
العنوان رقم المستند
القطاع السنوات


Water quality - Determination of cyanide -- Part 3: Determination of cyanogen chloride

This part of ISO 6703 specifies a method for the determination of cyanides, as cyanogen chloride (see clause 2) in water. The method is applicable for the determination of cyanogen chloride concentrations in the range 0,02 to 15 mg/l. The ions and compounds listed in the table, if present singly or in combination at concentrations above the specified limiting concentration, interfere with the method (the list is not exhaustive). The presence of aldehydes, e.g. formaldehyde, may give lower cyanide values because of the formation of cyanohydrin. Table — Interferences Interference Limiting concentration mg/l Sulfide Ion 1 000 Polysulfide ion 300 Sulfide and polysulfide ion 1 000 Sulfite ion 500 Thiosulfate ion 1 000 Thiocyanate ion 1 000 Chlorine (elemental) 250

Plastics laboratory ware -- Graduated measuring cylinders

This International Standard specifies requirements for a series of plastics cylinders having a graduated volumetric scale and a pouring spout. NOTE — Cylinders may also be provided with two scales.

Chemical products for industrial use -- General method for determination of chloride ions -- Potentiometric method

This International Standard specifies a general potentiometric method for the determination of chloride ions in solutions prepared from Chemical products for industrial use. The preparation of the test Solution and any modifications to the general procedure should be dealt with in the specific International Standard for the Chemical product to which the method is to be applied.

Chemical products for industrial use -- General method for determination of traces of sulphur compounds, as sulphate, by reduction and titrimetry

This International Standard specifies a general reduction and titrimetric method for the determination, as sulphate, of trace quantities of sulphur compounds in Chemical products for in- dustrial use. During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized analytical grade and only distilled water or water of equivalent purity. 4.1 Acetone. The International Standard relating to the Chemical product to which the method is to be applied shall specify the method by which the test Portion should be treated in Order to convert the sulphur compounds to sulphate, if necessary, together with any modifications to the general procedure that may be needed.

Storage and Transport of Edible Oils and Fats in Bulk

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية الاشتراطات والتوجيهات العامة لتخزين ونقل الزيوت الخام أو المكررة والدهون المعدة للاستهلاك البشري غير المعبأة (الدكمة) لضمان تزويد المستهلك بالمنتجات الصحية. كما تشمل هذه المواصفة لائحة بالمواد المحظور نقلها في الصهاريج والخزانات المستعملة في نقل وتخزين الزيوت الخام والزيوت المكررة والدهون.

Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Lock fittings

Specification of the requirements for conical (Luer) fittings for use with hyperdemic syringes and needles and with certain other apparatus for medical use such as transfusion and infusion sets. It covers fittings made of rigid and semi-rigid materials and includes test methods for gauging and performance. It excludes provision for more flexible or elastomeric materials. The annex on liquid leakage is given as an example.

Water quality -- Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine -- Part 1: Titrimetric method using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine

This part of ISO 7393 specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of free chlorine and total chlorine in water. Sea water and waters containing bromides and iodides comprise a group for which special procedures are required[2] The method is applicable to concentrations, in terms of chlorine (Cl2), from 0,000 4 to 0,07 mmol/l (0,03 to 5 mg/l) total chlorine and at higher concentrations by dilution of samples. For concentrations above 0,07 mmol/l, ISO 7393/3 can also be used. In annex A a procedure is presented for the differentiation of combined chlorine of the monochloramine type, combined chlorine of the dichloramine type and combined chlorine in the form of nitrogen trichloride. Several compounds influence the determination specified in this part of ISO 7393. Interferences are noted in clauses 7 and 9.

Water quality -- Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine -- Part 2: Colorimetric method using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine, for routine control purposes

