
Title Document Number
Sector Years


Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 6: Wired patterned glass

This European Standard specifies dimensional and minimum quality requirements (in respect of optical and visual faults) for wired patterned glass, as defined in EN 572-1:2012, for use in building. This European Standard applies only to wired patterned glass supplied in rectangular panes and in stock sizes. EN 572-8 gives information on patterned wired glass in sizes other than those covered by this European Standard.

Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 7: Wired or unwired channel shaped glass

This European Standard specifies dimensional and minimum quality requirements (in respect of visual and wire faults) for channel shaped glass, as defined in EN 572-1:2012, for use in building. This European Standard covers channel shaped glass supplied in stock sizes and final cut sizes.

Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated Cables Of Rated Voltages Up To And Including 450/750 V – Part 1: General Requirements

This part of International Standard IEC 60227 applies to rigid and flexible cables with insulation, and sheath if any, based on polyvinyl chloride, of rated voltages Uo/U up to and including 450/750 V used in power installations of nominal voltage not exceeding 450/750 V a.c. NOTE For some types of flexible cables the term cord is used. The particular types of cables are specified in IEC 60227-3, IEC 60227-4, etc. The code designations of these types of cables are given in Annex A. The test methods specified in Parts 1, 3, 4, etc. are given in IEC 60227-2, IEC 60332-1-2 and in the relevant parts of IEC 6081


تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد الشروط الواجب توافرها في ثمار الخوخ المعدة للتسويق في حالة طازجة لغرض الاستهلاك المباشر او الاستعمال في الطبخ، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. وهي تتضمن تقييسها وتسويقها وضبط جودتها التجارية. لا تشتمل هذه المواصفة القياسية على الخوخ المعد للتصنيع.

Cream With Gelatin

تحدد هذه المواصفه القياسيه المتطلبات و الخصائص الواجب توافرها في الكريما بالجلاتين .

Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Chapter 461: Electric Cables

this standard overs terms and definitions used within the scope of TC 20 "Electric cables". This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1984, its Amendment 1 (1993) and its Amendment 2 (1999). This edition is a consolidated version of the first edition and its Amendments 1 and 2. Therefore the order of the terms are given in their historical order. A renumbering and addition or deletion of terms is proposed for the next maintenance cycle.

Admixtures For Concrete

La présente norme a pour objet de définir et de fixer les spécifications et les critères de conformité pour les adjuvants utilisés dans le béton. La présente norme s'applique aux adjuvants pour bétons non armés, armés et précontraints utilisés dans les bétons fabriqués sur chantier, prêts à l'emploi et préfabriqués. Dans cette norme, les exigences de performance s'appliquent aux adjuvants utilisés dans un béton de consistance normale. Elles peuvent ne pas être applicables aux adjuvants destinés à d'autres types de béton tels que des bétons à consistance terre humide. Une définition des adjuvants multifonctions est donnée, mais les exigences concernant ces adjuvants n'ont pas été préparées. Les dispositions qui régissent l'utilisation pratique des adjuvants dans la production de béton, tels que les spécifications relatives à la composition, au malaxage, aux conditions de mise en oeuvre, à la cure, etc., du béton adjuvanté, ne sont pas traitées par la présente norme. Les adjuvants ne doivent pas modifier de façon significative le retrait ou l’expansion du béton durci.

Concrete : Performance, Production, placement and compliance criteria

La présente norme s’applique au béton fabriqué sur chantier, béton prêt à l’emploi et au béton produit en usine d’éléments préfabriqués. Cette norme s’applique aux structures ou éléments de structures, coulés sur chantier ou préfabriqués. Elle s’applique au béton non armé, armé et précontraint destiné à la construction de bâtiments, d’ouvrages de génie civil et de leurs éléments. La norme ne s’applique pas à certains produits comme les blocs, les pavés, les tuyaux, ni aux coulis de ciment, etc. Des conditions supplémentaires ou parfois différentes peuvent être nécessaires : - Pour la réalisation des structures particulières telles que ponts, barrages, plate-forme offshore et chaussées - Pour faire appel particulières (par exemple:méthodes de fabrications) ou techniques d’avant-garde lors de l’exécution d’une construction à de nouveau matériaux constitutifs ou à des technologies Dans tous les cas, les mesures prises doivent être appropriées et ne doivent pas contredire les exigences concernant la sécurité et la durabilité de la structure. La présente norme s’applique uniquement aux bétons à structure fermée, confectionnés avec des granulats normaux élaborés et compactés de telle sorte que la quantité d’air occlus, autre que l’air entraîné, conformément à l’article 7.2.2, resté faible. Les règles énoncées dans cette norme peuvent aussi s’appliquer, en principe, au béton lourd (voir 3.8) avec des granulats naturels et aux bétons légers (voir 3.7) avec des granulats naturels ou artificiels suivant les cas. Toutefois, dans ce cas, elles peuvent être accompagnées de considérations particulières.

