
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors

This European Standard specifies the requirements, test methods and performance criteria for aspirating smoke detectors for use in fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings. Aspirating smoke detectors developed for the protection of specific risks that incorporate special characteristics (including additional features or enhanced functionality for which this standard does not define a test or assessment method) are not covered by this standard. The performance requirements for any special characteristics are beyond the scope of this standard. NOTE Certain types of detector contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not therefore specified in this standard.

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 21: Alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment

This European Standard specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria against which the effectiveness and reliability of routing equipment capable of transmitting fire alarm and/or fault warning signals for use with fire detection and fire alarm systems installed in buildings can be assessed (see EN 541). The routing equipment is designed to allow the system to function in accordance with the requirements of this European Standard. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of the equipment to the requirements of this standard.

Smoke alarm devices

This document specifies requirements, test methods, performance criteria, and manufacturer's instructions for smoke alarms that operate using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization, intended for household or similar residential application. This document includes additional requirements for smoke alarms, which are also suitable for use in leisure accommodation vehicles. For the testing of other types of smoke alarms, or smoke alarms working on different principles, this document should only be used for guidance. Smoke alarms with special features, such as radio interlinking or special characteristics and developed for specific risks, are not covered by this document. This document allows, although it does not require, the inclusion within the smoke alarm of facilities for interconnection with other similar smoke alarms and/or accessories, and for alarm silencing. Where such facilities are included, this document specifies applicable requirements. This document does not cover devices intended for incorporation in systems using separate control and indicating equipment. NOTE Certain types of smoke alarms contain radioactive materials. The national requirements for radiation protection differ from country to country and they are not specified in this document. Such smoke alarms should, however, comply with the applicable national requirements.

Water quality -- Determination of alkalinity -- Part 1: Determination of total and composite alkalinity

This part of IS0 9963 specifies a method for the titrimetric determination of alkalinity. It is intended for the analysis of natural and treated water, and waste water, and can be used directly for waters having an alkalinity concentration of up to 20 mmol/l. For sam- ples containing higher concentrations of alkalinity, a smaller test portion can be used for analysis. The recommended lower limit is 0,4 mmol/l. Suspended matter in the form of carbonate may interfere with the analysis. This interference can be reduced by filtration prior to the titration. The endpoint detection, using a pH-meter, is less prone to interferences than the .use of the indicator.

Water quality -- Determination of alkalinity -- Part 2: Determination of carbonate alkalinity

This part of IS0 9963 specifies a method for the titrimetric determination of carbonate alkalinity in natural and drinking water. Using a higher pH value for the endpoint than the method specified in IS0 9963-1, the influence of other hydrogen ac- ceptors, such as anions of humic acids, is reduced by the procedure. The method is intended for samples with a carbonate alkalinity between 0,Ol mmol/l and 4 mmol/l (as H+ equivalents). For samples containing higher concen- trations of alkalinity, a smaller test portion can be used for analysis. In this context, carbonate alkalinity is often called total alkalinity and usually has nearly the same numerical value as methyl orange alkalinity (MO-alkalinity). The endpoint detection, using a pH-meter is less prone to interferences than the use of the indicator.

Water quality -- Determination of sodium and potassium -- Part 1: Determination of sodium by atomic absorption spectrometry

1 .I Field of application This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of dissolved sodium by flame atomic absorption spectrometty (AAS). It is intended for the analysis of raw and drinking water. The method is applicable to water samples with a mass concentration of sodium in the range from 5 mg/l to 50 mg/l. This range can be extended to lower or higher limits if dilution factors are chosen which are different from the factor specified in clause 8. 1.2 Interferences The ions normally present in raw and drinking waters do not interfere with the determination of sodium by atomic absorption spectrometry.

Water quality -- Determination of sodium and potassium -- Part 2: Determination of potassium by atomic absorption spectrometry

1.1 Field of application This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of dissolved potassium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). lt is intended for the analysis of raw and drinking waters. The method is applicable to water samples with a mass concentration of potassium in the range from 5 mg/1 to 50 mg/l. This range tan be extended to lower or higher limits if dilution factors are Chosen which are different from the factor specified in clause 8. 1.2 Interferences The ions normally present in raw and drinking waters do not interfere with the determination of potassium by atomic absorption spectrometry.

Water quality -- Determination of sodium and potassium -- Part 3: Determination of sodium and potassium by flame emission spectrometry

1.1 Field of application This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of dissolved sodium and potassium by flame emission spectrometry (FES). It is intended for the analysis of raw and drinking waters. The method is applicable to water samples with a mass concentration of sodium and potassium of up to 10 mg/l. For samples containing higher concen- trations of sodium and potassium, a smaller test por- tion is taken for analysis. The lower limits of determination are less than 0,l mg/l for both sodium and potassium. 1.2 Interferences The ions normally present in raw and drinking waters do not interfere with the flame emission spectro- metric method for sodium and potassium if an ionization suppressant is present

Water quality -- Determination of selenium -- Atomic absorption spectrometric method (hydride technique)

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of selenium and organically bonded selenium in drinking waters, ground waters and sur- face waters, in a concentration range of 1 CLgll and 10 la/l* Higher concentrations can be determined by a suit- able dilution of the water sample.