This document specifies a method for the determination of free chlorine and total chlorine in water, readily applicable to lab- and field-testing. It is based on measurement of the absorption, the red DPD colour complex in a photometer or the colour intensity by visual comparison of the colour with a scale of standards that is regularly calibrated. This method is appropriate for drinking water and other waters, where additional halogens like bromine, iodine and other oxidizing agents are present in almost negligible amounts. Seawater and waters containing bromides and iodides comprise a group for which special procedures are to be carried out. This method is in practice applicable to concentrations, in terms of chlorine (Cl2), from, for example, 0,000 4 mmol/l to 0,07 mmol/l (e.g. 0,03 mg/l to 5 mg/l) total chlorine. For higher concentrations, the test portion is diluted. Commonly, the method is applied as a field method with mobile photometers and commercially available ready-for-use reagents (liquid reagents, powders and tablets). It is essential that those reagents comply with minimum requirements and contain the essential reagents and a buffer system suitable to adjust the measurement solution to a pH range of typically 6,2 to 6,5. If there is doubt that water samples have uncommon pH values and/or buffer capacities, the user has to check and, if necessary, to adjust the sample pH to the required range. The pH of the sample is within the range of pH 4 and 8. Adjust, if necessary, with sodium hydroxide solution or sulfuric acid before the test. A procedure for the differentiation of combined chlorine of the monochloramine type, combined chlorine of the dichloramine type and combined chlorine in the form of nitrogen trichloride is presented in Annex A. In Annex C, a procedure is presented for the determination of free and total chlorine in drinking and other low polluted waters, for disposable planar reagent-filled cuvettes using a mesofluidic channel pump/colorimeter.

Water quality -- Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine -- Part 3: Iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine

This part of ISO 7393 specifies an iodometric titration method for the determination of total chlorine in water. The method is applicable for the measurement of concentrations in terms of chlorine (Cl2), from 0,01 mmol/1 to 0,21 mmol/l (0,71 mg/l to 15 mg/l). Several substances interfere in the determination (see clause 10). In annex B a method for direct titration is specified. This is usually applied to the determination of chlorine concentrations above 7 μmol/l (0,5 mg/l) in treated drinking water.

Analytical spectroscopic methods -- Flame emission, atomic absorption, and atomic fluorescence – Vocabulary

This International Standard defines specific terms for flame emission, atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence spec- troscopic analytical methods, with a view to facilitating understanding between analysts. lt takes maximum account of the existing terminology, in both French and English, in Order to achieve the greatest possible harmonization. In particular, it takes account of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) nomenclature.

Water quality -- Determination of turbidity

This part of ISO 7027 specifies two quantitative methods using optical turbidimeters or nephelometers for the determination of turbidity of water: a) nephelometry, procedure for measurement of diffuse radiation, applicable to water of low turbidity (for example drinking water); b) turbidimetry, procedure for measurement of the attenuation of a radiant flux, more applicable to highly turbid waters (for example waste waters or other cloudy waters). Turbidities measured according to the first method are presented as nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). The results typically range between <0,05 NTU and 400 NTU. Depending on the instrument design, it can also be applicable to waters of higher turbidity. There is numerical equivalence of the units NTU and formazin nephelometric unit (FNU). Turbidity measured by the second method is expressed in formazin attenuation units (FAU), results typically range between 40 FAU and 4 000 FAU.

Plastics laboratory ware -- Beakers

This International Standard specifies requirements for a series of squat-form plastics beakers for laboratory use. It is applicable to beakers having a tapered or a non-tapered form. The non-tapered form may, however, have a slight taper to facilitate mould release during manufacture.

Plastics laboratory ware -- Filter funnels

This International Standard specifies requirements for six preferred sizes of plastics filter funnels up to 200 mm in diameter suitable for laboratory use.

Water quality -- Determination of ammonium -- Part 1: Manual spectrometric method

1.1 Substance determined This part of ISO 7150 specifies a manual spectrometric method for the determination of ammonium in water. NOTE — An automated spectrometric method for the determination of ammonium will form the subject of ISO 7150/2. 1.2 Type of sample The method is applicable to the analysis of potable water, and most raw and waste waters. Application to excessively coloured or saline waters shall be preceded by distillation (see clause 10). For interferences, see clause 9. 1.3 Range An ammonium nitrogen concentration, ϱN of up to 1 mg/l, using the maximum test portion of 40 ml, can be determined. Much higher concentrations can be determined by taking smaller test portions. 1.4 Limit of detection1) When using cells of optical path length 40 mm and a 40 ml test portion, the limit of detection lies within the range ϱN = 0,003 to 0,008 mg/l. 1.5 Sensitivity1) Using a 40 ml test portion and a cell of optical path length 40 mm, ϱN = 0,200 mg/l gives an absorb

