا تزيد عن 180 مل للمشروبات الغازية ذو ضغط الكربنه يزيد عن 4.7 بار ولكن لا يتجاوز 5,3 بار عند درجة حرارة 20º س

Waxed paper for confectionery

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية متطلبات ورق المشمع المستعمل في تغليف الحلويات.

Waxed paper for general packing

تحدد هذه المواصفة المتطلبات الواجب توافرها في ورق المشمع المستعمل في التبطين الداخلي للصناديق الخشبية المستخدمة لأغراض التعبئة العامة.

Polyethylene (PE) Bottles

تتضمن هذه المواصفة القياسية الشروط العامة الواجب توافرها في قناني متعدد الاثيلين المستخدمة كأوعية للكيماويات الصناعية والكواشف والكيماويات الزراعية والطبية والماء المقطر … كما تتضمن طرق الاختبار. هذه المواصفة القياسية لا تشمل القناني المعدة لتعبئة المواد الغذائية.

Sulfuric acid

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية الشروط الواجب توافرها في حمض الكبريتي المعد للاستعمال في الأعمال المخبرية والصناعية


تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية الشروط الواجب توافرها بثقاب الأمان التي تشتعل عند حكها مع سطح قداح، والمعبأة في علب أو أمشاط وطرق الاختبار

Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Determination of the filtration performance

This European Standard refers to particulate air filters for general ventilation. These filters are classified according to their performance as measured in this test procedure. This European Standard contains requirements to be met by particulate air filters. It describes testing methods and the test rig for measuring filter performance. In order to obtain results for comparison and classification purposes, particulate air filters shall be tested against two synthetic aerosols, a fine aerosol for measurement of filtration efficiency as a function of particle size within a particle size range 0,2 μm to 3,0 μm, and a coarse one for obtaining information about test dust capacity and, in the case of coarse filters, filtration efficiency with respect to coarse loading dust (arrestance). This European Standard applies to air filters having an initial efficiency of less than 98 % with respect to 0,4 μm particles. Filters shall be tested at an air flow rate between 0,24 m3/s (850 m3/h) and 1,5 m3/s (5400 m3/h). The performance results obtained in accordance with this standard cannot by themselves be quantitatively applied to predict performance in service with regard to efficiency and lifetime. Other factors influencing performance to be taken into account are described in Annex A (informative).

Clay Roofing Tiles for discontinuous laying - Determination of geometric Characteristics

This European standard specifies the methods for determining the geometric characteristics of clay tiles as defined in EN 1304, Clay roofing tiles and fittings Product definitions and specifications.

Surge arresters. Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of surge arresters

This Technical Report gives the basic principles of artificial pollution testing of non-linear resistor type (valve type) surge arresters, together with details of pollutant compositions and methods of application and the test procedures associated with each mode of pollution.

General safety requirements for passenger vehicles – Part 2: Technical and environmental elements

تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية اللبنانية الى تحديد عناصر التقنية والبيئة والحيطة الواجب توافرها في تصميم وتجهيز واستعمال الحاقلات المنفردة لنقل الركاب وأمتعتهم من (الفئتين( أ ) و (ب

General safety requirements for passenger vehicles –Part 3: School buses

تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية اللبنانية الى تحديد عناصر التقنية والبيئة والحيطة الواجب توافرها في تصميم وتجهيز واستعمال الحاقلات المنفردة لنقل الركاب وأمتعتهم من الفئة (ج)بهدف حماية الأشخاص داخل وخارج الحافلة من الأذى االمباشر (مثال: اصطدام, سقوط, حريق. الخزز) ومنالاذى غير المباشر (مثال: ارهاق, تسمم, تلوث, الخ..( وذلك ضمن مقاييس السلامة العالميى و العربية المعروفة والمعتمدة معا وعلى وجه الخصوص ما ينطبق منها على خصوصية الامكانات التقنية والبشرية والبيئية في لبنان. لا تنطبق هذه المواصفة على الحافلات ذات الطابقين ولا على الحافلات المنفصلة.

General safety requirements for passenger vehicles –Part 4 : Inspection methods and periodic maintenance

تحدد هذه المواصفة اللبنانية عمليات المعاينة والصيانة الدورية الوقائية والطارئة للحافلات المخصصة لنقل الركاب وامتعتهم على اختلاف فئاتها.