Water quality -- Determination of nitrogen -- Part 1: Method using oxidative digestion with peroxodisulfate

This part of IS0 11905 specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen present in water, in the form of free ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and organic nitrogen compounds capable of conversion to nitrate under the oxidative conditions described. Dissolved nitrogen gas is not determined by this method. This method is applicable to the analysis of natural fresh water, sea water, drinking water, surface water and treated sewage effluent. It is also applicable to the analysis of sewage and trade wastes in which the amount of organic matter in the test portion can be kept below 40 mg/l, expressed as carbon (C), when measured by Total Organic Carbon (TOC), or I20 mg/l, expressed as oxygen (O,), when measured by Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) according to the respective International Standards. 2

Water quality -- Measurement of biochemical parameters -- Spectrometric determination of the chlorophyll-a concentration

1.1 This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the chlorophyll-a concen- tration. The procedure tan be applied for phytoplankton in natura1 surface waters and for testing algal growth in bio-assays. Using appropriate sampling it tan also be applied to phytobenthic communities (see annex A). 1.2 Other algal Pigments such as chlorophyll-b and chlorophyll-c and some chlorophyll metabolites do not contribute to the determination. Phaeopigments may be determined semiquantitatively, to correct for interference with chlorophyll-a determination and to indicate the Portion of inactive algal biomass. 1.3 Chlorophyll is sensitive to Iight and Oxygen, especially when it is extracted. To avoid oxidative and photochemical destruction, the samples shall not be exposed to bright light or air. Homogenization of the Sample may in some cases increase the ex- traction efficiency. 1.4 The extraction procedure with ethanol involves heating to 75 OC for 5 min to inactivate chlorophyllase and accelerate the lysis of Pigments. Storage of extracts (except filters containing sus- pended matter) Prior to photometric measurement should be kept to a minimum, but is possible up to 3 d under refrigeration at 4 OC. Storage of extracts at less than - 25 OC is possible for at least 30 d. 1.5 Even though the procedure involves filtration or centrifugation to clarify the final extract, a slight turbidity may remain. The acidification step may also Cause turbidity. Therefore, the absorbance measured at 665 nm has to be corrected for turbidity by substracting the absorbance measured at 750 nm. 1.6 The Pigment of certain rarely occurring phototrophic bacteria (e.g. Chlorobium) interferes with the determination of chlorophyll-a concen- tration [l]. The contribution of chlorophyll-b and chlorophyll-c to the absorbance at 665 nm is negli- gible [2].

Water quality -- Determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons -- Gas-chromatographic methods

This International Standard specifies two methods for the determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons using gas chromatography. Section 2 specifies a method for the determination by liquid/liquid extraction of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water, ground water, swimming pool water, most rivers and lakes and many sewage and industrial effluents. Typical values of “quantification limits” are given in table 1. Table 1 - Typical values of “quantification limits“ for some highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons using liquid/liquid extraction Compound p!ipxmq 1 Dichloromethane 150 ---1 1 Chloroform I 0,05 - 0,3 I 1 Carbon tetrachloride IO,01 - 0,l I I l,l-Dichloroethane Il,O-5 I I 1,2-Dichloroethane 15- 10 --I 1 l,l,l-Trichloroethane IO,02 - 0,l I I 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane IO,05 - 0,l I I Hexachloroethane IO,01 - 0,05 I I cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene I5 - 50 ~~~ ---I 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene II -10 I I Trichloroethylene IO,05 - 0,l I I Tetrachloroethylene IO1 I I I Hexachlorobutadiene I WI ---I I Tribromomethane lo 1 I I I 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane lo1 , I Section 3 specifies a method for the determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water, surface waters and ground water by a static head- space method. Typical values of “quantification limits” are given in table 2. In practise, the head-space method is applicable for industrial effluents as a screening method, but in some cases it is necessary to confirm the result by the liquid-liquid extraction method. NOTE : When applying this International Standard, the guide on analytical quality control for water analysis (see lSO/TR 13530) should be followed, especially for the calibration steps. NL ISO 10301:2010 IS0 10301:1997(E) 0 IS0 Table 2 - Typical values of “quantification limits” for some highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons using static head-space method 1

Water quality -- Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -- Part 1: Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate

This part of ISO 10304 specifies a method for the determination of dissolved bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in water, e.g. drinking water, ground water, surface water, waste water, leachates and marine water by liquid chromatography of ions. The lower limit of application is W 0,05 mg/l for bromide and for nitrite, and W 0,1 mg/l for chloride, fluoride, nitrate, orthophosphate, and sulfate. The lower limit of application depends on the matrix and the interferences encountered. The working range may be expanded to lower concentrations (e.g. W 0,01 mg/l) if an appropriate pre-treatment of the sample (e.g. conditions for trace analyses, pre-concentration technique) is applied, and/or if an ultraviolet (UV) detector (for bromide, nitrate and nitrite) is used

Water quality -- Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -- Part 3: Determination of chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate and thiosulfate

This part of IS0 10304 specifies methods for the determination in aqueous solution of the dissolved anions - iodide, thiocyanate and thiosulfate (clause 4); - sulfite (clause 5); - chromate (clause 6). An appropriate pretreatment of the sample (e.g. dilution) and the application of a conductivity detector (CD), UV detector (UV) or amperometric detector (AD) make the working ranges given in table 1 feasible. Table 1 - Applicable working ranges Anion Chromate (CrO,), clause 6 Iodide (I), clause 4 Sulfite (SO,), clause 5 Thiocyanate (SCN), clause 4 Working range ‘) 0,05 mg/l to 50 mg/l 0,l mg/l to 50 mg/l 0,l mg/l to 50 mg/l 0,5 mg/l to 50 mg/l 0,l mg/l to 50 mg/l Detector UV (h = 365 nm) CD or UV (h = 205 nm to 236 nm) AD (approximately 0,7 V to I,1 V) CD UV (h = 205 nm to 220 nm) CD or UV (h = 205 nm to 220 nm) AD (approximately 0,7 V to I,1 V) CD or UV (h = 205 nm to 220 nm) AD (approximately 0,7 V to I,1 V) Thiosulfate (S,O,), clause 4 0,l mg/l to 50 mg/l ‘) The working range is restricted by the exchange capacity of the columns. Dilute the sample into the working range if necessary.

Water quality -- Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -- Part 4: Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low contamination

This part of ISO 10304 specifies a method for the determination of the dissolved anions chlorate, chloride, and chlorite in water with low contamination (e.g. drinking water, raw water or swimming pool water). An appropriate pretreatment of the sample (e.g. dilution) and the use of a conductivity detector (CD), UV detector (UV) or amperometric detector (AD) make the working ranges given in table 1 feasible. Table 1 — Working ranges of the analytical method Anion Working range mg/l* Detection Chlorate 0,03 to 10 CD Chloride 0,1 to 50 CD Chlorite** 0,05 to 1 0,1 to 1 0,01 to 1 CD UV; λ=207 nm to 220 nm AD; 0,4 to 1,0 V * The working range is restricted by the ion-exchange capacity of the columns. Dilute the sample in to the working range, if necessary. The minimum working range for chlorite of 0,05 mg/l was obtained using calibration checks, but the round robin trials (annex A, table A.4) showed that it is difficult to obtain this with sufficient accuracy. Thus great care shall be taken when working in the lower range of this method.

Water quality -- Determination of fluoride -- Part 1: Electrochemical probe method for potable and lightly polluted water

1 .l Field of application This part of ISO 10359 specifies a method for the determination of dissolved fluoride in fresh, potable and low contaminated water, and some surface wa- ters, using an electrochemical technique. The method is directly suitable for measuring fluoride concentrations from 0,2 mg/1 to 2,0 g/l. After the addition of a known amount of fluoride, concentrations as low as 0,02 mg/1 tan be detected (see 7.3). The method is not suitable for waste waters and in- dustrial effluents; this determination will be the sub- ject of ISO 10359-2. 1.2 Interferences The electrode will respond directly to hydroxide ions. The formation of HF under acidic conditions will re- duce the measured fluoride concentration. Therefore, buffer all test aliquots to a pH between 5 and 7 to prevent such interference. Cations such as Calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminium form complexes with fluoride or precipitates to which the electrode does not respond. Therefore the buffer Solution also con- tains trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N’,N’-tetra- acetic acid (CDTA) as a decomplexing agent to free bound fluoride. The boron tetrafluoride anion, BF4, is not decomplexed by the addition of buffer. 2

Water quality -- Determination of fluoride -- Part 2: Determination of inorganically bound total fluoride after digestion and distillation

1.1 Field of application This part of ISO 10359 specifies a method for the determination of inorganically bound total fluoride. The method is applicable to waste waters which are highly contaminated inorganically, with a fluoride ion concentration of more than 0,2 mg/l. 1.2 Interferences Interferences caused by certain cations (see intro- duction) or boron, which may occur in the determi- nation of fluoride, need to be eliminated by distillation.