Neurosurgical implants - Sterile, single-use hydrocephalus shunts and components

This International Standard specifies safety and performance requirements for sterile, single-use non-active hydrocephalus shunts and components. This includes the components used in shunts, like valves, tubes and reservoirs. This International Standard gives no recommendation concerning the superiority of a certain type of valve. For manufacturing, it defines the mechanical and technical requirements. This International Standard defines the technical information of the valve, to be given by the manufacturer. In respect to the different principles of the valve types, specific characteristics are defined for each group as declared by the manufacturer. The benefit of this International Standard for the surgeon and the patient is to understand the information given by the manufacturer and to obtain standardized information about the performance of a well working product with new design characteristics. The benefit for the manufacturer is to define the important requirements for shunts as

Water quality -- Determination of surfactants -- Part 2: Determination of non-ionic surfactants using Dragendorff reagent

This part of IS0 7875 specifies a method for the determination of non-ionic surfactants in aqueous media using Dragendorff reagent.

Water quality -- Determination of chloride -- Silver nitrate titration with chromate indicator (Mohr's method)

1.1 Application range This International Standard specifies a titration method for the determination of dissolved chloride in water. The method is applicable to the direct determination of dissolved chloride in concentrations between 5 mg/l and 150 mg/l. The working range may be extended to 400 mg/l by using a burette of larger capacity or by sample dilution. Due to many interferences the method is not applicable to heavily polluted waters of low chloride content. 1.2 Interferences Normal concentrations of common constituents of ground water, surface water and potable water do not interfere with the determination. The following substances interfere with the method — Substances forming insoluble silver compounds, such as bromides, iodides, sulfides, cyanides, hexacyanoferrates(ll) and hexacyanoferrates(lll). If necessary, bromide and iodide ions shall be determined separately, and the result of the chloride determination corrected accordingly. — Compounds forming complexes with silver ions, such as ammonium and thiosulfate ions. — Compounds which will reduce Chromate ions, including iron(ll) and sulfite ions. The interferences mentioned above will lead to high chloride values. Highly coloured or turbid solutions may obscure the end point, for example hydrated iron oxide. Table 1 — Interferences Substance Amount interfering mg/l Br− 3 I− 5 S2− 0,8 CN− 1 Fe(CN)64− 2 Fe(CN)e 3− 2 NH4 + 100 S2 O3 2− 200 SO3 2− 70 SCN− 3 CrO4 2 1 000 PO4 3− 25 Table 1 gives a summary of the concentrations of interfering compounds, in milligrams per litre, that give an increase of approximately 2 % in the result when in the presence of 70 mg/l of chloride.

Water quality -- Determination of hydrocarbon oil index -- Part 2: Method using solvent extraction and gas chromatography

This part of ISO 9377 specifies a method for the determination of the hydrocarbon oil index in waters by means of gas chromatography. The method is suitable for surface water, waste water and water from sewage treatment plants and allows the determination of a hydrocarbon oil index in concentrations above 0,1 mg/l. The method is not applicable to the quantitative determination of the content of volatile mineral oil. However, on the basis of the peak pattern of the gas chromatogram, certain qualitative information on the composition of the mineral oil contamination can be derived. NOTE 1 For the determination of the mineral-oil content of soils and sediment, see ISO/TR 11046. NOTE 2 The mass concentration of animal and vegetable fat in the test sample should not exceed 150 mg/l, because at higher values the adsorption capacity of the clean-up column packing may not be sufficient. NOTE 3 In the case of highly polluted waste water, especially if containing a high amount of surfactants, a

Volatile organic liquids for industrial use -- Determination of dry residue after evaporation on water bath -- General method

The method of test is applicable to products having dry residues after evaporation greater than or equal to 10 mg/kg Ä0.001 % (m/m)Ü. The principle consists in evaporation of a test portion on a water bath, and drying the residue, if any, to a constant mass in an oven at 110 °C 2 K. - Cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation R 759-1968 of which it constitutes a technical revision.

Determination of water -- Karl Fischer method (General method)

Two methods of titration depending on whether the end point is detected visually or electrometrically are specified. The visual method is only applicable to colourless solutions but can be used when no electrometric apparatus is available. The electrometric method, whether by direct titration or back-titration, is the more accurate one and for this reason recommended. The principle of the test consists in reaction of any water present in a test portion with a solution of iodine and sulphur dioxide in a pyridine/methanol mixture (Karl Fischer reagent), previously standardized by titration with an exactly known mass of water.