Portable Fire Extinguishers - Part 5: Specifications and Relevant Tests

This standard specifies the characteristics of: - the effective range of operating temperatures; - the requirements for components; - the resistance to corrosion; - the brackets; - the identification of the extinguisher; - the periodical checking. Note 1: Reference to the suitability of an extinguisher for use on gaseous fires will be at the manufacture's discretion and will apply to powder type extinguishers only. Note 2: The extinction of a metal fire presents a situation so specific (in terms of the metal itself, form, configuration of the fire etc) that it is not possible to define a representative standard fire. Efficiency on a class D fire shall be the object of a particular case by case study and is not included within the scope of this Lebanese standards but may be made the object of national specifications. Note 3: For Classes of Fires, please see Annex A Note 4: Classes of fire referred to in this standard corresponds to NL classifications. 2002 English; French 35000.00 1 912 957 C NL 406 6 : 2002 NL TC IRI 13.220.10 60.60 Chemical Technology Portable Fire Extinguishers - Part 6: Provisions for the Attestation of Conformity of Portable Extinguishers in Accordance With NL 406 Part 1 to Part 5. This standard establishes general principles for attesting the conformity of portable fire extinguishers to NL 406-1, NL 406-2, NL 406-3, NL 406-4, NL 406-5. It specifies methods for type testing and control during manufacture. The attestation of conformity may allow the manufacturer to request certification of his product from an accredited certification body. 2002 English; French 25000.00 0 913 958 C NL 406 7 : 2003 NL TC IRI 13.220.10 60.60 Chemical Technology Specifications on the portable CO2 extinguisher cylinders, operating mechanism, discharge mechanisms and performance 1.1 This standard covers the construction and performance of portable carbon-dioxide type fire extinguishers. Carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers shall comply with relevant Libnor standards NL 406-0…8 1.2 A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those covered by the requirements in this standard, and that involves a risk of fire or of electric shock or injury to persons shall be evaluated using appropriate additional component and end-product requirements to maintain the level of safety as originally anticipated by the intent of this standard. A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems conflict with specific requirements or provisions of this standard does not comply with this standard. 2003 English 25000.00 0 914 959 C NL 406 8 : 2003 NL TC IRI 13.220.10 60.60 Chemical Technology Specifications on the methods of inspection, maintenance and recharge of portable fire extinguishers This standard specifies the rules govering inspection, maintenance. And recharging of fire extinguishers. The owner or designated agent or pccupant of a property in which fire extinguishers are located shall be responsible for such inspection, maintennace, and recharging. Minimal knowledge is required to perform a monthly inspection in order to follow the inspection procedure outlined in Section 4.1. Maintenance, servicing, and recharging shall be performed by trained persons having available the appropriate servicing manual(s), the proper types of tools, recharge materials, lubricants, and manufacturer's recommended replacement parts or parts specifically listed for use in the fire extringuisher. Tags or labels shall not be replaced on the front of the fire extinguisher. Exception: Labels indicating fire extinguisher use or classification, or both. 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 915 960 C NL 408 : 2002 NL TC IRI 67.160.20 60.60 Food Technology Pineapple juice تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في عصير الأناناس المحفوظ فقط بالطرق الفزيقية. 2002 Arabic 15000.00 0 916 961 C NL 409 : 2002 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Frozen Carots تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد الشروط والمتطلبات الواجب توافرها في الجزر المجمَّد المعد للاستهلاك المباشر بدون تصنيع اضافي، فيما عدا التصنيف أو إعادة التعبئة. لا تشمل هذه المواصفة القياسية المنتجات التي ستخضع لأي تصنيع إضافي، أو المعدة لأغراض صناعية أخرى. 2002 Arabic 25000.00 0 917 962 C NL 410 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Hazelnut Kernels تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في نواة (قلب) البندق الصالحة للاستهلاك البشري والمعدة للتسويق في حالة طازجة، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 918 964 C NL 412 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Inshell Hazelnuts تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في البندق غير المقشور المعد للاستهلاك المباشر، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 919 965 C NL 413 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Walnut Kernels تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في نواة (قلب) الجوز عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 920 966 C NL 414 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Inshell Walnuts تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الجوز غير المقشور المعد للاستهلاك المباشر، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على الجوز المعد للكسر بهدف استخراج النواة منه، أو المعد لإنتاج الزيت. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 921 967 C NL 415 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Sweet Almond Kernels تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في نواة (قلب) اللوز الحلو المعد للتسويق في حالة طازجة، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على اللوز المقشور واللوز المرّ واللوز المعروض على شكل أنصاف وقطع وأصابع وخيوط ومكعبات الخ…. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية أيضاً على اللوز المملّح أو المحلّى أو المحمّص أو الذي خضع لأي عملية تحويل أخرى. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 922 968 C NL 416 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Unshelled Sweet Almonds تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في اللوز الحلو غير المقشور المعد للاستهلاك المباشر، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع، بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 923 969 C NL 417 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Cashew Kernels (Cashew Nuts) تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في حبوب الكاجو المعدة للاستهلاك المباشر. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على حبوب الكاجو المعدة للتصنيع ). 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 924 970 C NL 418 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Unshelled Pistachio Nuts تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الفستق الحلبي غير المقشور المعد للاستهلاك المباشر، عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. تطبق أيضاً اشتراطات الجودة المحددة في هذه المواصفة على الفستق الحلبي المعالج، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار خصائص عملية المعالجة. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 925 971 C NL 419 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Decorticated Stone Pine Nuts تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في نواة (قلب) الصنوبر المعد للاستهلاك البشري. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على نواة (قلب) الصنوبر المحمّص أو المصنّع. 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 926 972 C NL 420 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Unshelled Pine Nuts تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الصنوبر غير المقشور المعد للاستهلاك البشري. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على الصنوبر المحمّص أو المملّح أو على أي نوع آخر من الصنوبر المصنع أو الصنوبر الناتج عن حرق الأكواز. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 927 973 C NL 421 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Roasted and Packaged Peanuts (Groundnuts) تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الفستق (الفول السوداني) المحمّص والمعبأ، المعد للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 928 974 C NL 422 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.10 60.60 Food Technology Rahat (Loukoum), Malban and Nougat تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الراحة (راحة الحلقوم) والملبن والنوغة المعدة للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 929 975 C NL 423 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.10 60.60 Food Technology Dragées تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الملبس المعد للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 930 976 C NL 425 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.20 60.60 Food Technology Fruit Drinks تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في شراب الفاكهة المعد للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 931 977 C NL 426 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.20 60.60 Food Technology Flavored Fruit Drinks تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في شراب نكهة الفاكهة المعد للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 932 978 C NL 429 : 2008 NL TC IRI 67.180.10 60.60 Food Technology Mortadella تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في المرتديلا المحضرة من لحم البقر أو الجاموس أو الضأن أو الماعز أو الخنزيرأو الدواجن أو خليط منهم والمعدة للاستهلاك المباشر. 2008 Arabic 25000.00 1 933 979 C NL 430 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.10 60.60 Food Technology Bastirma تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في البسطرمه المحضرة من لحم البقر أو الجاموس أو الضأن أو الماعز والمعدة للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 934 980 C NL 432 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.180.10 60.60 Food Technology Canned sausages (Hot dog) تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في النقانق المعلّبة المعدة للاستهلاك البشري. ولا تشمل هذه المواصفة القياسية النقانق المعلبة المحضرة فقط من لحم الدواجن. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 935 981 C NL 433 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.10 60.60 Food Technology General requirements for the preperation and handling of shawarma تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية الاشتراطات العامة لتجهيز وتداول الشاورما المعدة من لحوم البقر أو الجاموس أو الخنزير أو الغنم أو الماعز أو الدواجن المبردة أو المجمدة 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 936 982 C NL 434 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.10 60.60 Food Technology Guidelines for the use of non-meat protein products in processed meat and poultry products تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تأمين الإرشادات لاستعمال المنتجات البروتينية التي مصدرها غير اللحوم، المعرفة في المواصفات القياسية اللبنانية المعنية، وذلك عن طريق: - وضع المبادئ للاستعمال الملائم للمنتجات البروتينية التي مصدرها غير اللحوم في منتجات اللحوم والدواجن المصنعة ، و - تحديد المبادئ الخاصة بوضع البطاقة البيانية المناسبة على منتجات اللحوم والدواجن المصنعة المحتوية على المنتجات البروتينية التي مصدرها غير اللحوم. 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 937 983 C NL 435 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.220.10 60.60 Food Technology Guide for the microbiological quality of spices and herbs used in processed meat and poultry products تطبق هذه التوجيهات على التوابل والأعشاب التي تنمو طبيعياً أو المزروعة والتي تحتاج إلى معالجة قبل استعمالها كمكونات في منتجات اللحوم والدواجن المصنعة. تبين هذه التوجيهات الطرق لمعالجة التوابل والأعشاب مع تحديد المعايير لتحسين المنتج النهائي وضمانة ملائمته للاستعمال في منتجات اللحوم والدواجن المصنعة 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 938 984 C NL 436 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.30 60.60 Food Technology Quick frozen lobsters تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الكركند المجمد بجميع أصنافه، نيئاً كان أو مطبوخاً والمعد للاستهلاك المباشر. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 939 985 C NL 437 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.30 60.60 Food Technology Quick frozen raw squid and cuttle fish تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الحبار المجمد وقطعه النيئة المجمدة والمعد للاستهلاك المباشر دون أي معالجات أخرى. لا تطبق هذه المواصفة القياسية على المنتجات المعدة لمعالجات أخرى أو لاستعمالات صناعية أخرى. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 940 986 C NL 438 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.30 60.60 Food Technology Smoked Fish تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الأسماك المدخنة المعدة للاستهلاك المباشر 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 941 987 C NL 439 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.120.30 60.60 Food Technology Salted Fish and Dried Salted Fish تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الأسماك المملحة والأسماك المملحة المجففة ، من العائلة Gadidae والتي أشبعت تماماً بالملح (مملحة بكثافة)، أو الأسماك المملحة التي تم حفظها بواسطة الإشباع الجزئي بملح لا يقل محتواه عن 12% بالوزن من الأسماك المملحة والتي يمكن تقديمها للاستهلاك المباشر دون أي معالجات صناعية أخرى 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 942 988 C NL 440 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.220.10 60.60 Food Technology Chilled and Frozen Poultry and Rabbits تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في ذبائح وقطع الطيور الداجنة والأرانب المبردة والمجمدة المعدة للاستهلاك المباشر. ولا تشمل هذه المواصفة القياسية ذبائح وقطع الدجاج الطازجة المبردة والمجمدة. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 943 989 C NL 441 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.220.10 60.60 Food Technology Frozen Poultry Products - Breaded or in Batter تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في منتجات الطيور الداجنة المجمدة – المغطاة بالكعك أو العجين، المطبوخة وغير المطبوخة والمعدة للاستهلاك البشري. 2005 Arabic 25000.00 0 944 991 C NL EN 442 2 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Specifications for radiators and convectors - Part 2: Test methods and rating This European Standard defines procedures for determining the standard thermal outputs and other characteristics of radiators and convectors installed in a permanent manner in construction works, fed with water or steam at temperatures below 120 °C, supplied by a remote energy source. This European Standard specifies the laboratory arrangements and testing methods to be adopted, the admissible tolerances, the criteria for selecting the samples to be tested and for verifying the conformity of the current production with the samples tested at the initial test. This European Standard also defines the additional common data that the manufacturer shall provide with the product in order to ensure the correct application of the products. This European Standard does not apply to fan assisted radiators, fan assisted convectors and trench convectors and to independent heating appliances. 2003 English; French 50000.00 0 945 992 C NL EN 442 3 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.10 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Specifications for radiators and convectors - Part 3: Evaluation and conformity This European Standard specifies the procedures for evaluating the conformity of radiators/convectors to EN 442-1. It specifies the procedures and methods for the initial evaluation and the controls required to maintain conformity. 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 946 993 C NL 443 : 2005 NL TC IRI 67.080 60.60 Food Technology Grated dessicated coconut تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في جوز الهند المبشور المعد للاستهلاك المباشر 2005 Arabic 15000.00 0 947 994 C NL 444 : 2006 NL TC IRI 67.220.20 60.60 Food Technology Activate yeast and deactivated yeast تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في الخميرة النشطة والخميرة غير النشطة. 2006 Arabic 25000.00 0 948 995 C NL EN 1112 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.70 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Shower outlets for (PN10) sanitary tapware This European Standard specifies:  the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical, hydraulic and acoustic characteristics with which shower outlets shall comply;  the procedures for testing these characteristics. This European Standard applies to shower heads and hand showers of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers. This European Standard applies to shower heads and hand showers connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware. Integral and remote spray attachments incorporated in tapware (e.g. sink and wash basin mixing valves) are not covered by this standard. 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 949 996 C NL EN 1113 : 2003 NL TC EO 91.140.70 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Shower Hoses for (PN 10) Sanitary Tapware This European Standard specifies: - the dimensional, leaktightness, mechanical and hydraulic characteristics with which shower hoses should comply; - the procedures for testing these characteristics. This European Standard applies to shower hoses of any material used for ablutionary purposes and intended for equipping and supplementing sanitary tapware for baths and showers. This European Standard applies to shower hoses connected downstream of the obturator of the tapware. Hoses which are an integral part of sanitary tapware (sink and wash basin mixing valves) or hoses intended to connect sanitary tapware to the water supplies are not covered by this European Standard. Details of pressures and temperatures are given in Table 1. 2003 French 25000.00 0 950 997 C NL EN 1117 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 - 27.200 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers - Liquid cooled refrigerant condensers -Test procedures for establishing the performance This European Standard applies to series produced liquid cooled refrigerant condensers which operate with a (primary) refrigerant. Its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following:- Product identification,Capacity,Liquid flow rate,Liquid side pressure drop. This Standard does not cover technical safety aspects. 