Water quality -- Determination of nitrogen -- Part 2: Determination of bound nitrogen, after combustion and oxidation to nitrogen dioxide, chemiluminescence detection

This Technical Report specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen present in water in the form of free ammonia, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and organic compounds capable of conversion to nitrogen dioxide under the oxidative conditions described. Determination is carried out instrumentally using chemiluminescence detection. Dissolved nitrogen gas is not determined by this method. This method is applicable to the analysis of natural freshwater, sea water, drinking water, surface water, waste water and treated sewage effluent.

Water quality -- Determination of pH

1.1 Field of application This method is applicable to all types of water and waste water samples in the range from pH 3 to pH 10. 1.2 Interferences The temperature, some gases and organic materials interfere with the pH-measurement. Suspended ma- terials in the Sample may Cause significant errors (Suspension effect). Wait for Sedimentation and only insert the electrodes in the clear fraction. Alterna- tively, an Ultrafiltrate tan be taken. When measuring sewage and some surface waters, there is a particu- larly high risk of smearing the electrodes or contami- nating the membranes and diaphragms with Oil, grease or other contaminants. In the case of reference electrodes, this tan be pre- vented (see 5.4, note 2). If precipitation takes place in the diaphragm, for example silver sulfide or Protein flocs, it will be necessary to form an electrolyte bridge between the Sample and the reference electrode with inert electrolytes, e.g. c(KN03) = 1 mol/l. Regular cleaning of the electrodes is necessaty (see 9 2) . 2010 English 25000.00 0 1727 1842 C NL ISO 10530 : 2010 NL TC 147 13.060.50 60.60 Food Technology Water quality -- Determination of dissolved sulfide -- Photometric method using methylene blue 1 .l Application range This International Standard specifies a photometric method for the determination of dissofved sulfide in water. The method is applicable to the determi- nation of dissolved sulfide in a mass concentration range from 0,04 mg/l to 1,5 mg/l. Higher concentrations may be determined by re- ducing and subsequently diluting the volume of the water Sample used. The method is applicable to waste water and natura1 waters requiring filtration. 1.2 Interferences The following ions do not interfere with the method as long as the mass concentrations specified below are not reached OY exceeded: Cyanide 2 rng/I Iodide 20 mg/l Thiosulfate 900 mg/l Thiocyanate 900 mg/1 Su Ifite 700 mg/1 When applying this procedure, the dctermination of the sulfide Portion from polysulfides will be incom- plete. Mass concentrations of carbon disulfide < IO mg/I and/or ethyl mercaptan < 1 n J/I do no1 interfere with the method. Waters which are not filterable according to clause 6 cannot be analysed by this method. In those cases sulfide which is easily liberated at pH 4 is determined. (An International Standard covering this is being prepared.) 2 "

Water quality -- Determination of Aluminium -- Spectrometric method using pyrocatechol violet

1.1 Type of sample The method is applicable to the analysis of potable waters, ground waters, and lightly polluted surface and sea waters. 1.2 Substance determined The method determines filterable (dissolved) and acid-soluble aluminium. 1.3 Range The method includes low range determination up to 100 pg/l Al with 50 mm cells and high range determi- nation up to 500 pg/l Al with 10 mm cells. The effec- tive range depends on the sensitivity of the spectrometer and can be extended upwards by taking smaller test portions. 1.4 Limit of detection The limit of detection is 2 pg/l when cells of optical path length 50 mm and a 25 ml test portion are used. 1.5 Sensitivity An aluminium concentration of 100 pg/l gives an absorbance of about 0,20 + 0,05 optical absorption units, using a 25 ml test portion and cells of optical path length 10 mm. 1.6 Precision If not specified, the precision of volumes and masses mentioned in this International Standard is + 1 % of - the value.

Water quality -- Determination of selected organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds -- Gas chromatographic methods

This International Standard specifies two methods for the determination of certain organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in waters by gas chromatography (see Table 1). The methods may be extended to include additional substances, provided the methods are validated for each individual case. Clause 3 describes the liquid/liquid extraction method, which is applicable to samples of drinking waters, ground waters, surface waters and waste waters containing up to 0,05 g/l of suspended solids. In the presence of organic matter, suspended matter and colloids, interferences are more numerous and consequently the detection limits of this method can be higher. NOTE Because of the very low concentrations normally present in the waters, the problem of contamination is extremely important. The lower the level measured, the more precautions have to be observed. Clause 4 describes the liquid/solid extraction method which is applicable to samples of ground water, surface water and drinking water containing mass concentrations of about W 0,05 µg/l. Interferences occurring with the examination of some types of surface water can prevent the application of this method. Detection limits are given for information in annex A. NOTE When applying this International Standard, the guide on analytical quality control for water analysis (see ISO/TR 13530) should be followed. NL ISO 10695:2010 ISO 10695:2000(E) 2 © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved Table 1 — Organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds analysed by these methods Name Molecular formula Molar mass CAS No. a Atrazine C8H14ClN5 215,7 001912-24-9 Cyanazine C9H13ClN6 240,7 021725-46-2 Metazachlor C14H16ClN3O 277,8 067129-08-2 Parathion (ethyl) C10H14NO5PS 291,3 00056-38-2 Parathion (methyl) C8H10NO5PS 263,2 298-00-0 Pendimethalin C13H19N3O4 281,3 040487-42-1 Propazine C9H16ClN5 229,7 000139-40-2 Sebuthylazine C9H16ClN5 229,7 007286-69-3 Simazine C7H12ClN5 201,7 000122-34-9 Terbuthylazine C9H16ClN5 229,7 005915-41-3 Trifluralin C13H16F3N3O4 335,3 001582-09-8 Vinclozolin C12H9Cl2NO3 286,1 050471-44-8 a Chemical Abstracts Registry Number.