Information supplied by the manufacturer with medical devices

This European Standard specifies requirements for information to be supplied by a manufacturer for medical devices regulated by Council Directive 90/385/EEC relating to active implantable medical devices and Council Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices. It does not specify the language to be used for such information, nor does it specify the means by which the information is to be supplied. It is also intended to complement the specific requirements of the cited EU Directives on medical devices by providing guidance on means by which certain requirements can be met. If a manufacturer follows these means, they will provide a presumption of conformity with the relevant Essential Requirements regarding information to be supplied. This standard does not cover requirements for provision of information for in vitro diagnostic medical devices, which are covered by other labelling standards (see Bibliography). NOTE When national transpositions of the Directives specify the means by w

Laboratory glassware -- One-mark volumetric flasks

This International Standard specifies requirements for an internationally acceptable series of one-mark volumetric flasks, suitable for general laboratory purposes. The specifications in this International Standard are in conformity with ISO 384 and with OIML Recommendation No. 4.

Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 4: Syringes with re-use prevention feature

This part of ISO 7886 specifies requirements for sterile single-use hypodermic syringes made of plastics materials with or without needle, and intended for the aspiration of fluids or for the injection of fluids immediately after filling and of design such that the syringe can be rendered unusable after use. This part of ISO 7886 is not applicable to syringes made of glass (specified in ISO 595), auto-disable syringes for fixed dose immunization (ISO 7886-3) and syringes designed to be pre-filled. It does not address compatibility with injection fluids. Other standards can be applicable when syringes are used for any other intended purpose than those specified in this part of ISO 7886. NOTE Syringes designed to reduce the risk of needlestick injuries can also comply with this part of ISO 7886 with regard to their re-use prevention properties, but it is stressed that anti-needlestick properties of syringes are not in themselves addressed in this part of ISO 7886.

Water quality -- Examination and determination of colour

This International Standard specifies three methods for the examination of colour. Section 2 specifies a method for the examination of apparent colour by visually observing a water Sample in a bottle. This gives only preliminary in- formation, for example for use in field work. Only the apparent colour tan be reported. Section 3 specifies a method for the determi- nation of the true colour of a water Sample using Optical apparatus and is applicable to raw and potable water and to industrial water of low colour. For interferences, see 3.3. Section 4 specifies a method for the determi- nation of the colour by visual comparison with hexachloroplatinate Standard solutions and may be applied to raw and drinking water. For inter- ferences, see 4.2. Under certain circumstances, strongly coloured water samples need to be diluted before examination or determination. When stating the result, it is absolutely necessary to refer to the applied method.

Water quality -- Determination of electrical conductivity

This International Standard specifies a method for the measurement of the electrical conductivity of all types of water. Electrical conductivity tan be used to monitor the quality of a) surface waters; b) process waters c) waste waters. in water supply and treatment plants; The completeness of analysis for ionic constituents[l 10 31 tan be checked using this method. In some cases absolute values are important, in other cases only relative changes are of concern. For interferences, see clause 9.

Water quality -- Determination of nitrate -- Part 3: Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid

1.1 Substance determined This part of ISO 7890 specifies a method for the determination of nitrate ion in water. 1.2 Type of Sample The method is suitable for application to raw and potable water samples. 1.3 Range Up to a nitrate nitrogen concentration, @N of 0,2 mg/l using the maximum test Portion volume of 25 ml. The range tan be ex- tended upwards by taking smaller test portions. 1.4 Limit of detectionl) Using cells of Optical path length 40 mm and a 25 ml test por- tion volume the limit of detection lies within the range QN = 0,003 to 0,013 mg/l. 1.5 Sensitivityl) A nitrate nitrogen concentration of @N = 0,2 mg/l gives an ab- sorbance of about 068 unit, using a 25 ml test Portion and cells of Optical path length 40 mm. 1.6 Interferences A range of substances often encountered in water samples has been tested for possible interference with this method. Full details are given in annex A. The main potential interferents are chloride, or-thophosphate, magnesium and manganese(ll), as shown in annex A. Other tests have shown that this method will tolerate a Sample colour of up to 150 mg/l Pt providing the test Portion absorp- tion correction procedure is followed. (See 6.5.