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 951 998 C NL EN 1118 : 2003 NL TC EO 27.060.30 - 27.200 60.60 Mechanical Systems and Components for General Use Heat exchangers - Refrigerant cooled liquid coolers -Test procedures for establishing the performance This European Standard applies to series produced liquid coolers which operate with a (primary) refrigerant and its purpose is to establish uniform methods to test and ascertain the following: - Product identification - Capacity-Liquid flow rate-Liquid side pressure drop. This Standard does not cover technical safety aspects. 2003 English; French 25000.00 0 952 999 C NL EN 1123 1 : 2005 NL TC IRI 23.040.10 - 23.040.60 - 23.040.40 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems – Part 1: Requirements, testing, and quality control This standard specifies requirements, tests and quality control for longitudinally welded, hot-dip galvanized steel pipes and fittings with spigot and socket for use in waste water systems usually operating under gravity or at a low head of pressure. For the purposes of this standard, components are pipes, fittings, joints and seals. This standard is for components used for the discharge of: - domestic waste water; - surface water and - groundwater. 2005 EN/FR 25000.00 1 953 1000 C NL EN 1123 2 : 2014 NL TC 2165 93.030 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems – Part 2: Dimensions This standard applies to pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded hot-dip galvanized steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems. It specifies dimensions and tolerances for pipes, fittings, pipe connectors and seals and establishes a system of designations for the different pipe and fitting types that conform to the stated requirements. This standard is only valid in connection with EN 1123-1. This standard does not apply to the marking of products. EN 1123-1 applies to the marking. 2014 English 50000.00 0 954 1001 C NL EN 1124 1 : 2005 NL TC IRI 23.040.10 - 23.040.60 - 23.040.40 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems – Part 1: Requirements, testing, and quality control This European Standard specifies requirements, tests and quality control for longitudinally welded, stainless steel pipes and fittings with spigot and socket for use in waste water systems usually operating under gravity or at low head of pressure. For the purposes of this standard, components are pipes, fittings, joints and seals. This standard is for components used for the discharge of: - domestic waste water; - surface water and - goundwater. 2005 English; French 25000.00 1 955 1002 C NL EN 1124 2 : 2014 NL TC 2165 23.040 - 23.040.60 - 23.040.40 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems – Part 2: System S, dimensions This European Standard applies to pipes and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste water systems and specifies dimensions and tolerances for pipes, fittings and pipe connectors and establishes a system of designations for the different pipe and fitting types that conform to the stated requirements. This part of EN 1124 is only valid in connection with EN 1124 1. 2014 English 35000.00 0 956 1017 C NL ISO 6777 : 2009 No 13.060.50 60.60 Food Technology Water quality -- Determination of nitrite -- Molecular absorption spectrometric method This International Standard specifies a molecular absorption spectrometric method for the determination of nitrite in potable, raw and waste water. 2009 English 25000.00 0 957 1018 C NL ISO 6778 : 2009 No 13.060.50 60.60 Food Technology Water quality -- Determination of ammonium -- Potentiometric method This International Standard specifies a potentiometric method, using an ammonia-sensing membrane probe, for the determination of ammonium in raw and waste water and sewage. 2009 English 25000.00 0 958 1020 C NL ISO 6878 : 2009 No 13.060.50 60.60 Food Technology Water quality -- Determination of phosphorus -- Ammonium molybdate spectrometric method This International Standard specifies methods for the determination of — orthophosphate (see Clause 4); — orthophosphate after solvent extraction (see Clause 5); — hydrolysable phosphate plus orthophosphate (see Clause 6); — total phosphorus after decomposition (see Clauses 7 and 8). The methods are applicable to all kinds of water including seawater and effluents. Phosphorus concentrations within the range of 0,005 mg/l to 0,8 mg/l may be determined in such samples without dilution. A solvent extraction procedure allows smaller phosphorus concentrations to be determined with a detection limit of about 0,000 5 mg/l. 2009 English 35000.00 0 959 1021 C NL ISO 6888 1 : 2008 No 67.100.10 60.60 Food Technology Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium AMENDMENT 1: Inclusion of precision data This part of ISO 6888 specifies a horizontal method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci in products intended for human consumption or feeding of animals, by counting of colonies obtained on a solid medium (Baird-Parker medium) after aerobic incubation at 35 °C or 37 °C. 2008 English 25000.00 0 960 1022 C NL EN ISO 6946 : 2006 NL TC EO 91.120.10 60.60 Construction Materials and Building Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance: Calculation method This document provides the method of calculation of the thermal resistance and thermal transmittance of building components and building elements, excluding doors, windows and other glazed units, curtain walling, components which involve heat transfer to the ground, and components through which air is designed to permeate. The calculation method is based on the appropriate design thermal conductivities or design thermal resistances of the materials and products for the application concerned. The method applies to components and elements consisting of thermally homogeneous layers (which can include air layers). This document also provides an approximate method that can be used for elements containing inhomogeneous layers, including the effect of metal fasteners, by means of a correction term given in Annex F. Other cases where insulation is bridged by metal are outside the scope of this document. NOTE Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of this document within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1."