Water quality -- Determination of chromium(VI) -- Spectrometric method using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide

This International Standard specifies a spectrometric method for determination of chromium(VI) in water. The method is applicable to the determination of dissolved chromium(VI) in waters in the concentration range of 0,05 mg/l to 3 mg/l. The application range may be extended by dilution of the Sample. 2

Water quality -- Determination of selected plant treatment agents -- Method using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection after solid-liquid extraction

This International Standard describes a method for the determination of organic plant treatment agents in drinking and ground water using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection after solid-liquid extraction. The method described in this International Standard is applicable to the determination of selected plant treatment agents and some of their main degradation products (metabolites) in drinking water with a validated reporting limit of about 0,l pg/I. Limited additional data indicate that it can be extended to 0,05 pg/I (see table 1 for examples). The method may be extended to include additional substances and ground water, provided the method is validated for each individual case. The selection of the plant treatment agents and main degradation products in table 1 has been made according to the knowledge at the time of the interlaboratory trial (1992). Data for some other substances are given in annex A. Table 1 - Plant treatment agents to which this International Standard applies Name Molecular Molar mass CAS No.” Substance formula family2’ I Atrazine w4w 215,7 001912-24-9 T Chlorotoluron w,,w~ 212,7 0 15545-48-9 H Cyanazine** w3wi 240,7 021725-46-z T Desethylatrazine * C,H,CIN, 186,6 006190-65-4 T Diuron wocI*w 233,l 000330-54-1 H Hexazinone** w ,,w, 252,3 051235-04-2 T lsoproturon C,*H,*w 206,3 034123-59-6 H Linuron wow 20, 249,l 000330-55-2 H Metazachlor w&w03 277,8 067129-08-Z A Methabenzthiazuron c,,H,,wS 221,3 018691-97-9 H Metobromuron** W,WO2 259,l 003060-89-7 H Metolachlor w,,cw 283,8 051218-45-2 A Metoxuron** w,,wO* 228,7 19937-59-8 H Monolinuron W,WO2 214,6 1746-81-2 H Sebutylazine** W,CIN5 228,7 00728-69-3 T enylurea herbicide; A: substituted anilide *: Main degradation product of atrazine Not included in the performance data

Water quality — Determination of selected organic plant-treatment agents — Automated multiple development (AMD) technique

The method described in this Technical Specification is applicable to the determination of selected plant-treatment agents and some of their main degradation products (metabolites) in drinking water, with a validated reporting limit of about (see examples in Table 1). The method may be extended to include additional substances and ground water, provided the method is validated for each individual case. The selection of the plant-treatment agents and main degradation products in Table 1 and Table A.2 has been made according to the knowledge at the time of the interlaboratory trial (1992). Data for some other substances are given in annex A. Table 1 — Plant-treatment agents determinable by this method Name Molecular formula CAS No.a Molar mass g/mol Peak in Figure No. 1234567 Alachlorb C14H2OClNO2 015972-60-8 269.8 6 6 Atrazine C8H14ClN5 001912-24-9 215,7 2 4 Chlorfenvinphosb C12H14Cl3O4P 000470-90-6 359,6 5 3 Chlortoluronb C10H13ClN2O 015545-48-9 212,7 1 3 Cyanazineb C9H13ClN6 021725-46-2 240,7 1 4 2,4-D C8H6Cl2O3 000094-75-7 221,0 4 1 MCPAb C9H 9ClO3 000094-74-6 200,6 2 2 Metazachlor C14H16ClN3O 067129-08-2 277,8 3 5 Metobromuron C9H11BrN2O2 003060-89-7 259,1 5 6 Metolachlorb C15H22ClNO2 051218-45-2 283,8 4 7 Metoxuron C10H13ClN2O2 019937-59-8 228,7 1 1 Monuronb C9H11ClN2O 000150-68-5 198,7 2 2 Parathionb C10H14NO5PS 000056-38-2 291,3 7 7 Pendimethalin C13H19N3O4 040487-42-1 281,3 6 6 Propazineb C9H16ClN5 000139-40-2 229,7 3 5 Sebuthylazineb C9H16ClN5 007286-69-3 229,7 2 3 Simazine C7H12ClN5 000122-34-9 201,7 1 2 2,4,5-Tb C8H5Cl3O3 000093-76-5 255,5 4 1 Terbutylazineb C9H16ClN5 005915-41-3 229,7 3 4 Trifluralinb C13H16F3N3O4 001582-09-8 335,3 8 8 Vinclozolineb C12H9Cl2NO3 050471-44-8 286,1 5 5 a CAS No.: Chemical abstracts system. b Not included in the precision data (Table A.2).