Piezometric Measurement

Le présent document s'applique à la détermination du niveau d'eau dans un tube piézometrique mis à l'atmosphère et placé dans un terrain dont la perméabilité globale estimée est supérieure ou égale à 1 x 10-7 m/s.

Geo-technical Study (Investigation)

La norme s'applique à la définition et au contenu des études géotechniques et aux reconnaissances de sols pour les ouvrages de bâtiment et d'infrastructures.

Foundations Design Calculations

Les présentes règles sont applicables aux types de fondation suivants: - Fondations superficielles (semelles isolées et filantes, fondations massives peu profondes, radier); - Fondations semi-profondes (puits ou “pieux” courts); Elles excluent les fondations profondes (pieux et autres techniques assimilées) qui seront traitées dans un autre document. Ces trois types de fondation se distinguent les uns des autres par leur “encastrement relatif” c’est à dire par le rapport de la profondeur d’encastrement de la fondation dans le sol “D” à sa largeur “B”: D/B. A titre indicatif, on peut prendre les limites suivantes: • Fondations superficielles: D/B < 1.5 • Fondations semi profondes: 1.5 < D/B < 5 • Fondations profondes: D/B > 5

Reinforced Concrete Workmanship: Execution

Les présentes recommandations définissent les conditions d’exécution des ouvrages non provisoires de structures en béton, en béton de granulats courants conçus selon des règles de conception et de calcul classiques en vigueur. Elles visent des ouvrages coulés en place sur le chantier, mais certaines pièces traditionnelles peuvent être fabriquées sur le chantier ou en usine. Les ouvrages sont réalisés dans les conditions climatiques au Liban.

Heavy Works for Roof Construction

1- The superposition or juxtaposition of heavy aggregate concretes (or mortars) and light or very light aggregate concretes (or mortars) in a single form is not permitted. 2- The use of a mineral-based concrete fall form is permitted only if a waterproof support is set in independently. 3- If there is underfloor heating, fall forms made from light or very light concrete must not be used. This system is no longer allowed if a high degree of thermal insulation is required (freezer rooms or electrically heated areas). 5- The use of light or very light aggregate for pre-fabricated segmented fall forms laid on insulating panels is forbidden. 6- As these forms are likely to retain a large amount of the water used during construction, or rainwater, before waterproof cladding is provided, it is essential to take all possible precautions to drain them .

Damp-Proofing Of Roofs And Floors

This document lays down conditions for the application of waterproofing systems to flat roof structures with a maximum gradient of 5% resting on masonry load bearing elements.

Aggregates : Alkali Reaction

Un grand nombre de pays à travers le monde ont été et sont toujours confrontés aux désordres provoqués dans les bétons par la présence d'Alcalins ayant réagi avec certains composants du béton. Dans l'état actuel de la recherche, il n'existe aucune méthode pour arrêter le développement de l'ALCALI-REACTION. Seule une démarche de QUALITE peut constituer une PREVENTION pour tous les intervenants, maîtres d'ouvrages, bureau d'ingénieurs, entreprises de construction et producteurs de matériaux. Le LIBAN peut aujourd'hui bénéficier des recherches conduites dans ce domaine et à son tour, éditer une RECOMMANDATION TECHNIQUE s'appuyant sur les règles de prévention maintenant bien établies notamment par la France, les pays Européens et les ETATS UNIS.

Foundation Systems

Le présent document s'applique à l'essai de pénétration statique réalisé dans tous les sols fins et les sols grenus dont la dimension moyenne des éléments ne dépasse pas 20 mm.