Water quality -- Determination of calcium and magnesium -- Atomic absorption spectrometric method

This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- mination of dissolved Calcium and magnesium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. lt is intended for the analysis of raw and drinking waters and tan be used for waters having a Calcium content of up to 50 mg/l and a magnesium content of up to 5 mg/l. For samples containing higher concentrations of Calcium or magnesium a smaller volume of the Sample must be taken for the analysis. When using the air/acetylene flame and the dilution factor 1 in 10, as described in 6.1, the Optimum range is 3 to 50 mg/1 for Calcium and 0,9 to 5 mg/l for magnesium.

Water quality -- Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) -- Part 1: Determination of six PAH by high-performance thin-layer chromatography with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction

This part of ISO 7981 specifies the determination of six selected PAH in drinking water by high-performance thin-layer chromatography with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction. The six PAH are: fluoranthene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and benzo[ghi]perylene (see Table 1). A screening method (method A) is described to exclude those samples containing less than 20 % of the limit values given in References [1], [2], [3] and [4]. A quantitative method (method B) is also described, with a working range of 40 ng/l to 240 ng/l (sum of 6 PAH). Higher concentrations can be determined by using a smaller aliquot of the sample. With some modifications, this method is also applicable for the analysis of ground waters and moderately polluted surface waters.

Water quality -- Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) -- Part 2: Determination of six PAH by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction

This part of ISO 7981 specifies the determination of six selected PAH in drinking, mineral and table waters and ground and surface waters in mass concentrations above 0,005 µg/l, by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extraction. The six PAH are: fluoranthene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, and benzo[ghi]perylene (see Table 1). With some modification, this method is also applicable for the analysis of moderately polluted waste waters

Water quality -- Determination of selected monovalent phenols -- Part 1: Gas-chromatographic method after enrichment by extraction

This part of ISO 8165 specifies a method for the determination of the phenols presented in table 1 in a concentration range from 0,1 µg/l to 1 mg/l. The concentration range depends on the nature of the phenols to be determined and on the gas chromatographic method used. Other monovalent phenols may also be analyzed according to this procedure, the applicability, however, should be investigated for each particular case. Table 1 — Phenols determinable using this method Phenol 2-Methylphenol 3-Methylphenol 4-Methylphenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 4-Ethylphenol 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol 2-Phenylphenol 2-Benzylphenol 2-Benzyl-4-methylphenol 2-Chlorophenol 3-Chlorophenol 4-Chlorophenol 4-Chloro-2-methylphenol 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2,4-Dichloro-3,5-dimethylphenol 2-Cyclopentyl-4-chlorophenol 6-Chlorothymol 2,3-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,5-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,3,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,3,6-Trichlorophenol 2,3,4,5-Tetrachlorophe

Water quality -- Determination of selected monovalent phenols -- Part 2: Method by derivatization and gas chromatography

This part of ISO 8165 specifies a method for the determination of phenols by gas chromatography, following pentafluorobenzoyl chloride (PFBC) derivatization. It may in particular be applied to the examination of drinking water, ground water and moderately contaminated surface water. With this method, lower limits of detection may be obtained compared with extraction procedures. Since other reactive compounds such as amines and in some cases alcohols may also react, this method is not applicable in all cases to the examination of waste water. The applicability to the examination of waste water should be investigated for each individual case. This method allows the determination of the phenols listed in Table 1 in a concentration range ≥ 0,1 μg/l. Other monovalent phenols may also be analysed using this method, but the applicability needs to be checked for each individual case. Table 1 — Phenols to which this method is applicable phenol 2-cyclopentyl-4-chlorophenol 2-methylphenol 4-chloro-2-benzylphenol 3-methylphenol 6-chloro-5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol 4-methylphenol 2,3-dichlorophenol 2,4-dimethylphenol 2,4-dichlorophenol 4-ethylphenol 2,5-dichlorophenol 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol 2,6-dichlorophenol 2-phenylphenol 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 2-benzylphenol 2,3,5-trichlorophenol 2-benzyl-4-methylphenol 2,4,5-trichlorophenol 2-chlorophenol 2,3,6-trichlorophenol 3-chlorophenol 2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol 4-chlorophenol 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol 4-chloro-2-methyl phenol 2,3,5,6-tetrachlorophenol 4-chloro-3-methyl phenol pentachlorophenol 6-chloro-3-methyl phenol 2,4-dichloro-3,5-dimethyl phenol 2-chloro-4-f-butylphenol 2009 English 25000.00 0 995 1059 C NL ISO 8245 : 2009 No 13.060.50 60.60 Food Technology Water quality -- Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) This International Standard gives guidance for the determination of total carbon (TC), total inorganic carbon (TIC) and total organic carbon (TOC) in drinking water, ground water, surface water, sea water and waste water. It also defines terms and specifies interferences, reagents, and sample pretreatment for water samples. The method described in this International Standard applies to water samples containing organic carbon content ranging from 0,3 mg/l to 1000 mg/l. The lower limit concentration is only applicable in special cases, for example drinking water, measured by highly sensitive instruments. Higher concentrations may be determined after appropriate dilution. This International Standard does not deal with the instrument-dependent specifications. Purgeable organic substances, such as benzene, toluene, cyclohexane and chloroform, can also be determined using this method. Cyanide, cyanate and particles of elemental carbon (soot), when present in the sample, can be determined together with the organic carbon."