Refrigerant liquid receivers

This standard establishes for refrigerant liquid receivers: definitions, rating, requiremetns, minimum data requirements for published ratings; marking and maneplate data, and conformance conditions.

Refrigerant-cooled liquid coolers-Remote type

this standard applies to remote type refrigerant-cooled liquid coolers of the shell and tube shell -and U-tube,shell-and u-tube,shell and coil, and tube in tube types using single compound refrigerants only

Method of testing HVAC air ducts.

This standard shall be used to determine the structural strength, dimensional stability, durability, and leakage characteristics of HVAC air ducts. 2.2 This standard does not address the following: a. Fittings b. Effects of aerosols, solid particulates, corrosive environments, or combustibility c. Long-term effects of extended service d. Seismic qualifications e. Underground ducts f. Plenums and equipment casings g. Supports for ductwork and fittings

Measuring air-change effectiveness.

This standard prescribes a method for measuring air-change effectiveness in mechanically ventilated spaces and buildings that meet specified criteria. The air-change effectiveness is a measure of the effectiveness of outdoor air distribution to the breathing level within the ventilated space. The method compares the age of air where occupants breathe to the age of air that would occur throughout the space if the indoor air were perfectly mixed. The standard includes measurement procedures and criteria for assessing the suitability of the test space for measurements of air- change effectiveness. (Standard reflects minor editorial changes 10-06-09)

Method of testing for rating ducted air terminal units.

The methods of test in this standard apply to air control and distribution devices used in air distribution systems for commercial buildings. These devices provide control of air volume with or without temperature control by one or more of the following means and may or may not include a fan: a. fixed or adjustable vanes, b. pressure-dependent volume dampers or shutoff valves (including air induction nozzles and dampers), c. pressure-compensated volume dampers or shutoff valves (including air induction nozzles and dampers), d. heat exchange, e. ON/OFF fan control, or f. variable-speed fan control. This standard covers test methods for use in determining the following performance characteristics: a. sound power, b. temperature mixing and stratification, c. minimum operation pressure, d. air leakage, e. induced air, f. fan volume airflow, g. fan motor electrical power, and h. condensation. This standard does not cover individual control components nor those products covered in other ASH

Peanuts (Groundnuts)

تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية إلى تحديد المتطلبات والشروط الواجب توافرها في قرون وبذور الفستق (الفول السوداني) الخام والمعروفة بـ"فستق عبيد"، المقشورة أو غير المقشورة، والمعدة للتصنيع للاستهلاك البشري أو لاستخراج الزيت

Organic Production – Part 2: Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants using diverse forms of production in fresh-, brackish- and saltwater. This standard covers carnivorous, omnivorous and herbivorous organisms of all types and at all stages of growth, grown in any form of enclosure such as earthen ponds, tanks and cages (open and closed systems). Wild and sessile organisms in open collecting areas may be certified as organic. Organisms that are moving freely in open waters, and/or that are not capable of inspection according to general procedures for organic production, are not covered by these standards.

Thermal performance of buildings - Heat transfer via the ground - Calculation methods

ISO 13370:2017 provides methods of calculation of heat transfer coefficients and heat flow rates for building elements in thermal contact with the ground, including slab‐on‐ground floors, suspended floors and basements. It applies to building elements, or parts of them, below a horizontal plane in the bounding walls of the building situated - at the level of the inside floor surface, for slab‐on‐ground floors, suspended floors and unheated basements; NOTE 1 In some cases, external dimension systems define the boundary at the lower surface of the floor slab. - at the level of the external ground surface, for heated basements. ISO 13370:2017 includes calculation of the steady‐state part of the heat transfer (the annual average rate of heat flow) and the part due to annual periodic variations in temperature (the seasonal variations of the heat flow rate about the annual average). These seasonal variations are obtained on a monthly basis and, except for the application to dynamic simulation programmes in Annex D, ISO 13370:2017 does not apply to shorter periods of time. NOTE 2 Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of ISO 13370:2017 within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1.

Chimneys - General requirements

This European Standard specifies general requirements and the basic performance criteria and specifies limit values where appropriate for chimneys (including connecting flue pipes and their fittings) used to convey the products of combustion from heating appliances to the outside atmosphere. It is intended to be used as a reference for product standards for chimneys, flues and specific products (elements, kits and terminals) used in the construction of chimneys. It also identifies minimum requirements for marking and evaluation of conformity. It does not apply to structurally independent chimneys. NOTE This European Standard can be used as a basis for the specifications of products covered by a European Technical Approval.