Excavation And Underground Drains

Le creusement de fouilles en tranchées, exécutées pour certains travaux de fondations d'immeubles et surtout pour la pose ou la réparation de canalisations (adduction d'eau, d'électricité, évacuation des eaux vannes et des eaux de ruissellement), expose les travailleurs à de nombreux risques. L'éboulement est le risque le plus fréquent et le plus grave qui peut se présenter au cours de l'exécution des travaux. De nombreux accidents se produisent encore fréquemment. Ils sont, en général, très graves et parfois mortels. Mais ce risque d'éboulement n'est pas le seul. C'est ainsi qu'une pelle de terrassement, mal utilisée ou mal adaptée, peut provoquer des accidents par renversement, coincement ou chute de la charge transportée. Enfin le sol peut receler soit des installations soit des objets qui, s'ils sont heurtés par le godet de la pelle, sont susceptibles d'engendrer des électrocutions, des explosions ou des asphyxies. Les travaux de fouilles en tranchées doivent donc être préparés à l'avance, précédés d'une reconnaissance des lieux et des sols, et confiés à des chefs expérimentés et à des ouvriers qualifiés. Ce guide de caractère essentiellement pratique, a été rédigé à l'intention de toute personne qui, dans une entreprise, s'intéresse à ces activités (directeurs des travaux, chefs de chantiers,…). Le respect des recommandations qu'il contient permettra de les réaliser avec le maximum de sécurité. A noter que les problèmes posés par le creusement de tranchées de grandes dimensions, telles que celles réalisées pour la construction du métro ou des grands émissaires, nécessitant la mise en œuvre de procédés de soutènement plus élaborés, ne sont pas abordés dans le présent document. Il en est de même en ce qui concerne l'exécution des travaux de nature très diverse qui peuvent être exécutés au fond des fouilles.

Guide to the thermal insulation and summer comfort of buildings in Lebanon

Although people are capable of acclimatising to many different environments, there are certain conditions under which a feeling of well-being is experienced. This is called the comfort zone, in which the human body is in thermal equilibrium whatever the atmospheric conditions. It is not possible to define the exact limits of this zone, since numerous factors have an influence on the sensations. These factors include clothing, gender, constitution, health, nutrition, age, season, type of work, lighting, noise, odours, contact with the environment, etc. Psychological parameters also have a role to play. In spite of these various external influences, it is nevertheless possible, under certain conditions, to define average values which characterise the comfort zone. Setting aside activity and clothing, four main factors determine the quality of the environment:- the temperature of the air, the mean temperature of surfaces, the humidity level and movements of ambient air.

Construction Site Safety

By far the majority of accidents at work occur in the building and public works sector. Almost two-thirds of these could be avoided by considering the problem of safety on building sites from the moment work begins, and applying general preventive measures in architectural and technical decisions, as well as in the organisation and planning of construction work. Hence, European directive No. 92-57 of 24 June 1992 sets out rules for the contractor, some of which carry criminal penalties. Prevention is therefore the concern of everyone involved in construction, from the contractor himself to the worker on site. This practical guide is aimed at all these players. It sets out recommendations and is concerned only with technical planning. The accident prevention manager is responsible for drawing inspiration from this standard and adapting it to the special conditions of the site. The final aim is to ensure safety. For management problems and legal matters, refer to the Works Code and the various official texts in force. Decree No. 7380 of 22/05/1967, which relates to safety and protection on building sites, is given in the annex.

Whole And Ground Black Pepper

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الفلفل الأسود الكامل والمطحون.

Ultra High Temperature Treated Milk

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الحليب المعامل بطريقة UHT الحرارة الفوعالية المعد للإستهلاك البشري.

Information Technology: A Definition Of Year 2000 Conformity Requirements

this standard addresses what is commonly known as year 2000 conformity (also sometimes known as century or millennium compliance).it provides a definition of this expression and requirements that must be satisfied in equipment and products which use dates and times.

Labneh (Drained Yogurt)

تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في اللبنة بجميع أصنافھا الواردة أدناه.