Water quality -- Determination of benzene and some derivatives -- Part 1: Head-space gas chromatographic method

The method described is applicable to the determination of benzene, methylbenzene (toluene), dimethylbenzenes (xylenes) and ethylbenzene (abbreviated hereafter to BTX) in homogeneous samples of water and waste water in concentrations above 2 pg/l. In samples that are organically polluted, the limit of determination may, depending on the matrix of the sample, be higher. High concentrations may be determined by diluting the sample. A number of further derivatives and nonpolar compounds with similar physical properties may also be determined by this method. The applicability of the method should be verified for the particular water sample.

Water quality -- Determination of benzene and some derivatives -- Part 2: Method using extraction and gas chromatography

The method described is applicable to the determination of benzene, methylbenzene (toluene), dimethylbenzenes (xylenes) and ethylbenzene (abbreviated hereafter to BTX) in water and waste water in concentrations above 5 pg/l. High concentrations may be determined by diluting the extract. A number of further derivatives and nonpolar compounds with similar boiling points may also be determined by this method. The applicability of the methods should be verified in these cases for the particular water sample.

Water quality -- Determination of ammonium nitrogen -- Method by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection

This International Standard specifies methods suitable for the determination of ammonium nitrogen in various types of waters (such as ground, drinking, surface, and waste waters) in mass concentrations ranging from 0,1 mg/l to 10 mg/l (in the undiluted sample), applying either FIA (Clause 3) or CFA (Clause 4). In particular cases, the range of application may be adapted by varying the operating conditions

Water quality -- Determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of dissolved elements, elements bound to particles (“particulate”) and total content of elements in different types of water (e.g. ground, surface, raw, potable and waste water) for the following elements: aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bismuth, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, indium, iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, silver, sodium, strontium, sulfur, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zinc and zirconium. Taking into account the specific and additionally occurring interferences, these elements can also be determined in digests of water, sludges and sediments (for example, digests of water as specified in ISO 15587-1 or ISO 15587-2). The method is suitable for mass concentrations of particulate matter in waste water below 2 g/l. The scope of this method may be extended to other matrices or to higher amounts of particulate matter if it can be shown that additionally occurring interferences are considered and corrected for carefully. It is up to the user to demonstrate the fitness for purpose. Recommended wavelengths, limits of quantification and important spectral interferences for the selected elements are given in Table 1.

Neurosurgical implants - Self-closing intracranial aneurysm clips

This International Standard describes characteristics of self-closing aneurysm clips intended for permanent intracranial implantation and specifies requirements for their marking, packaging, sterilization and for labelling and accompanying documentation. In addition it gives a method for the measurement of closing force. This International Standard is not applicable to malleable clips, or clips intended to be used during the course of surgery and removed before wound closure (temporary clips).

Prosthetics - Structural testing of lower-limb prostheses - Requirements and test methods