Water quality -- Determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead -- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods

This International Standard specifies three methods for the determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead in water by flame atomic absorption spectrometry : Section one : method A, for direct determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry; Section two : method B, for determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after chelation (APDC) and extraction (MIBK); Section three : method C, for determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after chelation (HMAHMDC) and extraction (DIPK-xylene).

Water quality -- Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics -- Part 1: Statistical evaluation of the linear calibration function

This part of ISO 8466 describes the steps to be taken in evaluating the statistical characteristics of the linear calibration function. It is applicable to methods requiring a calibration. Further parts of this International Standard will cover the determination of limit of detection and limit of determination, the effect of interferences and other performance characteristics. It is intended especially for the evaluation of the pure analytical method and for the calculation of performance characteristics of the calibration function. In order to derive comparable analytical results and as a basis for analytical quality control the calibration and evaluation of analytical methods have to be performed uniformly.

Water quality -- Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of performance characteristics -- Part 2: Calibration strategy for non-linear second-order calibration functions

It is not always possible to accurately describe the relationship between a set of calibration points with a rectilinear curve, even by decreasing the working range. Instead of the linear regression analysis, a least-squares fit to a second-order polynomial is applied (see test for linearity in 4.1.3 of ISO 8466-1:1990[1]). Using this fit, it is possible to calculate not only the calibration function but also the confidence interval associated with it. This part of ISO 8466 is intended primarily for use in method development and may not necessarily be applicable to all routine analyses.

Water quality -- Determination of permanganate index

This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the permanganate index of water. It is primarily intended for water for human consumption and domestic use, drinking water, natural mineral water, well and table water, as well as water from swimming pools. It is used for the determination of the parameter "oxidizability". It is applicable to waters having a chloride ion concentration of less than 300 mg/l. Samples having a permanganate index over 10 mg/l should be diluted before analysis. The lower limit of the optimum range of the test is 0,5 mg/l.

Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needles, for insulin

This International Standard specifies requirements and test methods for empty, sterile, single-use syringes, with or without needles, made of plastic materials and intended solely for the injection of insulin, with which the syringes are filled by the end user. This International Standard covers syringes intended for single-use only in humans and with insulins of various concentrations. The insulin syringes specified in this International Standard are intended for use (i.e. insulin injection) immediately after filling and are not intended to contain insulin for extended periods of time. This International Standard excludes single-use syringes made of glass, syringes for use with power-driven syringe pumps, syringes that are pre-filled by the manufacturer, and syringes intended to be stored after filling (e.g. in a kit intended for filling by a pharmacist)

Water quality -- Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen -- Method after mineralization with selenium

1.1 Substance determined This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of nitrogen by a Kjeldahl-type method. Only trivalent negative nitrogen is determined. Organic nitrogen in the form of azide, azlne, azo, hydrazone, nitrite, nitro, nitroso, oxime or semicarbazone is not determined quantitatively. Nitrogen may be incompletely recovered from heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. 1.2 Type of sample This method is applicable to the analysis of raw, potable and waste waters. 1.3 Range A Kjeldahl nitrogen content, ϱN, of up to 10 mg, in the test portion may be determined. Using a 10 ml test portion, this corresponds to a sample concentration of up to ϱN = 1 000 mg/l. 1.4 Limit of detection A practically determined (4 degrees of freedom) limit of detection, using a 100 ml test portion, is ϱN = 1 mg/l. 1.5 Sensitivity Using a 100 ml test portion, 1,0 ml of 0,02 mol/l hydrochloric acid is equivalent to ϱN = 2,8 mg/l.