Raw Milk

تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في الحليب النّيئ غير المعالج والملائم للاستھلاك البشري

Pasteurized Milk

تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في الحليب الطازج المبستر المعد للإستھلاك البشري .المبستر وھي تعنى بثلاث فئات معروفة من الحليب: الحليب الكامل الدسم، والمنزوع الدسم كليا والمنزوع الدسم جزئيا

Sterilized Milk

تحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في الحليب الطازج المعقـمّ والمعد للإستھلاك البشري وھي تعنى بثلاث فئات معروفة من الحليب المعقم : الحليب المعقم الكامل الدسم، والمنزوع الدسم جزئيا والمنزوع الدسم كليا

Flavored Milk

اتحدد ھذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرھا في الحليب المنكه الكامل الدسم و المنزوع الدسم جزئيا او كليا

Tungsten Filament lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes: Performance Requirements

This international standard applies to tungsten filament incandescent lamps for general lighting service (GLS)which comply with the safety requirements in IEC 432-1 and having : - rated wattage of 25 W to 200 W , inclusive : -rated voltage 100 v to 250 v , including marked voltage range not exceeding ( + or _ ) 2.5 % of the mean voltage 1); - bulbs of the A or PS shapes ; - bulbs with a clear , frosted or equivalently coated finishes , or white finishes ; - caps B22d , E26 or E27. Specific lamp types are covered in section 8 . This standard states the performance requirements for lamps , including test methods and means of confirming compliane with the requirements , whole production This international standard applies to tungsten filament incandescent lamps for general lighting service (GLS)which comply with the safety requirements in IEC 432-1 and having: - rated wattage of 25 W to 200 W, inclusive: -rated voltage 100 v to 250 v , including marked voltage range not exceeding ( + or _ ) 2.5 % of the mean voltage 1); - bulbs of the A or PS shapes; - bulbs with a clear , frosted or equivalently coated finishes , or white finishes ; - caps B22d , E26 or E27. Specific lamp types are covered in section 8. This standard states the performance requirements for lamps, including test methods and means of confirming compliane with the requirements , whole production appraisal methds regarding a lamp manufactuer’s test record on finished products are defined. This method can be applied for certification purposes . details of a batch test procedure, which can be used to make an assessment of specific batches, are included, but it is not suitable for certification purposes. NOTES : 1 a lamp used in china having a rated wattage 15 w and rated voltage 220 v is included. 2 separate references are made to E26/24 caps used in north America and E26/25 caps used in japan . the two are

Safety Specifications for Incandescent Lamps – Part 1: Tungsten Filament Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes

This standard specifies the safety and interchangeability requirements of tungsten filament incandescent lamps for general lighting service having: - Rated wattage up to and including 200 W; - Rated voltage of 50 v to 250 v inclusive; - Bulbs of the A,B,C,M,P,PS,PAR or R shapes*, or other bub shape where the lumps are intended to serve the same purpose as lapms with the foregoing bulb shapes; - Bulbs with all kinds finishes; - - caps B15d , B22d , E12 , E14 , E17 , E17 , E26 ** , E26d , E26/50*39 , E27/51*39. This standard specifies the method a manufacturer should use to show that his product conforms to this standard on the basis of whole production appraisal in association with his test records on finished products . this methd can also be applied for certifiatin purposes. Details of a batch test procedure which can be used to make limited assessment of batches are also given. Requirements for batch testing are inclided in order to enable the assessment of batches presumed to contain unsafe lamps , as some safety requirements cannot be checked by batch testing and as there may be no previous knowledge of the manufacturer’s quality , batch testing cannot be used for certification purpose nor in any way for an approval of the batch . where a batch is found to be acceptable. a testing agency may onlu conclude that there is no reason to reject the batch on safety grounds. This standard is concerned with safety criteria only and does not take into account the performance of tungsten filament lamps with respect to luminous flux , life or power consumption characteristics . readers should refer to IEC 64 for such characteristics with respect to types normally used for general lighting service. See IEC 887 for description of the letter symbols. Associated traditional names are: -pear shape =A.PS -mushroom =M -candle =B.C( in north America) -round bulb =P -globular =G -reflector =R Parabolic reflector =PAR There are two variation of E26 caps which are not fully compatible . in this standard separate references are made to E26/24 caps used in north and E26/25 caps used in japan.