IMPORTANT — This International Standard is suitable for the assessment of the conformity of lower limb prosthetic devices/structures with the strength requirements specified in 4.4 of ISO 22523:2006 (see NOTE 1). Prosthetic ankle-foot devices and foot units on the market, which have demonstrated their compliance with the strength requirements specified in 4.4 of EN 12523:1999 through submission to the relevant tests of ISO 10328:1996, need not be retested to ISO 22675:2006. WARNING — This International Standard is not suitable to serve as a guide for the selection of a specific lower limb prosthetic device/structure in the prescription of an individual lower limb prosthesis! Any disregard of this warning can result in a safety risk for amputees. This International Standard specifies procedures for static and cyclic strength tests on lower-limb prostheses (see NOTE 2) which typically produce compound loadings by the application of a single test force. The compound loads in the test sample relate to the peak values of the components of loading which normally occur at different instants during the stance phase of walking. The tests described in this International Standard comprise * principal static and cyclic tests for all components; * a separate static test in torsion for all components; * separate static and cyclic tests on ankle-foot devices and foot units for all ankle-foot devices as single components including ankle units or ankle attachments and all foot units as single components; * a separate static ultimate strength test in maximum knee flexion on knee joints and associated parts for all knee units or knee-shin-assemblies and adjacent components that normally provide the flexion stop on a complete prosthesis; * separate static and cyclic tests on knee locks for all mechanisms which lock the knee joint in the extended position of the knee unit or knee-shin-assembly. The tests described in this International Standard apply to specific types of ankle-disarticulation prostheses (see NOTE 3), to transtibial (below-knee), knee-disarticulation and transfemoral (above-knee) prostheses and to the distal (lower) part of hip-disarticulation and hemi-pelvectomy prostheses (see NOTE 4). NOTE 1 ISO 22523 (formerly EN 12523) addresses those of the Essential Requirements listed in Annex 1 of the European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC that are applicable to external limb prostheses and external orthoses. NOTE 2 The tests can be performed on complete structures, on part structures or on individual components. NOTE 3 The tests only apply to ankle-disarticulation prostheses which include (foot) components of prosthetic anklefoot devices taken from the normal production line. NOTE 4 The distal part comprises the knee unit, the ankle-foot device and all parts between. Tests on hip units are described in ISO 15032.

Instrumentation to be used in association with non-active surgical implants - General requirements

This European standard specifies general requirements for instruments to be used in association with non-active surgical implants. These requirements apply to instruments when they are manufactured and when they are re-supplied after refurbishment. This standard applies to instruments which may be connected to powered driven system, but does not apply to the powered driven system itself. This standard is not applicable to instruments associated with dental implant, transendodontic and transradicular implants and ophthalmic implants. With regard to safety , this standard gives requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacture, sterilization, packaging and information supplied by the manufacturer.

Non-active surgical implants - Mammary implants - Particular requirements

This International Standard specifies particular requirements for mammary implants for clinical practice. With regard to safety, this International Standard specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information supplied by the manufacturer

Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Particular requirements

This International Standard specifies particular requirements for total and partial joint replacement implants, artificial ligaments and bone cement, hereafter referred to as implants. For the purposes of this International Standard, artificial ligaments and their associated fixing devices are included in the term "implant". It specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information to be supplied by the manufacturer. Some tests required to demonstrate conformance to this International Standard are contained in or referenced in level 3 standards.

Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants

This International Standard provides specific requirements for hip joint replacement implants. With regard to safety, this International Standard specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacture, sterilization, packaging, information supplied by the manufacturer, and methods of test.

Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants

This International Standard provides specific requirements for knee joint replacement implants. With regard to safety, this International Standard specifies requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacture, sterilization, packaging, information supplied by the manufacturer and methods of test.

Non-invasive sphygmomanometers — Part 3: Supplementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems

This Part of EN 1060 specifies performance, efficiency and safety requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems that, by means of an inflatable cuff are used for non-invasive measurements of arterial blood pressure at the upper arm, the wrist and the thigh. It also specifies requirements for their accessories and gives test methods. This Part of EN 1060 applies to electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems in which the cuff pressure is measured electronically, but in which the blood pressure can be determined either manually with the aid of a stethoscope or automatically. Additional safety requirements for automatic cycling indirect blood pressure monitoring equipment are specified in EN 60601-2-30:1995. This Part of EN 1060 is to be used in conjunction with EN 1060-1.

Non-invasive sphygmomanometers — Part 4: Test procedures to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers

This document describes test procedures for investigations to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers, designed for the indirect measurement of blood pressure.

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 1: Infusion glass bottles

This part of ISO 8536 specifies the dimensions, performance and requirements of infusion glass bottles necessary to ensure functional interchangeability. It is applicable only to infusion bottles for single use.

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 2: Closures for infusion bottles

This part of ISO 8536 specifies the design, dimensions, material, performance requirements and testing of closures for infusion bottles as specified in ISO 8536-1. Closures described herein are intended for single use only.

Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 3: Aluminium caps for infusion bottles

the international stamdard specifies aluminium caps for infusion glass bottles as specified in ISO 8536-1.

Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 4: Infusion sets for single use, gravity feed

This part of ISO 8536 specifies requirements for single-use, gravity feed infusion sets for medical use in order to ensure their compatibility with containers for infusion solutions and intravenous equipment. Secondary aims of this part of ISO 8536 are to provide guidance on specifications relating to the quality and performance of materials used in infusion sets and to present designations for infusion set components. In some countries, the national pharmacopoeia or other national regulations are legally binding and take precedence over this part of ISO 8536

Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 5: Burette infusion sets for single use, gravity feed

This part of ISO 8536 specifies requirements for types of single-use, gravity feed burette infusion sets of 50 ml, 100 ml and 150 ml nominal capacity for medical use in order to ensure compatibility of use with containers for infusion solutions and intravenous equipment. This part of ISO 8536 also provides guidance on specifications relating to the quality and performance of materials used in infusion sets. NOTE In some countries, national pharmacopoeia or other national regulations are legally binding and take precedence over this part of ISO 8536.