Water quality -- Determination of ammonium -- Distillation and titration method

This International Standard specifies a distillation and titration method for the determination of ammonium in raw, potable and waste water.

Water quality -- Determination of mercury

This International Standard specifies two methods for the determination of mercury in water, for example in ground, surface and waste waters. In the method described in clause 4, tin(ll) chloride is used as reducing agent. In the method given in clause 5, sodium tetrahydroborate is used as reducing agent. The choice of the method depends on the equipment available and the matrix (see clause 3). Both methods are suitable for the determination of mercury in the concentration range from 0,l pg/I to 10 pg/l. Higher concentrations can be determined if the water sample is diluted.

Water quality -- Determination of dissolved oxygen -- Iodometric method

This International Standard specifies an iodometric method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water by the so-called "Winkler procedure" modified in order to make allowance for certain interferences. The iodometric method is the reference method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water. It is applicable to all types of water having dissolved oxygen concentrations greater than 0,2 mg/l, up to double saturation of oxygen (approximately 20 mg/l), which are free from interfering substances. Readily oxidizable organic substances such as tannins, humic acid and lignins, interfere. Oxidizable sulphur compounds such as sulphides and thiourea also interfere, as do actively respiring systems which readily consume oxygen. In the presence of such substances, it is preferable to use the electrochemical probe method specified in ISO 5814. Nitrites up to a concentration of 15 mg/l do not interfere with the determination because they are destroyed by the addition of sodium azide. If oxidizing or reducing substances are present, it is necessary to make modifications to the method ; these are described in clause 9. If suspended matter, capable of fixing or consuming iodine, is present, the method may be used with the modification described in the annex, but it is preferable to use the electrochemical probe method.

Water quality -- Determination of dissolved oxygen -- Electrochemical probe method

This International Standard specifies an electrochemical method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water by means of an electrochemical cell which is isolated from the sample by a gas permeable membrane. Measurement can be made either as a concentration of oxygen in milligrams per litre, percentage saturation (% dissolved oxygen) or both. The method measures oxygen in water corresponding to 1 % to 100 % saturation. However, most instruments permit measurement of values higher than 100 %, i.e. supersaturation. NOTE Supersaturation is possible when the partial pressure of oxygen is higher than in air. Especially when strong algal growth is present, supersaturation of up to 200 % and above can occur. The method measures oxygen in water with a saturation higher than 100 %, when special arrangements to prevent the outgassing of oxygen during the handling and measurement of the sample are made. The method is suitable for measurements made in the field and for continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen, as well as measurements made in the laboratory. It is the preferred method for highly coloured and turbid waters, and also for analysis of waters not suitable for the Winkler titration method because of iron- and iodine-fixing substances, which can interfere in the iodometric method specified in ISO 5813.[1] The method is suitable for drinking waters, natural waters, waste waters, and saline waters. If used for saline waters, such as sea or estuarine waters, a correction for salinity is essential.

Water quality -- Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after n days (BODn) -- Part 1: Dilution and seeding method with allylthiourea addition

This part of ISO 5815 specifies a determination of the biochemical oxygen demand of waters by dilution and seeding with suppression of nitrification. This part of ISO 5815 is applicable to all waters having biochemical oxygen demands greater than or equal to 3 mg/l of oxygen (the limit of determination) and not exceeding 6 000 mg/l of oxygen. For biochemical oxygen demands greater than 6 000 mg/l of oxygen, the method is still applicable, but the errors caused by the necessary dilutions can influence the analytical quality of the test method and the results are to be interpreted with circumspection. The results obtained are the product of a combination of biochemical and chemical reactions. They do not have the rigorous and unambiguous character of those resulting from, for example, a single, well-defined, chemical process. Nevertheless, they provide an indication from which the quality of waters can be estimated. The test can be influenced by the presence of various substances. Those which are toxic to microorganisms, for example bactericides, toxic metals or free chlorine, will inhibit biochemical oxidation. The presence of algae or nitrifying microorganisms can produce artificially high results. Annex A describes alternative incubation periods. Annex B describes multitesting, which can be used to obtain enhanced precision or to demonstrate the presence of substances toxic to microorganisms. Annex C provides precision data.