Safety Specifications for Incandescent Lamps – Part 2: Tungsten Halogen Lamps for Domestic and Similar General Lighting Purposes

This part of IEC 432 specifies the safety and the related interchangeability requirements of tungsten halogen lamps for general lighting service. It covers those tungsten halogen lamps that are used as direct replacements for conventional tungsten filament lamps as well as new tungsten halogen lamps which have no correspondence in IEC 432-1, but fr wich the safety and interchangeability requirements are treated by this standard in conjunction with IEC 432-1 . these tungsten halogen lamps have following charasteristics: -rated wattage up to and including 250 W; -rated volatage of 50 V to 250 v inclusive; -outer envelopes with various finishes and bulb shapes as designated in IEC 887; - caps B15d , B22d, E12 ,E14 ,E17 ,E26 , E26 d , E26/50*39 , E27 , or E27/51*39 ; -B15d capped lamps, without outer envelope NOTES 1 there is no implication that a tungsten halogen lamp used as a substitute for an incandescent tungsten filament lamp would use the same bulbs shape as the original incandescent lamp. 2 there are two wariations of E26 caps which are not fully compatible, E26/24 caps are used north America and E26/25 caps used in Japan. This standard is intended to be read in conjuction with those sections of IEC 432-1 to which reference is made.requirements are treated by this standard in conjunction with IEC 432-1. these tungsten halogen lamps have following charasteristics : -rated wattage up to and including 250 W; -rated volatage of 50 V to 250 v inclusive ; -outer envelopes with various finishes and bulb shapes as designated in IEC 887; - caps B15d , B22d, E12 ,E14 ,E17 ,E26 , E26 d , E26/50*39 , E27 , or E27/51*39 ; -B15d capped lamps , without outer envelope NOTES 1 there is no implication that a tungsten halogen lamp used as a substitute for an incandescent tungsten filament lamp would use the same bulbs shape as the original in

Ceramic floor and wall tiles: Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking

This standard gives definition, classification, characteristics and marking requirements for ceramic tiles fenerally used for floor and wall surface. Ceramic tiles also include mosaics, factory slabs, pavers and components for swimming pools, as well as the corresponding accesoires, (edge, corner and skirting tiles and beads and other pieces). This standard applies to tiles of the best commercial quality ( first quality ) unless otherwise specified in the relevant product standard.

Ceramic tiles: Determination of dimensions and surface quality

La presente norme europeene definit des methods pour determiner les caracterisiques dimensionnelles (longueur, larguer, epaisseur, rectitude des aretes, angularite, planeite) et l aspect de surface de tous les carreaux ceremiques. Les carreaux ayant une surface inferieure a 4 cm2 ne sont pas soumis aux mesures de longueur, de largeur, de rectitude des arête, d’angularite et de planeite . Les tetons d’espacement, les bavures d email et autres irregularities des cotes ne doivent pas etre pris en consideration pour le mesurage de la longueur, de la largeur, de la rectitude des arêtes et de l angularite si ceux – ci sont ulterieurement caches dans les joints apresla pose.

Ceramic tiles: Determination of water absorption

This European standard defines a method of test for detrmining the water absorbtion of all ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles: Determination of modulus of rupture

This European Standard defines a method of test for determining the modulus of rupture of all ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tiles - Determination of scratch hardness of surface according to Mohs.

This European standard defines a method of test for determining the scratch hardness of the surface of all ceramic tiles.

Tungsten Halogen Lamps (Non-Vehicle)

This standard specifies dimensions and characteristics of tungsten halogen lamps. the standard has been divided into sections according to the following lamp application: PROJECTION PHOTOGRAPHIC including photo) FLOODLIGHTING SPECIAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE STAGE LIGHTING Lamps for automobile, aircraft and similar application are not covered by this standard. NOTE – projection lamps include those used for cinematograph and still projection application. The specific requirements for tublar low – pressure tungsten halogen lamps are given in clause 9. The requirements for lamp caps are given in IEC publication 61-1. For the purpose of this standard the dollowing voltage designation apply: Voltage designation range of supply voltage A <50v B

Interior Flat Emulsion Paints (White And Tints)

This specification covers paints for application on interior surfaces such as masonry, concrete, plaster, gypsum board.

Emulsion Sealer

This specification covers materials for application on masonry, plastered, gypsum and concrete interior surfaces. The sealer shall be of an emulsion type and as specified

Textured Coating For Interior And Exterior Surfaces (White And Tints)

This specification covers emulsion coating having a textured finish for application on formed concrete, concrete, concrete block, stucco, brick and masonry. The coating shall be specified for interior and exterior surfaces .