Chimneys - Metal chimneys - Test methods

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les méthodes d’essai des composants de conduits de fumée métalliques

Thermal performance of building components - Dynamic thermal characteristics - Calculation methods

ISO 13786:2017 specifies the characteristics related to the dynamic thermal behaviour of a complete building component and provides methods for their calculation. It also specifies the information on building materials required for the use of the building component. Since the characteristics depend on the way materials are combined to form building components, ISO 13786:2017 is not applicable to building materials or to unfinished building components. The definitions given in ISO 13786:2017 are applicable to any building component. A simplified calculation method is provided for plane components consisting of plane layers of substantially homogeneous building materials. Annex C provides simpler methods for the estimation of the heat capacities in some limited cases. These methods are suitable for the determination of dynamic thermal properties required for the estimation of energy consumption. These approximations are not appropriate, however, for product characterization. NOTE Table 1 in the Introduction shows the relative position of ISO 13786:2017 within the set of EPB standards in the context of the modular structure as set out in ISO 52000-1.

Thermal performance of buildings - Transmission heat loss coefficient - Calculation method

This European Standard specifies the requirements for cast iron globe valves in straight, angle or oblique pattern (see EN 736 2) with flanged or threaded end connections. This European Standard is applicable to cast iron globe valves mainly used for industrial and general purpose applications. However, they can be used for other applications provided the requirements of the relevant performance standards are met. The range of nominal sizes covered is: a) flanged: DN 10; DN 15; DN 20; DN 25; DN 32; DN 40; DN 50; DN 65; DN 80; DN 100; DN 125; DN 150; DN 200; DN 250; DN 300; DN 350; DN 400. b) threaded: ½, ¾, 1, 1¼, 1½, 2. The range of pressure designations covered is: a) for flanged end valves: PN 6; PN 10; PN 16; PN 25; PN 40; b) for threaded end valves: PN 6; PN 10; PN 16.

Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure –Thermoplastics –Recommended practice for installation

This Technical Report gives the recommended practice for installation of thermoplastics piping systems in the field of soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings (marked with "B") and of soil and waste discharge systems for both inside buildings and buried in ground within the building structure (marked with "BD"). This Technical Report provides material dependent installation techniques but it is important that the general installation practice as given in the relevant parts of EN 12056 for B application are taken into account in manufacturer's instructions, subject to any applicable national and/or local regulations. This Technical Report is applicable to thermoplastics pipes and fittings as specified in the associated standards EN 1329 1 [1] (PVC-U), EN 1451 1 [2] (PP), EN 1453 1 [3] (PVC-U with structured-wall pipes), EN 1455 1 [4] (ABS), EN 1519 1 [5] (PE), EN 1565 1 [6] (SAN+PVC) and EN 1566 1 [7] (PVC-C), their joints and to joints with components of other plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used for the following purposes: a) soil and waste discharge pipework for the conveyance of domestic waste waters (low and high temperature); NOTE 1 See Clause 4 for waste discharge temperature limits. b) ventilating pipework associated with a); c) rainwater pipework within the building structure (see Figure 1, key 16). It is applicable to pipes and fittings, marked with "B", which are intended to be used above ground only, and to pipes and fittings, marked "BD", which are intended to be used above and buried in ground within the building structure. NOTE 2 Only those components as specified in the relevant associated standard with nominal outside diameters equal to or greater than 75 mm (marked with "BD") are intended for use buried in ground within the building structure. The term "within building structure" covers all gravity discharge pipework within a building, including the elements installed below the slab and buried in the ground. If specified in the relevant associated standard, this Technical Report also covers soil and waste discharge pipework fixed externally onto the building (see Figure 1, key 17). It is not applicable to pipework that passes under the building without any connection from the discharge system. NOTE 3 According to the associated standards, for external above ground soil and waste discharge, additional requirements depending on the climate, will be agreed between the manufacturer and the user. According to the associated standards, components conforming to other standards on plastic piping systems may be used with pipes and fittings conforming to a given associated standard, if they conform to the requirements for joint dimensions and functional requirements of the given associated standard

Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, Marking and identification-Identification of conductors by colours or numerals

This International Standard provides general rules for the use of certain colours or alphanumerics to identify conductors with the aim of avoiding ambiguity and ensuring safe operation. These conductor colours or alphanumerics are intended to be applied in cables or cores, busbars, electrical equipment and installations

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes –Safety requirements for portable secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications

IEC 62133-1:2017 specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of portable sealed secondary nickel cells and batteries containing alkaline electrolyte, under intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse. This first edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 62133 published in 2012. It constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62133:2012: - separation of lithium systems into a separate Part 2; - inclusion of button cell requirements.