Infusion equipment for medical use —Part 7: Caps made of aluminium-plastics combinations for infusion bottles

This part of ISO 8536 specifies caps made of aluminium-plastics combinations intended for use on infusion glass bottles which are in accordance with ISO 8536-1.

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 8: Infusion equipment for use with pressure infusion apparatus

This part of ISO 8536 gives users information on sterilized infusion sets for single use with pressure infusion equipment up to a maximum of 200 kPa (2 bar).

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 9: Fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment

This part of ISO 8536 applies to sterilized fluid lines for single use for use with pressure infusion equipment up to a maximum of 200 kPa (2 bar). The following items are covered by this part of ISO 8536: a) syringe pump lines (SPL); b) connecting lines (CL); c) lines with integrated injection cannula (LIC).

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 10: Accessories for fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment

This part of ISO 8536 applies to sterilized accessories for single use in fluid lines and pressure infusion equipment as specified in ISO 8536-8. This part of ISO 8536 includes: a) Two-way stopcocks (2SC), three-way stopcocks (3SC), four-way stopcocks (4SC) and stopcocks manifold (SM); NOTE Designation of a stopcock depends on the number of connections. The number of possible functional positions can be expressed by addition of a complementary note, using a diagonal stroke and a numeral indicating the number of possible stopcock positions, e.g. 3/4-way stopcock for three-way stopcock with four possible positions. b) units with injection site (UIS) or check valve (UCV); c) stoppers (S) or adapters (A).

Infusion equipment for medical use — Part 11: Infusion filters for use with pressure infusion equipment

This part of ISO 8536 applies to sterilized infusion filters for single use up to ( ) on fluid lines of pressure infusion equipment and infusion set as specified in ISO 8536-8. It does not include the effectiveness of filters for separation of particles or germs.

Non active surgical implants — Particular requirements for cardiac and vascular implants — Specific requirements for arterial stents

This European Standard specifies specific requirements for arterial stents and endovascular prostheses and their deployment intended to correct or compensate for a defect of an artery. With regard to safety, this standard gives in addition to EN ISO 14630 and EN 12006-3 specific requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information supplied by the manufacturer. This European Standard applies to arterial stents and endovascular prostheses used in the aorta, cervical segments of cerebral arteries, coronary arteries, intra-cerebral arteries, peripheral arteries, pulmonary arteries, supra-aortic arteries and visceral arteries. It also includes endovascular prostheses used to treat aneurysms, arterial stenoses, or other vascular abnormalities. NOTE 1 Delivery systems are included in this standard if they comprise an integral component of the deployment of the implant. NOTE 2 Covered stents used as occluders are included in this standard.

Needle-free injectors for medical use — Requirements and test methods

This International Standard applies to safety and performance and testing requirements for single-use and multiple-use needle-free injection systems intended for human use in clinics and other medical settings and for personal use by patients. The dose chamber of the injection system is often disposable and intended to be replaced after either a single use or a limited number of uses. It is sometimes separable from the injection mechanism and often termed a “cartridge”, “ampoule”, “syringe”, “capsule” or “disc”. In contrast, the dose chamber also may be a permanent internal chamber designed to last through the claimed life of the device. Excluded from this International Standard are drug delivery methods which: * involve penetration of a part of the device itself into or through skin or mucous membranes (such as needles, tines, micro-needles, implantable slow-release drug devices); * generate aerosols, droplets, powders or other formulations for inhalation, insufflation, intranasal or oral deposition (such as sprays, inhalers, misters); * deposit liquids, powders, or other substances on the surface of skin or mucosal surfaces for passive diffusion or ingestion into the body (such as transdermal patches, liquid drops); * apply sonic or electromagnetic energy (such as ultrasonic or iontophoretic devices); * infusion systems for adding or metering medication into or through systems of artificial tubes, catheters, and/or needles which themselves enter the body. .

External limb prostheses and external orthoses — Requirements and test methods

This International Standard specifies requirements and test methods for external limb prostheses and external orthoses, including the following classifications from ISO 9999: 06 03 - 06 15 Orthoses 06 18 - 06 27 Limb prostheses It covers strength, materials, restrictions on use, risk and the provision of information associated with the normal conditions of use of both components and assemblies of components. This International Standard does not cover special seating as it is not classified as an orthosis in ISO 9999 and it is not normally body worn. NOTE 1 It is intended to cover orthopaedic footwear (classification 06 33) in the future. NOTE 2 The application of Quality Systems as described or referred to in ISO 13485 and ISO 13488 may be appropriate.