Enamel Alkyd Gloss (White and Tints)

This specification covers an alkyd gloss enamel suitable for use on primed exterior and interior wood and metal surfaces. Gloss enamel covered by this specification shall be specified for general use as a decorative and protective alkyd base paint.


تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد الشروط الواجب توافرها في ثمار الكرز المعدة للتسويق في حالة طازجة لغرض الاستهلاك المباشر او الاستعمال في الطبخ، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. وهي تتضمن تقييسها وتسويقها وضبط جودتها التجارية. لا تشتمل هذه المواصفة القياسية على الكرز المعد للتصنيع.


تهدف هذه المواصفة القياسية الى تحديد الشروط الواجب توافرها في ثمار المشمش المعدة للتسويق في حالة طازجة لغرض الاستهلاك المباشر أو الاستعمال في الطبخ، وذلك عند مرحلة التوزيع بعد التهيئة والتوضيب. وهي تتضمن تقييسها وتسويقها وضبط جودتها التجارية. لا تشتمل هذه المواصفة القياسية على المشمش المعد للتصنيع.

Fruits And Vegetables: Sampling Methods And Quality Control

تهدف هذه الموصفه القياسيه الى ارساء القواعد العامه التي يجب اعتمادها في اخذ العينات من الخضار والفواكه الطازجه وضبط جودتها التجاريه.

Insulated Cords and Cables – Designation and Marking System

Le present document concerne un system de designation et de marquage des types des conducteurs et cables d energie isoles

Insulated Cords and Cables – Color Identification of Cords and Insulated Conductors of Sheathed Cables for a Nominal Voltage up to U0/U = 0,6/1 kV

This standard covers all kinds of rigid and flexible cords as well as all insulated conductors( cores ) constitutive of rigid and flexible cables used for fixed installation or feeding cables for fixed or mobole utilization apparatus and for a nominal voltage up to U0/u=0.6/1 kv ( Um=1.2 kv). It is not applicable to all cords and cables used in the internal wiring of utilization apparatus or factory assembled units.

Insulated Cords and Cables – Calculation of the Lower and Upper Limits for the Average Outer Dimensions of Cables with Circular Copper Conductors and of Rated Voltages up to and Including 450/750 V

his international Standard specifies a method for calculation of the lower and upper limits for the average outer diameter of cables and the outer dimensions of flat cords with circular copper conductors and of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V. This standard is not applicable to mineral insulted cables. The method shall not be used to calculate the diameter over the core assembly for determining the sheath thickness; the method given in Appendix A of IEC 502 shall be used for this purpose. NOTES 1 it is stressed that the conductor diameters given in the tables are intended only for use in this standard as a basis calculation and are not intended for verification by measurement. 2 The factors given in 2.5 and 3.1 of this standard may be varied in preparing standards for cables in which the number of cores, the hardness of the insulation, precise positioning of the conductors or their factors may affect the dimensional tolerances permissible.

Insulated Cords and Cables – Conductors of Insulated Cables

This standard specifies the standardized nominal cross-sectional areas from 0.5 mm2 to 2000 mm2, as well as numbers and diamteres of wires and resistance values for cnductors in electric cables and flexible cords. It does not apply to conductors for telecommunication purposes, and it applies to conductors of special design only when stated in the specification for the type of cable. conductors of special design are, for example, conductors for pressure cables, conductors in extra-flexible welding cables or in special types of flexible cables having the cores twisted together with unusually short lays.

Electrical Accessories – Circuit-Breakers for Over current Protection for Household and Similar Installations

Applies to a.c. air-break circuit-breakers for operation at 50Hz, 60Hz, or 50/60Hz, with a rated voltage not exceeding 440V (between phases), a rated current not exceeding 125A and a rated short-circuit capacity not exceeding 25,000A. They are intended for the protection against overcurrents of wiring installations of buildings and similar applications; they are designed for use by uninstructed people and for not being maintained.

Tahineh (Sesame Paste)

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في الطحينة. كما تشمل شروط التعبئة والتخزين والنقل.

Gouda Cheese

تحدد هذه المواصفة القياسية المتطلبات والخصائص الواجب توافرها في جبن الجودا المعد للاستهلاك البشري المباشر أو للاستعمال في الصناعات التحويلية الغذائية المختلفة.