D.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps –Performance requirements

IEC 60929:2011+A1:2015 specifies performance requirements for electronic control gear for use on a.c. at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and/or d.c. supplies, both up to 1 000 V, with operating frequencies deviating from the supply frequency, associated with fluorescent lamps as specified in IEC 60081 and IEC 60901, and other fluorescent lamps for high-frequency operation. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2006, IEC 60925 published in 1989, its Amendment 1 (1996) and its Amendment 2 (2001). This fourth edition constitutes a technical revision. The essential change with respect to the third edition is the extension to DC supplied control gear and the deletion of the requirements for digital signal control of electronic control gear. The contents of the corrigendum of September 2011 have been included in this copy. This consolidated version consists of the fourth edition (2011) and its amendment 1 (2015). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.

Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 4: Examples for the calculation of short-circuit currents

This part of IEC 60909 is a technical report intended to give help for the application of IEC 60909-0 for the calculation of short-circuit currents in 50 Hz or 60 Hz three-phase a.c. systems. This technical report does not include additional requirements but gives support for the modelling of electrical equipment in the positive-sequence, the negative-sequence and the zerosequence system (clause 2) and the practical execution of calculations in a low-voltage system (clause 3), a medium-voltage system with asynchronous motors (clause 4) and a power-station unit with its auxiliary network feeding a large number of medium-voltage asynchronous motors and low-voltage motor groups (clause 5). The three examples given in clauses 3, 4 and 5 are similar to those given in IEC 60909 (1988) but they are revised in accordance with IEC 60909-0, which replaces it. A subclause is added to the example in clause 3 to give a comparison between the results found with the application of the equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location following the procedure given in IEC 60909-0 on the one hand, and results found with the superposition method on the other hand, taking into account different load-flow conditions before the short circuit. Clause 6 of this technical report gives the circuit diagram and the data of a test network and the results for a calculation carried out in accordance with IEC 60909-0, to offer the possibility for a comparison between the results found with a digital program for the calculation of short-circuit currents and the given results for I"k, ip, Ib, Ik, I"k1 and ip1 in a high-voltage network with power-station units, generators, asynchronous motors and lines in four different voltage levels 380 kV, 110 kV, 30 kV and 10 kV

Luminaires. Part 2: Particular requirements. Section Nineteen: Air-handling luminaires (safety requirements)

This section of Part 2 of I EC Publication 598 specifies safety requirements for air-handling luminaires for use with a ventilation duct or ventilated space (plenum), for use with tubular fluorescent lamps on supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V. It is to be read in conjunction with those sections of Part 1 to which reference is made. Attention is drawn to the fact that this section specifies only the safety aspects of air-handling luminaires; no requirements are specified at present for performance aspects. Notes 1. — The expressions "ventilation" and "ventilated" in this section refer to forced ventilation. 2. — No requirements are specified at present in this section for the use of tungsten filament lamps and discharge lamps other than tubular fluorescent lamp

Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements - Lighting chains

This part of IEC 60598 specifies requirements for lighting chains fitted with series, parallel or a combination of series/parallel connected light sources for use either indoors or outdoors on supply voltages not exceeding 250 V. For combinations where rope lights (also known as sealed lighting chains) are included, see IEC 60598-2-21. Lighting chains provided with fixed or detachable attachments e.g. ornamental or decorative, are considered to be covered by this standard. For lighting chains fitted with lampholders of the push-in type, the appropriate requirements of this standard applies. NOTE 1 A Christmas tree lighting chain is an example of a lighting chain fitted with series or series/parallel connected lamps. A chain for illuminating ski-tracks or promenades is an example of a lighting chain fitted with parallel connected lamps. For lighting chains with non-standardised lamps (e.g. lamps of the push-in type) the lamps are regarded as a part of the lighting chain and consequently included in the testing. NOTE 2 For products where the lighting chain is permanently fixed to a frame or pre-lit Christmas tree the relevant clauses of IEC 60598-2-4 and/or IEC 60598-2-7 can also apply. NOTE 3 In some countries the term "strings" is used instead of "chains". NOTE 4 Candlestick luminaries are tested according to IEC 60598-2-4.

Luminaires - Part 2-23: Particular requirements - Extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps

This section of IEC 60598-2 specifies requirements for extra low voltage lighting systems for filament lamps intended for ordinary interior use on supply voltages not exceeding 1 000 V. The luminaires, being connected in parallel, are supplied via freely suspended continuous supporting conductors or profiles. The current in the output circuit of the system is limited to 25 A