Water quality -- Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after n days (BODn) -- Part 2: Method for undiluted samples

This part of ISO 5815 specifies determination of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of waters of undiluted samples. It is applicable to all waters having biochemical oxygen demands greater than or equal to 0,5 mg/l of oxygen (the limit of determination) and not exceeding 6 mg/l of oxygen. The results obtained are the product of a combination of biochemical and chemical reactions. They do not have the rigorous and unambiguous character of those resulting from, for example, a single, well-defined, chemical process. Nevertheless, they provide an indication from which the quality of waters can be estimated. The test can be influenced by the presence of various substances. Those which are toxic to microorganisms, for example bactericides, toxic metals or free chlorine, inhibit biochemical oxidation. The presence of algae or nitrifying microorganisms can produce artificially high results. In these situations a modification of the method may be necessary. Annex A describes alternative incubation periods. Annex B describes procedures for modification of the method by addition of seeding material, salts, inhibition of nitrification by allylthiourea (ATU) addition, neutralization, homogenization and/or filtration. These modifications may be found necessary for specific evaluations of the water quality of receiving waters. Annex C provides precision data.

Cardiovascular implants - Cardiac valve prostheses

1.1 This International Standard is applicable to all devices intended for implantation in human hearts, as a heart valve substitute. 1.2 This International Standard is applicable to both newly developed and modified heart valve substitutes and to the accessory devices, packaging and labelling required for their implantation and for determining the appropriate size of heart valve substitute to be implanted. 1.3 This International Standard outlines an approach for qualifying the design and manufacture of a heart valve substitute through risk management. The selection of appropriate qualification tests and methods are derived from the risk assessment. The tests may include those to assess the physical, chemical, biological and mechanical properties of heart valve substitutes and of their materials and components. The tests may also include those for pre-clinical in vivo evaluation and clinical evaluation of the finished heart valve substitute. 1.4 This International Standard imposes design specifications and minimum performance specifications for heart valve substitutes where adequate scientific and/or clinical evidence exists for their justification. 1.5 This International Standard excludes heart valve substitutes designed for implantation in artificial hearts or heart assist devices. NOTE A rationale for the provisions of this International Standard is given in Annex A.

Laboratory glassware -- Straight-bore glass stopcocks for general purposes

This International Standard specifies requirements and dimensions for two series of glass straight-bore stopcocks for general-purpose use. The stopcocks are defined by their nominal (bore) diameter and large end diameter and length of the ground zone. It is recommended that, in national standards, only one of the series should be specified. NOTE — Annex A lists additional International Standards for other general-purpose laboratory glassware.

Enclosed-scale adjustable-range thermometers

This International Standard specifies requirements for enclosed-scale adjustable-range thermometers for measuring small temperature differences not exceeding 5 C (or, exceptionally, 6 °C) within the range - 20 °C to + 140 °C. The thermometers are unsuitable for measuring absolute temperatures unless they have been compared with standard instruments immediately before use.

Inorganic chemical products for industrial use -- General method for determination of chloride content -- Mercurimetric method

This International Standard specifies a general mercurimetric method for the determination of chloride content.

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Tracheostomy tubes - Part 1: Tubes and connectors for use in adults

This part of ISO 5366 specifies requirements for tracheostomy tubes made of plastics materials and/or rubber having inside diameters of or greater. Such tubes are primarily designed for patients who require anaesthesia, artificial ventilation or other respiratory support, but need not be restricted to these uses. This part of ISO 5366 is not applicable to specialized tubes, and does not address flammability of tracheostomy tubes.

Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment -- Tracheostomy tubes -- Part 3: Paediatric tracheostomy tubes

This part of ISO 5366 gives requirements for paediatric tracheostomy tubes made of plastics materials and/or rubber having inside diameters from to . Requirements for paediatric tracheostomy tube connectors and adaptors are also given. This part of ISO 5366 is not applicable to specialized tracheostomy tubes

Laboratory sintered (fritted) filters -- Porosity grading, classification and designation

This International Standard specifies a system of porosity grading, classifying and designating laboratory sintered (fritted) filters by the determination of pore size index. It is applicable to laboratory filters made of glass, vitreous silica, ceramics, metals and plastic materials. Test methods are included in annexes B and C for the determination of air permeability and uniformity of pore size, but these characteristics do not form part of the requirements of this International Standard.